Saturday, March 2, 2019

Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture

Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture by Bernard M. Bass , Bruce J. Avolio The organizations culture develops in large part from its leadershiphip speckle the culture of an organization can also affect the development of its leadership. For example, transactional leaders work within their organizational cultures following existing rules, procedures, and norms transformational leaders dislodge their culture by first understanding it and then realigning the organizations culture with a new vision and a revision of its shared assumptions, values, and norms (Bass, 1985).Effective organizations read both tactical and strategic thinking as well as culture kinding by its leaders. Strategic thinking helps to create and demonstrate the vision of an agencys future. The vision can emerge and move forward as the leader constructs a culture that is dedicated to supporting that vision. The culture is the prospect within which the vision takes hold. In turn, the vision may also go under the characteristics of the organizations culture.Transformational leaders have been characterized by four separate components or characteristics denoted as the 4 Is of transformational leadership (Avolio, Waldman, and Yammarino (1991). These four factors include idealized influence, inspirational motivation, expert stimulation, and individualized consideration. Transformational leaders integrate creative insight, persistence and energy, intuition and aesthesia to the needs of others to forge the strategy-culture alloy for their organizations. In contrast, transactional leaders are characterized by contingent reward and management-by-exception styles of leadership.Essentially, transactional leaders develop ex potpourris or agreements with their following, pointing out what the chase will receive if they do something right as well as wrong. They work within the existing culture, framing their decisions and action based on the operative norms and procedures characteri zing their respective organizations. In a highly innovative and square(a) organizational culture we are likely to see transformational leaders who build on assumptions such as people are trustworthy and resolute everyone has a unique contribution to make and complex problems are handled at the lowest level possible.Leaders who build such cultures and articulate them to followers typically exhibit a sense of vision and purpose. They align others about the vision and empower others to take greater state for achieving the vision. Such leaders facilitate and teach followers. They foster a culture of creative change and growth rather than one which maintains the status quo. They take personal responsibility for the development of their followers. Their followers operate under the assumption that all organizational members should be developed to their full potential.

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