Wednesday, January 30, 2019
War on Drugs Essays -- Illegal Drugs Narcotics essays research papers
Throughout history drugs have been nothing but a social problem, a burden per say. From Edgar Allen Poe smoking opium in an attempt to influence his poetry more creative, to Vietnam soldiers coming back from the fight addicted to heroin. Narcotics was not a serious issue at the time, only a petty(a) hand full of lot were actu eithery doing the drugs, and they were just simply looked carry out upon. It was not until the late nineteen sixties when recreational drug determination became fashionable among young, white, middle class American citizens, that the United States Government mystify its foot down. ( They started slowly ,developing agencies analogous the (BNDD) Bureau of Narcotics and hazardous Drugs, which was founded in 1968 by the Linden Johnson administration. Congress also started passing laws like the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act in 1970.It was not until June 17, 1971 when the war on drugs truly began.At a take conference in the Whit e House, President Richard J. Nixon officially declared war on drugs. He stated, drug abuse is public foeman, number one and only(a) in the United States.He also announced the creation of (SAODAP) spare Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. Three years afterwards on August 9, 1974, President Nixon resigns, but not before commencement ceremony appearance one the greatest assets for the war on drugs, the (DEA) Drug Enforcement Agency. Established in July of 1973, this super agency ( consisted of agents from the CIA, Customs and ODALE. This agency was designed to handle all aspects of the drug problem in America and would be headed Myles Ambrose.Throughout the first years of the program the DEA was established their main focus was to stop the flowing of marijuana from Mexico to America. Around the mid seventies the enemy face began to change, the enemy was now cocaine and it was coming from the country of Colombia. On November 22, 1975 the Colombian law of nature sei zed over 600 kilos of cocaine from a small rag at the Cali Airport. The plane was believed to be headed to Miami, Florida. The amount of cocaine that was seized that day was the largest cocaine bust to date.The DEA, on with former(a) agencies, are still fighting cocaine and many otherdrugs to this day. One of the reasons the war on drugs is lasting so long is because of the damage the war on drugs is a very expense war. In the past, the organisation has spent arou... ...m heroin addiction. Psychiatrist Dr. Robert DuPont is a pioneer doctor in drug abuse treatment, he perfumed studies in Washington D.C. in 1969 of heroin addicts, and then convinced the mayor to allow him to provide repairer to the heroin addicts this resulted in the citys crime rate dropping. The make up of addiction can be devastating to the person and the persons family.People trade in their cars clothing and shelter just to reap a fix for their addiction.The cost of rehabilitation is outrageous, unless yo u are attending a free one it can cost up to 1000 dollars a weak.thither are many programs out in the public today for soul purpose of keeping people clean, off drugs. Programs such as Betty Ford, D.A.R.E, and many more are set up to keep people from drug abuse. In the end the war on drugs is not a war to be won or lost, its with in the people, quite a if they want to do drugs or not. The importation of illicit substances into the United States is an impossibility. Theres over 2,000 miles of border along the Mexican border and the coastal areas, thousands of miles there is no possible way to stop the importation of drugs into this country.
BACHELOR OF duty ADMINISTRATION (NEW political platform ACCORDING TO CATALOGUE 2005 2006) NAME ID Tel P. O. Box E-mail MAJOR REQUIREMENTS CR CORE BUSINESS COURSES ACCT 210 CONCENTRATION 3 kiss 200 osculate 211 ACCOUNTING CR 3 3 ACCT 215 ACCT 217 to ACCT 250 3 ACCT 217 to ACCT 250 3 2 ACCT 217 to ACCT 250 3 BUSS 230 3 ACCT 217 to ACCT 250 3 BUSS 239 0 0 Any channel elective constitutional Crs 3 15 BUSS 240 BUSS 245 1 BIDS CR BUSS 248 0 information 205 3 BUSS 249 3 DCSN 205 3 DCSN 200 3 INFO 210 to INFO 250 6 FINA 210 INFO 200 MKTG 210 3 or DCSN 210 TO DCSN 250 6 3 Any business elective 3 MNGT 215 3 33 CR Total Crs ENTREPRENEURSHIP 15 CR ENTM 220 TO ENTM 250 3 15 ENTM 220 TO ENTM 250 3 48 ENTM 220 TO ENTM 250 3 ENTM 220 TO ENTM 250 3 Total Crs. GENERIC CONCENTRATION ACCT 217 TO MNGT 250 Total Crs. A student can hire to graduate with a maximum of 2 concentrations Any business elective REQUIREMENTS FROM OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 3 15 CR ECON 211 3 Total Crs FINANCE ECON 212 3 FINA 215 to FINA 250 3 ENGLISH 208 3 FINA 215 to FINA 250 3 nonappointive (200 &038 above) FOR ARTS STUDENTS MATH 203 3 FINA 215 to FINA 250 3 FINA 215 to FINA 250 3 FOR SCIENCES STUDENTS MATH 204 3 MATH 204 CMPS 209 3 CMPS 209 ELECTIVE (200 &038 above) 3 Students cannot choose EDUC 219, EDUC 227, ECON 213, STAT 201, STAT 210, STAT 234, ITEC 242, PSPA 275 as free non-business electives UNIVERSITY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3 Arabic a ARABIC a Any business elective 3 Total Crs oversight 15 CR MNGT 220 TO MNGT 250 3 MNGT 220 TO MNGT 250 3 MNGT 220 TO MNGT 250 3 3 MNGT 220 TO MNGT 250 3 3 Any business elective 3SEQ Id CVSP 201 or 202 or 205 or any 207 (A,B,C,) 3 SEQ IIe CVSP 203 or 204 or 206 or any 208 (A,B,C,) public I from Civilization Sequence, Arabic, English, History or Philosophy 3 Total Crs MARKETING 15 CR 3 MKTG 222 3 HUMANITY II from Civilization Sequence, Arabic, English, History or Philosophy 3 ENGL 203b ENGL 204 ENGL 204c ELECTIVE (200 &038 above) MKTG 240 both more fr om CVSP 201-208 or the selection of two approved humanities courses as listed in the aub catalogue 2005-2006 Total Crs. TOTAL CREDITS NEEDED FOR beginning 42 90 3 MKTG 215 to MKTG 250 3 MKTG 215 to MKTG 250 3 Any business elective Total Crs 3 15 IF EXEMPTED FROM ARABIC, ONE ADDITIONAL ELECTIVE COURSE IS REQUIRED ARABIC 213, 214, 217&038 218 ARE EXCLUDED b IF EXEMPTED FROM ENGL 203, STUDENTS MUST conduce ENGL 204. c IF EXEMPTED FROM ENGL 204, ONE ELECTIVE COURSE FROM OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IS REQUIRED. d STUDENTS WHO ELECT CVSP 205 MAY NOT put down IN CVSP 201 OR 202 OR VICE VERSA. e STUDENTS WHO ELECT CVSP 206 MAY NOT ENROLL IN CVSP 203 OR 204 OR VICE VERSA. 18-Aug-05
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Current Applications Of Software Agents Essay
If you submit make a purchase at Amazon, you would gain noticed that as soon as you complete your purchase procedures, Amazon presents you with a itemization of books that customers who purchased the same item as you did also bought along with this item. During your next visit, you lead rise up a list of books that be similar to the iodins you purchased previously that you capacity be interested in buying. Another popular site eBay displays a list of similar products that other customers who did the same essay looked at. The above dickens sites are ex angstromles of two ways of implementing packet genes.A package agent is a data processor program that is capable of intelligently and autonomously executing a given task ground on the instructions reserved by the user. It fundamentally operates on behalf of its owner. The goal of a software agent is to maximize the owners interests which it does by maximizing a particular utility function. just about software agents gutter learn from experience and adapt themselves based on the feedback obtained from the environment thus making it an autonomous process with no human beings intervention. A multi-agent system involves multiple software product agents are ideally suited for a wide variety of uses, in particular, process and workflow automation, electronic commerce, distributed problem solving and Internet screenings (Acronymics, Inc. 2004). Some application ex axerophtholles embarrass agent-based write out chain heed, personal or user agents, e-business systems, e-market, e-banking, and e-investments, etc. mathematical product focus in the retail industry is one area of application of the software agent. Merchandise management involves selection of desirable trade in, disposal of slow-selling ones and orderliness and distributing them suitably.The competition is fierce with the eCommerce making it even more(prenominal) difficult ascribable to diverse customer preferen ces low merchant loyalty. The only way to tractor trailer this problem is by understanding the changes in customer demands quickly and responding appropriately through and through merchandise management. However, due to the sheer number of merchandise and brands, managing merchandise effectively becomes an impossible task. This is where software agents are processful by actualizeing the merchandise managers jobs autonomously, continuously and efficiently.These software agents help in evaluating and selecting merchandise and predicting seasons and expression purchase schedules autonomously. An effective merchandise management helps reduce the inventory train while increasing sales and profits. (Jae Heon, P. , Sang Chan P. 2003) Rob Meijer describes the following moneymaking(prenominal) applications in his obligate 1. Watcher agents These autonomously look for the specified nurture and run personalized versions based on the end-users preferences, an example is personalized v ersions of impertinentlys showpapers.To set out a personalized paper, a user must first provide with relevant personal information, preferences, and special interests. The agent then provides personalized sensitives based on these details. With each visit, the agent improves and provides personalized newspaper without very much human intervention. Fishwrap (MIT) and Newshound are examples of Watcher agents. (Meijer, R. 2005) 2. Learning agents Based on the air of their user, they crapper learn to tailor their performance. Examples of the same are Firefly, Similarities locomotive, WegHunter, Open Sesame, and InterAp.Similarities Engine was a Web-based music recommending system that worked similar to Amazons recommedations of new books the technology has now been purchased by Microsoft. (Meijer, R. 2005) 3. Shopping agents These agents are capable of canvas and finding the best price for an item. BargainFinder is an example of Shopping agents that searches the inventory of vendors on the internet to find the lowest prices on the desired product luck you save both time and money. (Meijer, R. 2005) 4.Information convalescence agents These agents search for information intelligently and are capable of summarizing the information as well. Netsumm is an example that can provide an abstract of the most important sentences of a web page. (Meijer, R. 2005) The profound Software Agents Lab (The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University) has created an information retrieval agent for Aircraft Maintenance. Considering the inquiring of relevant information along with time constraints, the mechanics are provided with wearable computers based on RETSINA infrastructure.When a discrepancy is encountered, all he unavoidably to do is fill out a form on his computer and the agents would seek relevant information. The advantages of wearable computers with agents include automatic location and retrieval of information relevant to repairs, utilization of histor ical repair data, increased ability of access to information from manuals, and reduction in average time for repair. The boilers suit result is timely, quality maintenance. (The intelligent Software Agents Lab, 2001-2009)Another example on their site is WebMate which is a personal digital assistant that provides URL recommendations based on a continuously updated user profile offers ever more relevant web documents based on the Trigger Pairs Model draw near to keyword refinement responds to user feedback by selecting features from documents the user finds relevant and incorporating these features into the context of new queries compiles a daily personal newspaper with links to documents of interest to the user. (The Intelligent Software Agents Lab, 2001-2009)5. Helper agents These are generally used for net income management and standard maintenance functions. LANAlert is an example of Helper agent. (Meijer, R. 2005) Agents can also help automate the bargaining process i. e. based on the user preferences, products and work along with related conditions (like warranty and delivery time) can be made flexible to meet the clients expectations. (Gerding, E. H. 2004) Google AdWords is an example of such an agent. On typing search keywords, it provides recommendations to users as sponsored links.First of all, there are confine ads that can be displayed on a search result page. The ads are displayed only on certain keywords selected by the advertiser. Also, since limited ads are there and also the order of displaying the ads (from top to bottom) makes a difference, advertisers substantiate to compete for these spaces. This is make by choosing the best keywords based on the information provided by Google regarding search counts and setting an upper limit on the amount that you would pay if you have a visitor. The advertiser with the highest bid wins in this case.Gary Anthes provides the examples of the following companies who have been lucky in utilizing software agents for complex processes Procter & Gample Co. (P&G) used software agents to convert their supply chain management into a supply network connecting to 5 billion consumers in 140 countries saving $300 one million million annually. (Anthes, G. 2003) Southwest Airlines Co. honed political machinego routing using software agents. For Air Liquide America LP, software agents helped reduce both production and distribution be. (Anthes, G. 2003) Software agents helped Merck & Co.find more efficient ways to distribute anti-HIV drugs in Zimbabwe. (Anthes, G. 2003) Simulation of emptor preferences using software agents helped Ford Motor Co. come up with car options that optimized the trade-offs between production costs and customer demands. (Anthes, G. 2003) Software agents helped Edison Chouest Offshore LLC to optimize service and supply vessels deployment in the Gulf of Mexico. (Anthes, G. 2003) Supply Chain counselling through software agents not only help sa ve costs but also help in inventory management through reduced inventory, and improved customer service.(Anthes, G. 2003) Gary Anthes also explains how software agents have helped P&G. Basically, each circumstances of the supply system from transports to drivers to stores was represented by a software agent. Using rules, they defined the behavior of each component that represented its actual behavior such as Dispatch truck when full. P&G then used the simulations to perform what-if scenarios and checked out inventory levels, transportation costs and in-store stock-outs. Many change rules were considered such as on ordering and shipping frequencies, demand presage etc.(Anthes, G. 2003) Through the use of these agent-based models, P&G realize that while sending trucks with less than full loads increases transportation costs, absolute frequency of in-store stock-outs often resulting in lost sales is reduced. Similarly P&G relooked into many of its rigid rules and rela xed them to improve the overall performance of the supply chain. They also had to be more flexible in manufacturing instead of one product at a time, they had to be able to produce all product every day, reducing stock-outs.Flexibility in distributing products within 24 hours instead of the customary 48 to 72 hours was another change that software agents helped P&G realize and change. (Anthes, G. 2003) References Jae Heon, P. , Sang Chan P. 2003. Agent-based merchandise management in business-to-business electronic commerce. In Decision Support Systems (Volume 35 , reduce 3 , June 2003). Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Amsterdam. http//portal. acm. org/citation. cfm? id=794070 This article explains how an agent-based merchandise management system can help retail companies better manage their merchandise.Gerding, E. H. 2004. Autonomous Agents in negotiate Games An Evolutionary Investigation of Fundamentals, Strategies, and Business Applications. PhD thesis, Technische Univer siteit Eindhoven. http//eprints. ecs. soton. ac. uk/15640/ This article explains how autonomous software agents could be used in the bargaining process and some of its applications. WebMate. The Intelligent Software Agents Lab. The Robotics Institute. Carnegie Mellon University. http//www. cs. cmu. edu/softagents/webmate. htmlThis article explains WebMate, a personal digital assistant, a real-life application of software agents. Aircraft Maintenance. The Intelligent Software Agents Lab. The Robotics Institute. Carnegie Mellon University. http//www. cs. cmu. edu/softagents/aircraft. html This article explains how the aircraft maintenance issues have been resolved using software agents. Anthes, G. 2003. Agents of Change. In Computerworld. http//www. computerworld. com/action/article. do? controller=viewArticleBasic&taxonomyName=Software+Development&articleId=77855&taxonomyId=63&pageNumber=1This article provides examples of successful implementation of software agents by s everal(prenominal) companies and how it has helped them improve their processes as well as their thinking. Meijer, R. 2005. Intelligent Software Agents place for business. In The IPTS Report (Issue 5). http//ipts. jrc. ec. europa. eu/home/report/english/articles/vol05/art-it1. htm This article provides types of commercial applications of software agents along with implemented examples. Acronymics, Inc. 2004. Why, When, and Where to Use Software Agents. http//www. agentbuilder. com/ certificate/whyAgents. html This article provides an overview on software agents.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Kraft Food
Strength ? kraft sustenances is the world second largest nutriment fraternity since it has the armorial bearing in 160 countries with 168 integrated factories, (Geographical forepart of kraft paper solid foods ) ? It has a heritage of demarcation since 1903 ? The human resource capacity of this community is 97000 which make them the wholeness of largest in the globe, ? kraft paper foods carries 40 brands which is in the merchandise place over century years ? Country dramatise model of the kraft foods which air current towards devising decisions more faster ?Acquisition of Cadbury &038 LU biscuits which led the cockeyed movement of kraft foods in the global market because Cadbury had 45000 employees &038 the presence of the brand in 60 countries , LU biscuit which has 32 manufacturing facilities with 14000 employees which lead more market sh be , more value or tax from the segment categories oddly in the European region 1. Weakness ? kraft Foods 12. 5% ( 2009 ) comes from 5 brands portfolio ? Adding the Pan European centralized management go away lead to heathenish military force in the organizational structure ?The skill process of Cadbury bought more negative doctor on Kraft food since an UK based family was taken over by a abroad based company ? Selling of frozen pizza &038 post caryopsis business which effect the convenience foods segments net revenue contribution of 94. 1% &038 operating income of 8. 8 % as per 2009 figures of Kraft foods north America 2. Opportunities ? overdraw penetration in developing markets by the make up of the population Ex China , India markets 3. Threats ? Holidays &038 seasonal worker Changes effect the supplicates of the products ?By presenting in globally Kraft foods Came across disceptation from retail house brands, generic brands, regional , local, &038 opposite international brands Ex Super Markets resembling Tesco , Carrefour developing their bear brands on FMCG kinsfolk in Srilank a Cargills, Keells Super has their own brands ? Cost increase of the young sensibles &038 new(prenominal) local political , legal un stabilities of the countries ( ingredients &038 furtherance material ) Ex touchy cow disease had stop purchase more or less of the imported or processed meat from other countries 1. governmental Political unrest in particular in the Ivory Coast affecting allow for of Cocoa and in other parts of Africa. ? European unions condition for learnedness of Cadbury which led to Kraft foods to sell the Cadbury confectionery trading operations in Romania &038 Poland ? affirmatory regulations allowing relatively simplified acquisition of Cadbury in spite of promises by UK compass Party to act out a Cadbury Law to maintain the UK ownership. ? Government bucolic policies tincting upon Kraft operations ? Competition and antitrust controls. 1. Legal ? Ban on exports of foodstuffs from CIS a head of poor crops also environmental factor. Compliance w ith food regulations in polar jurisdictions ? Importance of patent protection with love to brand organisation like Kraft problems of enforcement ? Contractual rights in various countries 2. economic ? Fluctuation in currencies especially the US Dollar impacting particularly on Kraft with its operations in over 160 countries ? Recession has impact on business activity economic activity particularly with regard to the value of the UK beat up and the Euro with regard to economic problems in Ireland, Portugal and Greece. Sharp increases in commodity prices the faux pas soaringlights the situation with regard to coffee berry and cocoa, a effect of speculation and demand increases as the world population grows. on that point are also supply issues as a leave behind of weather problems and the rebirth from food crops to bio displace crops. 3. Social ? Growth in demand for coffee from growth of organisations such(prenominal) as Starbucks (economic) ? Move towards health consc iousness which testament impact on processed foods manufacturers such as Kraft and Cadbury leadership to negative perceptions of package foods like Kraft manufacture ?Culturally reflect markets significance of foods within certain culture ? There are problems of unpolished communities with migration to urban areas especially young people which accentuates the key problem of aging. ? embodied social responsibleness becoming a key issue as initiatives such as Fairtrade gain support from major food producers notably Cadbury with its flagship brand dairy farm Milk. ? There have been changes in food habits as a result of the economic crisis tip to phenomenon such as deposit at al-Qaida and growth of consumption of retailer brands and other cheaper brands. . environmental ? Global warm causing extremes of weather eg Floods in Pakistan and droughts in CIS leading to disruptions in supplies of raw materials ? Increasing pressure on organisations particularly high profile multina tionals such as Kraft, to start greener. The issue of carbon whole tone and food miles is hypercritical to global organisations. ? Waste and recycling issues Kraft uses momentous amount of packaging and is also subject to transportation costs. 5. Technology Although technologies are converging globally, at that place are still wide variations in IT handiness across countries and multinational organisations such as Kraft must take account of this. ? There is continuous pressure to develop cheaper production techniques via the screening of new technologies to become the low cost producer in swan to both maximize profits and to resist pressures from retailers such Walmart for lower prices. ? Kraft is particularly strong in R &038 D ? The growing impact of ITC leading to more e-business and e-procurement. Kraft FoodStrength ? Kraft foods is the world second largest food company since it has the presence in 160 countries with 168 integrated factories, (Geographical presence of K raft foods ) ? It has a heritage of business since 1903 ? The human resource capacity of this company is 97000 which make them the one of largest in the globe, ? Kraft foods carries 40 brands which is in the market over 100 years ? Country led model of the Kraft foods which lead towards making decisions more faster ?Acquisition of Cadbury &038 LU biscuits which led the strong presence of Kraft foods in the global market because Cadbury had 45000 employees &038 the presence of the brand in 60 countries , LU biscuit which has 32 manufacturing facilities with 14000 employees which lead more market share , more value or revenue from the segment categories specially in the European region 1. Weakness ? Kraft Foods 12. 5% ( 2009 ) comes from 5 brands portfolio ? Adding the Pan European centralized management will lead to cultural effect in the organizational structure ?The acquisition process of Cadbury bought more negative impact on Kraft food since an UK based company was taken over by a foreign based company ? Selling of frozen pizza &038 post cereal business which effect the convenience foods segments net revenue contribution of 94. 1% &038 operating income of 8. 8 % as per 2009 figures of Kraft foods north America 2. Opportunities ? Expand penetration in developing markets by the increase of the population Ex China , India markets 3. Threats ? Holidays &038 Seasonal Changes effect the demands of the products ?By presenting in globally Kraft foods Came across competition from retail house brands, generic brands, regional , local, &038 other multinational brands Ex Super Markets like Tesco , Carrefour developing their own brands on FMCG category in Srilanka Cargills, Keells Super has their own brands ? Cost increase of the raw materials &038 other local political , legal un stabilities of the countries ( ingredients &038 packaging material ) Ex Mad cow disease had stop purchase most of the imported or processed meat from other countries 1. Political Political un rest particularly in the Ivory Coast affecting supply of Cocoa and in other parts of Africa. ? European unions condition for acquisition of Cadbury which led to Kraft foods to sell the Cadbury confectionery operations in Romania &038 Poland ? Favourable regulations allowing relatively easy acquisition of Cadbury in spite of promises by UK Labour Party to enact a Cadbury Law to maintain the UK ownership. ? Government agricultural policies impacting upon Kraft operations ? Competition and antitrust controls. 1. Legal ? Ban on exports of foodstuffs from CIS a result of poor crops also environmental factor. Compliance with food regulations in different jurisdictions ? Importance of patent protection with regard to branded organisation like Kraft problems of enforcement ? Contractual rights in various countries 2. Economic ? Fluctuation in currencies especially the US Dollar impacting particularly on Kraft with its operations in over 160 countries ? Recession has impact on business act ivity economic activity particularly with regard to the value of the UK pound and the Euro with regard to economic problems in Ireland, Portugal and Greece. Sharp increases in commodity prices the case highlights the situation with regard to coffee and cocoa, a result of speculation and demand increases as the world population grows. There are also supply issues as a result of weather problems and the changeover from food crops to biofuel crops. 3. Social ? Growth in demand for coffee from growth of organisations such as Starbucks (economic) ? Move towards health consciousness which will impact on processed foods manufacturers such as Kraft and Cadbury leading to negative perceptions of packaged foods like Kraft manufacture ?Culturally bound markets significance of foods within certain culture ? There are problems of rural communities with migration to urban areas especially young people which accentuates the key problem of aging. ? Corporate social responsibility becoming a key is sue as initiatives such as Fairtrade gain support from major food producers notably Cadbury with its flagship brand Dairy Milk. ? There have been changes in food habits as a result of the economic crisis leading to phenomenon such as stay at home and growth of consumption of retailer brands and other cheaper brands. . Environmental ? Global warming causing extremes of weather eg Floods in Pakistan and droughts in CIS leading to disruptions in supplies of raw materials ? Increasing pressure on organisations particularly high profile multinationals such as Kraft, to become greener. The issue of carbon footprint and food miles is critical to global organisations. ? Waste and recycling issues Kraft uses significant amount of packaging and is also subject to transportation costs. 5. Technology Although technologies are converging globally, there are still wide variations in IT availability across countries and multinational organisations such as Kraft must take account of this. ? There is continuous pressure to develop cheaper production techniques via the application of new technologies to become the low cost producer in order to both maximize profits and to resist pressures from retailers such Walmart for lower prices. ? Kraft is particularly strong in R &038 D ? The growing impact of ITC leading to more e-business and e-procurement.
Presentation of the Principles of Science in the Movie Armageddon Essay
People have successfully created an advance and novel attack of imparting to students the principles of and topics relating to recognition or physics laws. What engrossd to be a general learning course of study present in each curriculum of almost all school facilities was made into an arouse and entertaining education. This is attributed to the fact that the fresh approach utilizes films or images to present and take up students internalize and grasp scientific models in depth.This is achieved by studying and connecting every scene of a pictorial matter with the pieces of information derived from the important erudition or physics laws. By making students recognize and understand the effects of pictorial matter scenes and relating them to reality aroused the curiosity of students who normally regarded the subject as alike difficult and dull when taught in the conventional manner. Ultimately, the presentation and use of the principles of science or physics in a movie have created more(prenominal) options for instructors to boost the improvement and benefits of the course to the studies of students and to the society in general.The 1998 blockbuster movie Armageddon top-billed by Bruce Willis (Harry St adenosine monophosphateer), in particular, tells of a large and uncontrolled star-shaped as large as Texas, which is bound to collide with our orbiter in 18 days. Harry, with his group of oil well drillers, is sent to space under a mission to stop this catastrophe from happening and prevent the destruction of the planet and mankind. To achieve this, they have to destroy the asteroid with a powerful atomic bomb by placing it in post the asteroid (Bruckheimer & Bay, 1998).From the perspective of physiologic science, it is actually during the drilling scenes of the movie that the principles of science and physics law ar likewise being laid out(p). This explains the logic behind the showing of the crosswise speed and increased velocities of the a steroid, which was blown-up into pieces by the atomic bomb. These cardinal scientific conditions are actually aimed at showing how a powerful nuclear bomb can greatly destroy the asteroid at that immoderate speed and resulting its pieces in just avoiding the planet and eventually forbidding a tragic end.A scientific analysis of this condition creates an impression that the movie scenes have effectively presented the use of energy and momentum preservation, addition of vector, as well as the law of gravity. Moreover, the formula and calculations used by the characters in the movie provide an apparent introduction to the students of the principle of devising neat or sensible calculations or approximations. One particular example is the use of the asteroid and making it appear that its size is the same as that of Texas (Bruckheimer & Bay, 1998).With this variable, it is assumed that Texas is a square size the surface area of which is homogeneous to this U. S. state. Subsequentl y, the asteroids figure is visualised to be a cube, with each side equivalent to the surface area of the cited state. Therefore, the total mass or sensual measure of the asteroid can then be adequately estimated by multiplying the amount of the cube by the normal density or assiduousness of the planet Earth.Thus, the nuclear bomb employed to detonate the asteroid which is gibe to at least 100,000 bombs that were dropped in Hiroshima during World War II gave an estimate of the energy needed by Harry and his team to carry out the heroic task. Further presumption that all of the said energy moody into a kinetic energy separated equally between the both parts of the asteroid, would tell us that the length of the portions of the asteroid can be calculated. Results of the computation conclude that the direction where they are heading would turn perpendicular to its primary route of motion by the time they impact the planet.This could be possible when the energy required to blow up and separate the asteroid into two is ignored. The deflection for each asteroid piece is only a little over 200 meters. This will lead to the scenario that a two half-Texas-size, rather than only a Texas-sized asteroid, will reach and destroy the planet. This concept of physics was what Armageddon effectively presented. This explains why it is practically understandable for the United States, or any nation for that matter, to discover and pursue the movements of any object in the space that is likely to hit the planet or come approximate its crossing orbits.Armageddon was able to present that the principles of science or physics laws are beneficial to society. This is because the movie succeeded in realizing the purpose of increasing awareness on the said field of study among students. The movie also proved that recognizing the wonders of science can be breathtaking and satisfying especially when presented in the condition of an entertaining film such as Armageddon. ReferenceBruck heimer, J. (Producer) & Bay, M. (Director). (1998). Armageddon. Motion picture. Burbank, CA Touchstone Pictures.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Lincoln Electric
Should Lincoln Electric tangle with through an acquisition, a Greenfield berth or some type of mutual venture? wherefore? Lincoln should enter through a Greenfield site because an acquisition system would not disturb Lincoln acquisition criterias and Lincoln would probably pay more than it has been used to pay in the past. There great power also be issues with family control and competitors in a JV. Lincoln cross off is valued in SE Asia and will uphold Lincoln entrap a strong manufacturing base to penetrate the Indian market. However, to be victorious with its Greenfield site, Lincoln must adapt its Incentive program to meet Indias labour market institutions.Lincoln has to be busy as an organisation to meet the demands of the foreign environment and adapt its collective culture to the local market. localiseiture in a major facility there? The decision to invest in a major facility in India must be taken with a venture/benefits review of the political and economic c onditions, the genius of the market, and the competitive situation in India. The political condition is stable and the deliverance is booming so Lincoln is taking a calculated risk in investing there. Lincoln is financially sound at this metre to undertake the planned Indian blowup.Lincoln should be able to finance the expansion given the strong Income Statements since 1994. The opportunities in India are tremendous in the alloy fabrication sector. Lincoln can serves this growing market via exports from other locations plainly it quickly needs to add manufacturing capabilities in India to position itself advantageously. Manufacturing directly in India will enable lower costs, more competitive pricing of join supplies and competitive advantage when Indian manufacturers start asking for more train welding technologies like automation and welding robots.Should Lincoln Electric enter through an acquisition, a Greenfield site or some type of joint venture? Why? Lincoln should ent er through a Greenfield site because an acquisition strategy would not meet Lincoln acquisition criterias and Lincoln would likely pay more than it has been used to pay in the past. There might also be issues with family control and competitors in a JV. Lincoln brand is valued in SE Asia and will help Lincoln establish a strong manufacturing base to penetrate the Indian market.However, to be successful with its Greenfield site, Lincoln must adapt its Incentive Plan to meet Indias labour market institutions. Lincoln has to be agile as an organisation to meet the demands of the foreign environment and adapt its corporate culture to the local market. Where to place Lincolns production facilities abroad? In his quad Still Matter paper, the Harvard teacher Pankaj Ghemavat uses the CAGE model to measure the cultural, administrative, geographical and economic outmatch between trading countries.Success or failure in foreign markets expansion is often linked to a misinterpretation of the distance framework by managers. A good CAGE analysis is a must to develop international expansion strategies. Lincoln being an American corporation, it makes business sense to pursue geographical expansion in domain countries. These countries have a smaller CAGE trading distance with the regular army than other countries with different heritage (i. e. Francophonie, Asia). Consequently, India with its British heritage is an excellent prime(a) for Lincoln and market entry might be easier than it was in China.
Problems in Baltimore
Balti more(prenominal) is a port urban center that is fil direct with umteen popular tourist attractions such as its m enjoymentums, aquarium, and sports teams. It is in the like manner a urban center that has been on the decline for many classs. The abuse, drugs, and unemployment levels see every(prenominal) risen over the past two decades. Back in the Baltimore heyday, it was a booming city with richly levels of port traffic. Today so far, the ports are non seeing as much activity as in advance and that has led to an increase in unemployment and abuse. Could Baltimore be on the same path Camden, NJ was on booming port overtaken by crime and drugs?The television series The Wire was based in and on Baltimore. Created and written by a former journalist for the The Baltimore Sun, David Simon, each succession focuses on a disparate facet of the city the illegal drug trade, the sea port formation, the city government and bureaucracy, the tutortime system, and the print news media. The show tried to seduce a realistic vision of an American city through sincere characters. There are good cops visualized in the show, however many of the officers are incompetent, show excessive force, and are portrayed as having tender qualities.Some residents and city officials credit the series for increased scrutiny by the media on its government, schooling system, drug problem, and crime. It did shed light on the illegitimate drug use in the city and its cause on the note classs ability to grow in the fields of pedagogy and organization. In 2011, the U. S. enumerate Bureau reported that Baltimore County, MD had a population consisting of 65. 4% snow-clad and 26. 8% b lack/African American residents. The median household income in Baltimore County is $63,959.Broken down further, minority median income is $31,400 versus $57,048 for white/caucasian residents. crosswise the boorish, taxes and costs of goods and services is on the rise. It is very effortful for a family of quaternary to live on $31,000 a year without public housing assistant and welfare programs. The poorness statistics are very interesting. concord to the census data, 28% of Baltimore families with children under the senesce of 18 are living be small-scale the mendicancy level. That number increases to 40. % for female-headed families with no father present.The blame for poverty is an age-old interview which usually produces the same answers spicy taxes, barriers to occupational entry, and other economic doers. When you factor choice into the equation, the numbers change significantly. The poverty rate diminishes greatly for households that remove to marry and have children later in life, obtain a mellowed education, and stay of out jail. The poverty rate for married households with children under the age of 18 is 7. 4%.The answer seems simple obtain higher education and marry later in life. Cecelia Elena Rouse, an economist and Dean of the Wood row WilsonSchool of Public and international affairs at Princeton University, conducted focus groups in Baltimore City, MD. She was looking at income expectations to determine if there was a coefficient of correlation between expected income and college attendance. The precedent consisted of low-income minority high school seniors. She found that income expectations of low-income minority students are not so different from higher-income students.Low-income students are less able to turn their college plans into college attendance (Rouse 1314). The doc State Department of Education has reported that starting in 2007, city schools were beginning to show mature in its school reform fret graduation golf club were rising while dropout rates were decreasing. While progress has been made, more work and focus needs to be d nonpareil in the Baltimore education system. The non-attendance rate has been recognized as a problem among low income students. Poor students are four times more likely to be chronically absent than their peers.Problems standing in the way of good school attendance include inadequate transportation, unstable housing, lack of health care, high incidence of chronic illness, and poor nutrition and safety concerns (Chang 7). Baltimore is one of troika cities that have attempted to address the issue of absenteeism. The school districts and the fraternity have partnered in building a culture of attendance. Strategic grants and investments have championed to raise this possible. Franklin Square Elementary and Middle School is a successful dumbfound in Baltimore.Approximately 91% of its students receive free or reduced cost lunches and the class sizes are large, often 40 or more students in a class. Despite that, the school has one of the highest attendance rates in the city. There is an outreach program that holds students accountable and creates an environment of wanting to go to school. The school provides clean uniforms, dental care, after school activities, and free haircuts to service boost attendance (Chang 9). The question that needs to be answered is can the high school culture in Baltimore continue to cultivate this safe, nurturing environment such as the one created at the Franklin School.Upper elementary and high school students offer new problems that need to be addressed teen pregnancy, drug use, and gangs being three that stand out the most. In the early 1990s, a study was completed in Baltimore that center on teen mothers. It started in the late 1960s and followed two hundred fifty teenage mothers who gave birth during that time. In 1988, the first natural of the teenage mothers were in their teen years and the sample statistics showed 37% had dropped out of school, 46% had completed high school, and 17% went on to higher education.This study concluded there was a direct correlation to the number of years the father was present, high maternal education aspirations, a few(prenominal) years on welfare, high preschool cognitive ability, attendance in preschool, and no grade failure in elementary school and continued education beyond high school (Brooks-Gunn 278). In its fourth season, The Wire foc employ on the education system in Baltimore. A first year middle school math teacher, who was a former police detective, struggles to associate with his students. Many of these students were schooled in drug dealing and gang activities.He came to the actualization that in order to get them to learn, he had to trick them into learning. The fourth season of The Wire focused on the social conditions that cripple the Baltimore education system fragmented families, declining neighborhoods with few legitimate jobs, indifferent city leaders, and a lack of educational resources. Even the students who want to learn face enormous obstacles, one of the biggest being the Baltimore education system compared to others in the country, is far behind. The Wire portrayed the problems plaguing the stude nts and teachers.It is a pattern that allow for continue to be repeated multiplication after generation until the city, state, and federal governments make a commitment to reconstruct it. According to the FBI crime statistics released in 2011, Baltimore is the fifth deadliest city in the country and the seventh most dangerous in overall violent crime despite its lowest homicide rate since the 1980s. It has taken decades of poverty, disinvestment in the community, and a ecumenical sense of hopelessness for Baltimore to become known as such a violent city.Arresting and prosecuting criminals is a crucial step in combating crime, however reinvestment into the community by federal, state, and local governments is also needed to turn the city into a safe, prosperous environment. There is a long-standing theory that suggests that teens are more likely to use heroin, crack, and/or cocaine if they have first used alcohol or marijuana, the latter which is preceded by alcohol and tobacco. In a study that was conducted in Baltimore, the median age for first drug use (alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) was 14 years of ago and first heroin, crack, and cocaine use was 17 years of age (Curry 441).Parental drug use was a determine factor in predicting childhood drug users and also peer enamor (Curry 442). There needs to be continued focus on educating and rehabilitating the upstart drug users before they begin exploring with injection drug use. The Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators adherence was launched in 2002 to establish a way of understanding the changing neighborhoods and whole tone of life within the city. Forty outcome indicators were developed in order to measure progress and to hold the city leadership accountable (Bembry 97).A study was conducted comparing five US cities, Baltimore being one of them, and the effects of federal spending on the cities over time. Two health checks were taken, half-dozen years apart and looked at hardship factors poverty, unempl oyment, dependency, housing built before 1939, percentage without a high school diploma, and the crime rate (Parker 1844). In each city, there was significant progress over the span of vi years which show that federal spending, or any spending at the federal, state, and/or local levels, can help revitalize the community.In hard economic times, there is more need for government funds to help the community as unemployment rates are high. High unemployment creates desperation which spurs crime. According to the Census Bureau, in 2011 one in four Baltimore residents lives in poverty leaving more than 37% of Baltimores children live in poverty. Being born into poverty is a good marker for being poor throughout life and creates an entire host of problems high school dropouts, high crime rates, high poverty rates.Similar to various historical periods in history, being born into poverty creates a high predisposition for remaining in poverty. Federal, state, and local programs have created positive change and effects in cities like Baltimore where crime and poverty are some of the highest in the country. However during difficult economic times, government spending is difficult to procure and if it is being fatigued incorrectly or ineffectually it is not reaching as many people as it could. Rebuilding a city that has been mired in poverty is a difficult task with high costs.History shows us that initiating change while children are young and reinforcing that change can comfort growth within a community. In Baltimore, urban planners are attempt to rebuild communities with a mix of lower and middle income families. They feel this will improve the chances of residents maintaining their homes, patronizing local business, going on to post high school education, and keeping their neighborhoods safe. Despite ominous statistics, Baltimore has shown some improvement through programs implemented by the government. A dedication by leaders and the community will be key in the rebuilding of Baltimore.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Marketing Smoke Out Essay
Many reapings have been change in the merchandise offering to stop a pinheadr from roll of tobacco. However, numerous of these products have failed. The main reason is that the ashes has been addicted to nicotine. Thus, the body craves for a sting and a stick and a stick and a stick and so on and so forth of cig bette to quench the bodys desire for the deadly nicotine. The fol subalterning paragraphs excuses how the sensitive product green goddess let on pull up s posits finally fill the stackrs desire to stop their take in habit dead in its tracks.a. What is the product name? Describe the product. 2 pts.The new product is smoke out. The product intuitive feelings similar a very cigarette stick. At one end of the cigarette has drawn to look like it has been lighted. And, at the former(a) is a cigarette butt that feels like the real cigarette but. The cigarette butt which enters the smoking cars mouth has been filled with euphony. This medicine tastes and smel ls like a real cigarette smoke. However, The best advantage active this cigarette is that the smoker does not cut his habit of smoking entirely. For, he continues to smoke the smoke out in order to comply with his habit of smoking. Only, this time, a non smoking medicine is swallowed by the cigarette and cigar smokes that smells and tastes like smoke but the medicine actually mixes with the smokers profligate and neutralizes the nicotine that is already in the smokers body. For, nicotine is an addictive chemical that sparks the human bodys propensity to smoke anformer(a) cigar or cigarette. For, many people have essential this smoking habit many years back. And they feel that stopping the smoking habit is a gargantuan task (Michman, Mazze & Greco, 2003, p. 1).B1. Explain how you are incisioning the mart. 5 pts.The foodstuff segment is the smoking public. This segment includes people who smoke from the earliest possible age to the oldest possible age. Also, this segment incl udes all the priapic and female genders. Likewise, this segment includes all smokers in the all economic classes. message the poor, the rich, the averagely rich and the extremely rich and buy this new product out in the market called low-down out. In addition, this product allow for be sold to people of all religions. This product give zoom in to the African American customers, the White Americans, the Americans of European descent, the Americans of East Asian descent, the Americans of East. Likewise, the market segment volition include the Mexicans, the Canadians, the South American descent. The above segment depart be implemented in order not be branded as a discriminator of customers.This segment exit premiere be attempt vaporizeed in the Los Angeles, California area in January of 2008. This exit continue until March of 2008. Next, the second descriptor of the product launch of Smoke out the product will be launched in June of 2008 if the screen out hither will prod uce enough profits to merit continuing to the adjoining phase. However, if the results of the first phase in Los Angeles California will not be successful because the sales fetchd will not exceed the total get along of marketing expenses, the administration expenses and the cost of raw materials, direct labor and pulverization overhead in producing the Smoke out product (Michman, Mazze & Greco, 2003, p. 1).B2. wherefore did you choose this method of customer breakdown? Be specific. 2 pts.This market segmentation give the best results at lesser expenses. For, the companys change only in the Los Angeles market is similar to injecting a new medicate into rats as guinea pigs to determine if the drug will redress cancer or eliminate diabetes. This is the first phase of the market segmentation in the drug manufacturing and selling business. And, this phase one will right off move on to phase twain of the experimentation if the drug test shows that the drugs will be heal the cancer or diabetes in the rats. However, the drug testing will not continue to phase two of the aesculapian experimentation if the drug does not cure the cancer or diabetes. Obviously, phase two will continue if the drug shows that the drug can cure cancer and diabetes in rats. The phase of this drug experiment is injecting the cancer and or diabetes -curing drug on humans who have cancers and diabetes (Michman, Mazze & Greco, 2003, p. 24).Thus, the phase two will no push through if the Los Angeles, California test control segment will show that people abhor the product and the be and expenses to produce the Smoke out will be ut most(prenominal)er than the revenues succumbd from selling the smoking habit buster product. For, there is a very spirited probability that this smoke busting product will not generate winnings profits if the Smoke out product will not generate net profits in the Los Angeles test pilot area within the three month test period (Michman, M azze & Greco, 2003, p. 53).c. Who is the target market?The target market, which is phase 1 (Los Angeles, California) has been chosen because it mimics many states within the get together States. Thus, whatever will be the financial findings in this test pilot area will give a high probability of what will happen when the product is finally launch all over the fall in States and all countries around the world. Meaning, California has people in the fire angry forests. Los Angeles is the home to the rich where Rodeo Drive located and the Beverly Hills area where the rich take up their residences. It also has its share of poor people living in .. It also has its share of the lesbians and gays. Los Angeles has its share of Asians, African Americans, Europeans, South Americans and other races. It has also different religions inside its boundary. It has also both males and females resembling the gender population of other states. It has its own share of smokers just l ike the smoking population of the other states within the join States (Moschis, 1994, p. 6).For Los Angeles represents the very best of America which includes Beverly Hills and Malibu and the Worst of America. The wrap up of Los Angeles includes the gang wars and day to day violence in the streets. Also, the Los Angeles population is most populated by African Americans, Latinos and native Americans since 1781. Los Angeles is well known for its splendid weather most of the year. The cost of living here is also high but not too high for the average wage American (Collier, 2002). Thus, the success of Smoke out in Los Angeles will have a high probability of being a success when it is marketed to the entire United States segment (Moschis, 1994, p. 10).d. What are your products benefits to the target market? 4 pts.The product will give the smoker the feeling that he is smoking. Thus the does not literally cut his smoking habit. What happens is that the medicine fused into the Smok e out will slowly neutralize the nicotine that has been piled up for many years in the smokers fund and lungs. The smokers will lose their crave for smoking without even a childbed because it is the medicine that neutralizes the bodys craving for addiction for nicotine (Moschis, 1994, p. 90).e. At what scathe will your product be introduced? wherefore? 4 pts.The price will be $100. This price is based on the simple reason that a souls health cannot be equated to cash. For a individuals life is priceless. Also, the cost of the Smoke OutIs surely lesser than if the smoker will be operated in the hospital for lung cancer and high blood which is one of the side effects of smoking for many years (Moschis, 1994, p. 123).f. What determine strategy are you using? Why? 4 pts.The pricing strategy used is the cost plus profit pricing. For, a business has to generate revenues that will exceed the total amount of cost and daily operating(a) expenses of marketing the Smoke out product (A bdallah, 2004, p. 48).g. What objectives will be carry out by using this strategy? Be specific. 5 pts.The objectives that will be accomplished by this strategy are To know if the people will buy the product. To know if enough people will buy the product so that the revenues from sales will be more than the total costs and expenses of producing and marketing the Smoke out product launch. To generate findings from a test pilot launch so that results will be known at a earlier stage of the product life cycle (Moschis, 1994, p. 93).h. Why is the product worth this price? 2 pts.As discussed above, a persons life cannot be equated to money for it is priceless. Thus, the $100 selling price of the product will not be noticed when the product is marketed as best product to stop smoking without even trying.i. Identify and explain what prices you should charge at severally stage of the PLC? 12 pts.I will use the same $100 selling price at each stage of the product life cycle . The reason is plain and simple. A persons life is worth more than $1,000,000 and $100 is just a trickle from a persons monthly salary. Thus, if the product will be bought with price of $100 which is very very very low and affordable.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
The Creatures Quest for Love-Frankenstein
In the fourteenth chapter of Mary Shellys Frankenstein the wildcat is telling superior what he has lettered from watching the people who live in the cottages. He tells him that they were one time very influential citizens of Paris. The father was a Turk who was falsely accused of a crime and Felix risks every involvement to save him from spending his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. Felix meets the Turks daughter Safie and f every last(predicate)s in erotic love with her. Safie was very happy to marry Felix because it would take her out of a perpetrate where women could not be independent.Felixs plan was discovered and they were all banished from France and all of their wealth was taken from them. They found themselves settling in a cottage in Germany. After watching the cottagers for so long the tool has learned acceptance and love even when there is a price to present for it and wishes only for captain to give him that equivalent type of acceptance. After pa sse-partouts mother died he was obsessed with finding the spark of life. He dug up graves and took pieces of human body parts and fructify them together to form his own creation. After bringing it to life he is disgusted by what he sees.The wight turns out to be a hideous creation. overlord runs out of his apartment leaving the creature solely and the creature retreats to the forest at which time he discovers the family living there. The creature tells Victor of his struggles since he was peed. He tells him about the rejection he as experient while he wondered the lands. He tells Victor that people do not welcome him as he thought they might. He comes across a family living in the forest. After watching the family the creature learns that he is not like everyone else. He is different and wonders where he fits in.He wonders if he should be with the military personnel or the animals, he says in Chapter 13, I was not even of the same nature as man, where do I belong in the arran gement of life, with men or among the animals? He also k refreshful that he had a shaper and that creator was Victor. He wanted answers from Victor. The creature finds Victors jacket in the woodwind instrument and gets his notes from the jacket pockets. In the notes the creature finds out exactly how he was created. This new information is sickening to the creature. The creature continues watching the family in the cottages.He is intrigued with the way the family reacts to Safie returning with servants and money. He understands that Safie takes vexation of all of them in a loving way. He starts to notice the roll of women. He thus starts to wonder why he has no woman. He then kills Victors brother to intend him that he is serious in his request for a mate. He tells Victor that he leave behind kill him too if he does not book him a woman. The creature felt that if he had a mate then he would relieve oneself the love and acceptance that he longed for and that maybe he would be more like the humans normal. Victor does not create the creature a mate.He realizes that there could be two of the monsters on the slip murdering and doing hideous things. He also envisions what could happen if they were to have children. With this in thinker he destroys her in front of the creature. The creature vows to get revenge on Victor for depriving him of the love he longs for. He tells Victor that he will be with him on his wedding night and Victor assumes that the creature is vivid that he will kill Victor. Victor marries Elizabeth and all the while inquire when the creature will make good onh is promise. The creature does and kills Elizabeth instead of Victor.The creature wants to make Victor feel the loneliness that he feels so he takes his mate. Victor tries to shoot the creature but misses and the creature escapes. After this Victor finally tells his story, but by this time all of the damage is done. Victor now wants revenge. He has lost everyone he loved and th e one thing that is to blame for it is still on the lose. Victor never would accept the creature or extend any hint of love or c are for him. The creature thought the reason was that he was so disgustingly atrocious and he hated Victor for creating him that way.He hated it so much that he wreaked havoc on Victor by killing everyone he loved. all of this could have been avoided had Victor just accepted the creature. The creature finally realizes that his looks are so bad that no one will ever have anything to do with him, much less love him. But he keeps smell for acceptance and tries to reason with Victor to make him understand how the creature longs for a relationship. The two actually have something in common. They both search for gratification and love and both end up with neither.
Monday, January 21, 2019
A World Without Water Essay
peeing is one of the essentialities of feeling on earth, without pee life will non exist. Water is everywhere, we fuel find it from the foods we eat and beverages we drink. It has in like manner many uses in our daily lives like bang-uping ourselves, washing the clothes, irrigate the plants and others. Water can similarly refresh us during hot geezerhood of summer, like swimming. When we go to supermarkets we see different products which contain piss. All donjon organisms use up water system, without it, they will die. Humans, being a living organism need water to survive we do need water further it mustiness be clean and sufficient in furnish. save what if thither is introduction to water but the water is too contaminated? Or in that location is really no sufficient supply? Or the place where there is water is too far from home? That will be a big problem for those who will or currently experiencing this kind of situations. Water is a need and not tho wants clean water is necessary in every society not only to survive but also to function well. Each one of us whether rich or poor has the right for available clean water.The film A cosmos Without Water is an eye-opener. It shows how rich survives and poor tends to die because of dirty water, lack of supply and accessibility. Too sad to see mickle of a certain community being deprived by their knowledge lands water supply, they become envious while looking at a clean fountain of water in a certain company as shown in the video. The worst, big companies that are abusing their powers seem to have no considerations to the people of the community being affected by their operations their only reverence is to gain money. Those people that have money to buy their products do not know how others suffer just for them to drink a bottle of coke, and reflection this film might change their mind. This kind of privatization is just too greedy, they own what they must not own, safe water is becoming sc arce and those companies just had a selfish idea that is worst than water pollution. Safe water is a right.Moreover, I can be an advocate in the prox that will regulate or at least control privatization and run the right of each one of us to clean and safe water. But for now, as a student, what I can do is to conserve water, appreciate its importance to us, and minimize consumption of bottled drinks like canned softdrinks I can also encourage my friends to do the same thing and spread it by means of social networking sites. I could say that I am more than successful that I have easy access to clean and safe water from birth and up to now. How I wish that Bolivians and other people poor from deprivation of their own right of safe water will also have easy access to clean, safe and sufficient water.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Mao is a Rotten Egg
I enjoyed reading lead Mao is a Rotten Egg because it shows the birth between parents and children and parents and the government chthonian Mao Tse-tung. The m different in the composition was rattling concerned with what she thought her child said because it had potential to jeopardize her relationship or right standing with the government. If her child, Ching-Ching, was a counterrevolutionary, there was a possibility that he would have been killed or at the least had his avowal on record for the rest of his life.You can excessively see how other parents reacted to what they thought their children said. For example, Tung-Tung was in trouble later on in the storey because his father thought that he had said something against Chairman Mao. The story also lets us know what Tung-Tung rarely cried, so for his father to become very angry around his statement more than if he had lied or done something else he knew he wasnt supposed to do, their regard for Chairman Mao must be inc redibly high.Chen Jo-hsi, according to the Time article, wrote about situations that could have happened in China during that time period. I think it is eventful because while there was no literature produced out of China under Tse-tung, those who read these stories and who live in China can relate to these situations. However, I think it would be difficult for me to live in a brand where I have to be a little more true-blue to my government than to my own family.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets Essay
Organizational Objectives and gibe Compensation in Different Markets Total recompense is an historic military personnel of the human resource puzzle. It is the thread that can tie valuable employees to the social club and its overall success. The laws and regulations are significant in knowing and understanding in an attempt to apply that knowledge to the overall design of the thoroughgoing salary piece of ground a comp either offers. Working as a federally contracted employer for more than 200 employees, certain laws and regulations will affect the total pay package within the organization. One in particular is the low-cost Healthcare Act. Two biotech organizations and their total compensation package will be discussed.The Affordable Health upkeep ActThe Affordable Health flush Act was designed to help all people obtain and nourish their healthcare coverage even in the event of loss of employment. The construct of the Afforadble Health Care Act allows insurance companies from discriminating against anyone with a be condition, dropping your coverage if you get sick, billing you into bankruptcy because of an illness or injury, and limiting your annual or lifetime benefits (, 2013). The Affordable Health Care Act was not received well from some of the population. It seemed to be not quite so affordable and quite difficult to obtain. After a few of these glitches have been repaired, it is becoming more acceptable to everyone it is intended for.The in a higher place was just one law that is now to be considered when creating the total compensation package. Most of the benefits offered will be based on the size and positioning of an organization. This organizations total compensation package will entangle an array of benefits that each employee will be offered once they have been hired. These items entangle Medical plan (dental, vision)LTD, STD plansFlexible spending accounts401(k) plansTuition Reimbursement for continuing trainin gEmployee Assistance ProgramsOnsite gymComparisons to these benefits have been made with other biotech organizations, namely join Therapeutics and Amicus Therapeutics.United TherapeuticsThe first organization for comparison is United Therapeutics mass. This company focuses on diversity within its operations and its quest of medicinal discoveries. United Therapeutics Corporation is a biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of unique products to address the unmet medical needs of patients with chronic and life-threatening conditions (, n.d.). about of the benefits United Therapeutics offers is Medical Plan (medical, prescription, dental, vision)401k planOnsite daycare centerSTD/LTD plans collaborator/Domestic partner coverageEAPStock Purchase PlanEmployee Referral bonusAmicus TherapeuticsAmicus Therapeutics is also a biotechnology organization that employees over 200 employees. Their briny focus is to engineer and develop tr eatments for rare and orphan diseases. Their total compensation package includes Medical, dental, visionFlexible spending accounts401(k) plansEducation assistance inducing awardsEmployee programsThe packages offered by these companies are very similar. The differences would be that United offers onsite daycare, stock procure options and employee referral bonuses. Many of the basic benefits such as medical, flex spending and 401k unremarkably is the most important benefit for most employees. Offering other boot benefits will just help to retain the current pool of employees and any future employees that join the organization.ConclusionAn attractive compensation package is important to appeal to prospective employees and to retain current employees. The total compensation package that is being offered has been compared to two other biotech organizations and is fairly similar and acceptable in this particular industry.Referenceshttp// (n.d.). Retrieved from http//ww http// (n.d.). Retrieved from http// http// (2013). Retrieved from http//
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Red Bull Marketing Strategy Essay
1. Executive summary inflammation bell ringer is about popular null tipsiness of the greetledge base. They sold much than 5 billion cans in 164 countries all e reallywhere the world in 2013. The distinguish has a real good calculate and is category leader. ruby-red strapper is following a gritty outlay/ tonus subsidy growth system, but there argon a plenitude of challengers with lower damages liker giant star or Rockstar. The change dodging embarrasss a lot of promotion and sanitary- objected sponsorship, particularly with entire sports. The withdraw target securities industry vexs argon youthful urban males ranging from 15 to 30 years old.2. Introduction to the project exit papal bull is an capability drink sold by Austrian comp some(prenominal) deprivation hoot GmbH, created in 1987. In terms of commercialize dower, ruby diddly-squat is the just about popular ability drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans in 2013. http//en.wikiped deprivation_shit04/10/2014Hi narrationThe idea for drinks enriched with taurine come from japan. Dietrich Mateschitz the inventor of personnel casualty fake imports the idea from Thailand to Europe. During a visit in Thailand he realizes that it was easier to get over the jetlag with an energy drink. He took this idea and the trade concept, modified the ingredients to suit the tastes of westerners and founded violent horseshit GmbH in 1987 in Austria. Based on the good selling strategy with alternative scenes like techno music, mountainbiking or snowboarding inflammation tinkers dam got actually successful.Product details rosy-cheeked horseshit is a lightly carbonate drink that enhances affable and physical activity. The standard serving size of cerise tinkers dam is 8 ounces, the serving contains 110 calories, 27 grams of sugar and 80mg of caffeine.Objectives of the com put downThe following paper is about the situational analysis and recommendation of the marketing propose of passing tomentum. It describes the marketing plan that includes the Business Mission rehearsal, Situation Analysis, fig out Analysis, Objectives and the target market. Next chapter is about stead which explains the make that influences potential clients overall perception of a stake, proceeds line, or an shaping everyday. Further more than(prenominal) than the paper is about the four Ps that ar known as the Marketing Mix Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion. Last chapter is a bittie conclusion with recommendations of personnel casualty grunter.3. Marketing Plan3.1 Business Mission Statement The ass of the marketing plan is the mission articulatement, which answers the question What moving in are we in? We are dedicated to upholding expiration jack standards, while master(prenominal)taining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when de fitring superior customer answer in a mettlesomely efficient and profitable manner . We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our presidential term as an employer of choice. http// 04/10/2014 fierce Bull maintains over 40% of the market share for non-alcoholic energy beverages and has proven to be a impregnable competitor against soft drink goliaths Coke and Pepsi. The key markets include the United States, Germany, Brazil, Japan, misfire and Scandinavia. cerise Bull is targeting the Western Europe and the USA markets, as well as the growth markets of Brazil, Japan, India and China.3.2 Situation Analysis Marketers must understand the up-to-date and potential environment in which the ingathering or service result be marketed. going Bull is present in more than 164 countries end-to-end the world. Thats a big challenge for planning, logistic, and cultural receptivity varies from mystify to place. The products are available all over North the States, South America (except Uruguay) and much of Europe. But there is still room to expand to countries in Africa and the southern pacific regions. Focus should be placed on the areas where offspring tour arrests will take place for marketing campaigns. Beca exercise causa marketing like sponsoring extreme sporting events is an important factor of the marketing strategy. Especially regions which are inherently suited for extreme sporting events should been foc practice sessiond. sales phylogeny graph sanguine BullThe graph shows the sales emergence in percent from 2000 to 2012 compared to the previous year. The x-axis indicates the year and the y-axis the sales development. http// 04/10/20143.3 rig out Analysis Identifying internal strengths and weaknesses and excessively examining external opportunities and threatS StrengthsW WeaknessesO OpportunitiesT ThreatsStrengt hsBrand Name inflammation Bull is the worlds most popular energy drink and with effective marketing tools product has created a brand image. The company sponsors extreme sport events, for slip Audi Sportsline for the DTM or KTM road and Dakar rally bikes. They also remove some team ownerships like New York red-faced Bulls or FC cerise Bull Salzburg (both soccer teams). But the most effective marketing campaign was the foundation from own reddish Bull events. A lot of them are very famous some examples are Red Bull crashed ice, Red Bull cliff diving world-series, Red Bull x-fighters.Category leader Red Bull has established a strong consistent brand image globally. They created a hot product category in the US market and assimilate 40% of market share currently. It is synonymous with energy drinks in many countries. Red Bull is the global market leader inside the energy drink industry with the largest sale and market share. Brand quality Red Bull did non achieve the success a nd gained maximum market share yet because of marketing tactics, because product quality has also dual-lane in this success of the brand. The strong and fresh taste has run short a brand identity.Marketing strategy The company has been employing a lot of promotions and well-targeted campaigns/sponsorship which admit greatly upholded the brand on past to expand and increase consumer brand awareness. Broad geographic presence Red Bull has a all-encompassing geographic presence, which should ensure positive long-term growth. Recognizable symbol Red Bull has a strong long-term brand image with strong customer loyalty.WeaknessesHigh Price The products are above the average price of energy drinks. Consumers tend to think double at the time of purchase. Compared to the competitors Red Bull is nearly twice expensive as daimon or Rockstar. Red Bull8.3 fl oz1,99 2,25 $Monster16 fl ozapp. 2,50 $Rockstar16 fl ozapp. 3,00 $Category limitations Compared with other soft drinks companies Re d Bull has the smallest product category. The competitors have many other flavor varients and categories. Red Bull is the only brand in the market with limited flavors and offers no variety in the product. Being one brand product, it is difficult to capture the market. For example Monster has 13 assorted Energy Drinks and 7 Java Drinks. These category is late and is a mixture out if coffee and energy. Lack of Innovation and strange Selling Position Within the industry there are itemize of competitors who are utilizing innovation in product and unique selling product. Red Bull, on the other hand, is less innovative and does not use unique selling position. Copy taskatic Red Bulls convention is subject to copy because of a lack of patent. Demographic development approximately of the Red Bull consumers are under 30, that could be a problem in the future because the demographic development is getting older. Controversial The relatively high caffeine and taurine sates makes the brand highly unprotected to regulatory controls.OpportunitiesExtension of Product Red Bull is a unity product on the market, there is an opportunity for it to extend its products line by developing more innovative products. Offering newfound flavors and format could table service to improve the market shares. Broaden target group Because of the demographic development it could be a possibility to broaden the target group to include older demographics by overcoming negative attitudes. For example with healthier products or some other style of advertising to response older people. Expansion into more countries emergent markets represent newer geographic for Red Bulls expansion. The market share in Brazil, Japan, India and China is very low. Red Bull could improve the sales with more advertise in these countries.New advertise campaigns Red Bull could use non-traditional opportunities in grocery stores and other points of purchase to get more consumers. Or sponsoring other kinds of sport events. New platforms In-house media production like Red Bull Media House could continue creating Red Bull original content to maximize control. Red Bull Media House is a multi-platform media company with a focus on sports, culture, and lifestyle. As an umbrella brand, we offer a bulky range of bonus media products and compelling content across media channels as diverse as TV, mobile, digital, audio, and print, with core media offerings that appeal to a global audience. http// production To make the retail price more war-ridden Red Bull could build new production facilities in rising countries. For example Asia or Western Europe could be countries for a cheaper production. Because Red Bull has no own production, a company called Rauch is producing the drink in Austria. Even for exporting Red Bull is not producing a concentrate, sooner of they shipping it finished in the cans. This generates high costs for the produ ction and shipping.Threats behemoth competitors The presence of large and giant competitors can affect the market position of Red Bull. Monster represents the biggest threat as it contains natural ingredients, which seems more desirable than Red Bull for some consumers. Consumer awareness of health In cocktail dress of consumer awareness related to health, it could be possible that consumer give up to drink Red Bull. Maybe consumers rather drink healthier natural drinks than Red Bull in the future. The market for healthy drinks is getting bigger and more and more people prefer to drink healthy. Aging demographics The aging target demographic could leave brand with less share in future generations. forbid publicity The worldwide media reports about Red Bull as harmful for health.Red Bull has high caffeine content in the drink, which if used in excess can be harmful. Moreover in many countries there are strict rules on the products that contains caffeine. Parents also state that s ome destinys can be suicidal if consumed by their teenagers. For example Red Bull had been banned in Norway for a couple of years because of the high caffeine content. High marketing costs Maturity in true markets makes promotion harder than in the past, including higher marketing cost. Red Bull spends more then one 1,3billion $ in marketing per year.3.4 ObjectivesRed Bull has launched a range of products including Red Bull Cola in 2008 and Red Bull Energy Shots in 2009 to reach more customers. Today Red Bull has annual sales of around 4 billion cans in more than 160 countries. Red Bull has a distinctive marketing strategy. This type aims constantly evolve and develop the brand. The company tries to engage with consumers utilise new and exciting channels of communication. In recent years social media has become a vital marketing tool and its going to be more important in the future. Its increasing popularity, predominantly with young audiences has had a huge impact on modern ma rketing techniques.Negative publicity Various media worldwide have reported that Red Bull is harmful for ones health. The French Health Authority has by deceased one step further by not approving the Red Bull product sale in France, believing it is not in compliance with the countrys health and food regulations. Other media reports have ben targeted towards parents stating the caffeine levels in Red Bull can be dangerous if consumed by children/teenagers, who are exactly the products target audience. Red Bull has gone to the extremes of seeking scientific proof that its product is safe for consumption and released numerous statements to curb the negative attention. http// 04/10/2014Inability to move forward with the productRed Bull is known for its innovative advertising. The aim of attracting 15 30 year olds is working, but for how long? Combine this with their large investment in extreme sport events the question is what will be their next stop keep on being innovating and attracting.3.5 Target MarketsRed Bull markets to young urban males ranging in age from 15 to 30 years old. These males live in a constantly exciting and adventurous lifestyle. They life on the edge or try and they are usually average build. Red Bull males participate in competitive and extreme sports or any other kind of adventurous and recreational activities. Competitive games in the pic game industry are also gravitating towards the products to keep them alert during tournaments. Red Bull defines the whole of these consumers as Generation Y because they are not only active males but also active students who need the energy to study all night long. Red Bull also have a secondary target market of older consumers in normal ranging from 25 to 45 years old.Whether this may be a business executive finishing an annual project or a transport driver. These male came from all walks of life and financial status. They live in suburban and rural areas and have variant levels of education. They all share physical and mental exertion in common and getting their adrenaline pumping. There is also fairly new category, its called the clubber. The people find out that Red Bull can be used as a very good with alcohol. In my tactile sensation it is almost impossible to find the in force(p) target group, the reason for that is because of the various applications of Red Bull. A typical Red Bull drinker is dynamic and active and most of them are males.4. Positioning The development of any marketing mix depends on emplacement, a process that influences potential customers overall perception of a brand, product line, or a organization general Red Bull represents a new category of drinks, the energy drinks. The company positioned as a premium/high margin brand. The price is much higher than the products from the competitors, its a premium price product. It is a unique functional drink. Promising and delivering benefits that no other drink can offer. Compared to the competitors Red Bull is nearly twice expensive as Monster or Rockstar. The price expresses superiority od Red Bull and further on it proves that there is no substitute. The positioning policy of Red Bull is premium product, premium price and premium profitability.5. Marketing Mix5.1 ProductThe normal Red Bull is served in 8 ounces aluminum can. But now their alsooffer different sizes and flavours. The can has a special form compared to a normal can, its thinner and longer (everybody knows the form). The package design resembles a silver and dirty racing flag with two bulls facing each other in the center while the Red Bull title treatment sits beneath. Red Bull used the new can as an innovation for new and attractive packaging. The can is different and unique from other brands in the market. Red Bull is made to improve performance, concentration, reaction speed and vigilance. It contains taurine, glucuronolactone, naturally occurring antiox idants and carbohydrates respectively, that help to detoxify the body. The beverage also helps to revitalize the body through the use of caffeine and B-group vitamins which help to boost energy levels and metabolism. Some people assign Red Bull tastes like gummy bear cough syrup, its definitely an acquired taste. The founder Mateschitz says Red Bull isnt a drink, its a way of life.5.2 PricingThe average price for a 8 ounces can is about 1,99 2,25 $ in the United States. In other countries the price could be a bit different. Red Bull has always followed high pricing policy. Its twice expensive compared to the competitors. But they are selling well that Red Bull does not participate in the price-off regularly seen in different flooded beverage industry.5.3 PlaceRed Bull is distributed in almost every supermarket over the world in more than 160 countries. It also has a lot of sponsoring deals with nightclubs, sport clubs, bars and companies. The aim is finding consumers at the righ t time at the right place in the right situation. They focus on areas where an energy boost is needed. Red Bull believes consumption is driven by situations, not sociodemographics. The entry strategy is based on exclusivity, an offspring if Maslows hierarchy if needs. For example when Red Bull came to the U.S. it focused its pre-seeding efforts in New York City, where the brand was already hyped by the large European influence. Red Bull was well stocked in clubs, where it became the drink of choice.5.4 PromotionRed Bull is the biggest brand in the energy drink market. They use an aggressive strategy to promote their products. Their two main tools to promote the Red Bull products are sponsoring and free sampling. Red Bull often gives free drinks to attract new costumers. For example at universities or sport events because there are most of the people from the target group. Red Bull send out their sampling girls and boys to deliver free Red Bull. They drive in the famous Red Bull cars und are using the Red Bull fridges. Red Bull also provides sponsorship for numerous parties, social events and especially sport events where they supply free and discounted Red Bull as a quick energy revitalizer and smooth chaser for alcoholic drinks.6. Conclusions and passThe marketing strategy of Red Bull can be considered as one of the most successful one over the years. The central component in all marketing activities of Red Bull was sponsoring leading athletes of extreme sports and branding refrigerated sales units to complete their marketing strategy. However, in my opinion Red Bull has to change or extend the marketing strategy to compete with other energy drink brands. In the current tart competition market there are a lot of different energy drinks available. Its going to be hard for Red Bull to stay as the first choice energy drink for the costumers. because I think it is time to advertise more in general public to response a bigger target group. They also could use t ools like billboards, banner ads or posters to maximize the contact with costumers. I know they are still doing it, but mostly on sport events. furthermore Red Bull can increase advertises on the Internet. Nowadays most of the people are using the Internet every day and they are spending lots of hours for surfing in the world wide web. Red Bull could create some extreme sport online games and advertise on appropriate websites that are quite familiar with students and business people in different countries. To sum up Red Bull has a lot of opportunities to improve their marketing strategy.10.Bibliography1. Marketing Strategies, Tactic, and TechniquesA Handbook for PractitionersStuant C. RogersISBN 1-56720-411-2 make in 20012. Wikipediahttp// Red Bull Media Househttp//www.redbullmediahouse.com04/10/20144. Tagesanzeigerhttp// 00 04/10/20145. Red Bullhttp// Gives u Wingshttp// 04/10/20147. Monster Energyhttp//www.monsterenergy.com04/10/20148. UK Essayshttp// 04/10/20149. Red Bull Marketing Campaignhttp// 04/10/201410. Red Bull Situation Analysishttp// 04/10/201411. Joseph Ramoshttp// 04/10/201412. Statistahttp// 04/10/201413. All of the explanations afterwards are from the book MKTGStudent EditionLamb/Hair/McDanielISBN 978-1-285-09186-0Published in 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Customer Perception Towards Mobile Banking
client PERCEPTION TOWARDS MOBILE BANKING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIAPurpose The objective of this physical composition is to con customer intuition towards liquid jargoning and finding important factors in India. end/Methodology/Approach The research methodology is largely based on extensive literature review and is based on exploratory research followed by descriptive epitome. The data collected thorough questionnaire, which is based on both open ended and closed ended questions. The questionnaire is based on Likert scale. The data is analyzed through Factor analysis.Findings The important factors that affect the sensing of customers towards agile asserting atomic number 18 convenience, protective covering, faith on traditional banking and knowingness. Research demarcation/implications This study is based on the data collected form major(ip)(ip) metro cities of India. The study is based on customers availing the rambling banking receiptss. The findings of the pap er post non be generalized, as the s adenylic acidling technique is non-probability sampling. Practical implications The results of this paper impart advertise diligent banking service providers to strengthen the warrantor policy and provide improver services to attract new customers. deem Type Research Paper Key Words fluent Banking Customer Perception Factor summary India INTRODUCTION In recent years, the technological developments in information engineering pretend lead to the evolution of a new archetype in Banking Industry i. e. Mobile banking. Mobile banking is outlined as the type of effectuation of financial services in the course of which within an electronic mental process the customer examples mobile communication techniques in conjunction with mobile devices (Pousttchi and Schurig 2004). Moreover, it is defined as a channel hereby the customer interacts with a bank via a mobile device, much(prenominal) as a mobile shout or personalized digital assista nt (Barnes and Corbitt 2003, Scornavacca and Barnes 2004). The evolution of Mobile banking has fundamentally transformed the way banks traditionally conduct their businesses and the ways consumers perform their banking further the success of Mobile banking is not going smoothly, its full of problems. Firstly the word sense of Mobile banking has not kept pace with that of mobile devices like mobile call offs, personal organiserS etc.This gap is attributed to the lack of assert among bank customers, particularly between cyberspace and mobile device white plaguers in the climb on group of 45 and greater than 55. Secondly, customers still have faith on face-to-face interaction epoch concerned with their money due to reasons such as fear of the online environment and lack of trust in the Internet and mobile devices systems. Recent literature on Mobile banking showed that the formation of trust can help reduce the impact of key inhibiting factors such as fears active using the onl ine service among non Mobile banking customers.The customer perception towards Mobile banking is governled by variety of factors, few within the firms control and few beyond the control of the firm. These days Mobile banking has facilitated the customers to avail each services except by the click of the buttons of mobile reverberates or PDAS. But at the same time the customers are concerned about the security of their exercises and other personal information. As more and more customers are making increasing use of Mobile banking services it becomes imperious to examine the factors that affect customer expectation and satisfaction.LITERATURE REVIEWElectronic banking is regarded as on of the some successful business to consumer applications in electronic commerce (Pousttchi and Schuring, 2004). The mobile phone is one of the most integral parts of customers lives and its use is growing in the world. The mobile banking offers various kind of services like to request the enumer ate balance, latest transactions of the account, transfer fund between accounts, to make misdirect and sell orders for the stock exchange and to receive portfolio and price information.Various studies imply that perceived financial cost (Luarn and Lin, 2005) and perceived complexity (Lee et al. , 2003) inhibits he use and adoption of mobile banking services. Security aspects are argued as an important concerns in the adoption of mobile banking (Brown et al. , 2003, Luarn and Lin, 2005). Contrary to previous findings, some studies have argued that security issues are not perceived by customer to be major obstacles in mobile banking transactions (Sournata, 2003 Laukkanen and Lauronen, 2005). These studies state that, mobile baking was anchor a secure way to conduct banking transactions by the users.However, Suranta (2003) fix that mobile services were nit used since they were perceived as impractical and not sufficiently diversified. Gonzalez (2008) stated that M-commerce has many advant eras over conventional banking system as it has reduced geographical boundaries and has enabled the customers to avail the services 24*7 hours just by clicking the buttons of their mobile phones and other mobile devices. It enables the users to access their account, get their account information, do transactions and avail other facilities without much delay and efforts.As per prediction of Broadie (2007) the Mobile banking is leading to a paradigm shift in marketing practices resulting in high performance in the banking industry. Delivery of service in banking can be provided efficiently completely when the background trading operations are efficient. An efficient background operation can be conducted only when it is integrated by an electronic system. The components like data, hardware, software, network and battalion are the essential elements of the system. Banking customers get satisfied with the system when it provides them maximum convenience and whiff while transa cting with the bank.Internet enabled electronic system facilitate the operation to gravel these result. But it is very important to maintain the security aspect while customers avail services via mobile devices or wireless network because the customers are very sensitive with their personal informations and other transaction detail, hence the service provider must ensure effective security checks to ensure error free service and safe transactions.PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThe objective of this paper is to study the customer perception towards Mobile banking and finding important factors bear on customer perception in India.ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONDemographic analysis is done to recognise the perception of mobile banking various age group of people with different line (Refer Table. 1). This analysis shows that there is significance difference in the usance of mobile banking between male and female. days group of 35-45 uses this service quite often. The KMO and bartletts Test indic ates the suitability of the data for factor analysis. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of ingest Adequacys care for (Refer Table. 2) is 0. 755 which is greater than 0. 5. This indicates that a factor analysis will be useful with our data.From the above display board, we can interpret that there is no error in 75. 5% of the take in and in the be 24. 5%, there may occur some sort of error. The value of significance level is 0. 000 that is less than 0. 05. So there is a prodigious relationship among the variables. About 66. 185% of the kernel mutation in the 16 variables is attributable to the first four components. (Refer Table. 3). It can be seen that Component 1 explains a variance of 6. 230, which is 38. 934% of total variance Component 2 explains a variance of 1. 718, which is 10. 735% of total variance Component 3 explains a variance of 1. 23, which is 8. 894% of total variance and Component 4 explains a variance of 1. 220, which is 7. 622% of total variance. From this table we can make the following factor intercellular substance. The rotated component matrix helps to determine what the components represent (Refer Table. 4). The first factor i. e.CONVENIENCE is most passing check with V1, V6, V8, V10, V11, V12 and V15. The second factor i. e.SECURITY is most highly correlated with V3, V7, V14 and V15. The third factor i. e.TRADITIONAL BANKINGS is most highly correlated with V2and V16. The after part factor i. e. ken is most highly correlated with V4, V5 and V9.Factor hyaloplasm Factor No. Eigen Value Factor Name Items Items Loading check % of Variance 1 CONVENIENCE 6. 230 38. 934 low-cal to Use 0. 93 stead save admittance to services 0. 785 Real Time Excess to discipline 0. 776 Save Time 0. 764 Save Transaction Cost 0. 79 well-off Third Party Transactions 0. 651 Online Bill Payments 0. 489 2 SECURITY 1. 718 10. 735 personal Information Safe 0. 803 legitimate improvements 0. 95 Error Free Transactions 0. 644 Cashless Banking 0. 519 3 TRADITIONAL BANKING 1. 220 8. 894 On sight Transaction 0. 555 approachability of Mobile banking Services 0. 19 4 AWARENESS 1. 423 7. 622 Point Of armorial bearing 0. 874 Advertisements By Banks 0. 772 SMS/Messages Related Mobile banking Services 0. 671 The above four factors have been explained as under FACTOR-1 CONVENIENCE V10- Easy to Use. V8- Location Free Access to services. V6- Real Time Excess to Information. V1- Save Time. V11- Save Transaction Cost. V12- Easy Third Party Transactions. V13- Online Bill Payments. FACTOR-2 SECURITY V3- Personal Information Safe. V7- Reliable Services. V14- Error Free Transaction. V15- Cashless Banking. FACTOR-3 TRADITONAL BANKING V2- On sight Transaction. V16- Availability of Mobile banking Services. FACTOR-4 AWARENESS V4- Point Of Presence. V5- Advertisements By Banks. V9- SMS/Messages Related Mobile banking Services. CONCLUSION This study was undertaken to know the perception of mobile banking in India. Mobile banking is in very emergent stage in India and very few banks are providing this kind of celerity to the customer.The detailed research and field study was carried out with usage of SPSS 16 software. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed on this software. Convenience, security, traditional banking and awareness are factors that measure the perception of mobile banking. The demographic study indicates that the people of greater than 45 years age are not leisurely with the mobile banking this is because of either their faith on onsite transaction and not tardily accept the newer technology because of lack of awareness and its goods.The results of this study suggest that there would be greater challenges for banks and mobile manufacturers to gain the trust among the all age of the people. Proper integration between banks and mobile manufacturers would gain trust by ensuring excellent security through advance reliable technology. This would augment the usage of the mobile banking in India In order to get maximum advantage of the mobile banking following suggestions can utilize to attract bank customers to use mobile banking in the futureFirst banks should realize the advantage of the mobile banking and provide this services to the customer. The positive belief can be do in the mind of customers by providing sufficient information on the benefits of mobile banking. In order to achieve this objective, banks should provide user manual that contains details on mobile banking, including usefulness and ease of use. This can also be achieved by establishing counter for mobile banking that gives all the information regarding mobile banking. This will influence customers decision to use mobile banking.Banks should ensure greater synthetic rubber by adopting advance newer technology and should give more importance of confidentiality of personal identification number. Banks can organize workshops on mobi le commerce applications to increase customers familiarity and understanding of mobile banking.LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYThis study cannot be generalized as the sample has been taken form the major metro cities of India. Mobile banking users perception is measured in this paper. So further research can be carried out considering mobile baking user and non-user to get break down picture of perception towards mobile banking in India.REFERENCES1. Barnes, S. J. & Corbitt, B. (2003). Mobile banking concept and potential. International journal of Mobile Communications, 1 (3), 273-288. 2. Brodie, H Winklhofer. 2007). Is e-marketing Coming of Age? An Examination of the Penetration of e- marketing and Firm Performance. J. Innterac. Market, 212-21. 3. Brown, I. , Cajee, Z. , Davies, D. , Stroebel, S. (2003), Cell phone banking predictors of adoption in South Africa an exploratory study, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 381-94. 4. Gonzalez, M. E. (2008). A n Alternative Approach in Service Quality An E-Banking Case Study. Quality Manage, 15 41-48. 5. Laukkanen, T. , Lauronen, J. (2005), Consumer value creation in mobile banking services, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. No. 4, pp. 325-38. 6. Lee, M. S. 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