Saturday, September 21, 2019
Postmodernism Revise Essay Example for Free
Postmodernism Revise Essay Discussion Question One, Due Thursday, 600 words Compare and contrast the idea of a â€Å"legitimate voice†from the modern and the postmodern perspective.  Legitimate Voice refers to the capability of the people to act upon what they actually perceive upon. This identifies the undeniable want of people to prove that what they believe in could actually be achieved thus giving them the chance to make a huge difference upon the society that they are living in. being a postmodernist is not an easy status to carry. This is because of the fact that carrying such status is something that is needs to be given high level of attention as postmodernists actually believe that although humans are able to realize their capability of changing his own society, he was not able to accomplish the best possible achievement that he is expected to gain based form the time that he has been given to change. Understanding modernism, it should occur to the people that making a change are not simply the aim of progress. It is to improve the major things that are found in the society today with a means of actually handling the present times with the vivid picture of what the future could possibly hold for them as the major actors of change. The application of legitimate voice within the process identifies the capability of humans to prove their thoughts through acts of improvement. The point of legitimacy should be strongly valued in applying modernization in the society. Whatever the ideas are and how well they fit to the community’s present description of improving success must likely be involved equally with each other. It is only through this that the changes implied are assured to give rightful effects and benefits to the people of the present society as extended towards the human population in the future. True, modernization is a major issue that is dealt with by every individual as well as every nation in the world today. It is through the belief of this idealism that people are able to hone their capabilities of handling major changes to open the society’s path towards a more progressive community that could give them the best results of changes in handling challenges of human society’s life and journey. The modernist’s approach in explaining the intentional use of legitimate voice in the society’s progression is actually focused upon the positivity of the matter and the way that it affects the society, whereas post-modernists actually use it to prove that people are still able to do far more better than what they have already accomplished. Discussion Question Two, Due Sunday 600 words Compare and contrast how arguments were legitimized and defended to the modernists vs. the postmodernists. THE dawn of the 1990’s has brought with it new hopes for world peace. But it has also brought with it an unparalleled uncertainty and confusion. For example, there is great uncertainty over what will happen in nations that are abandoning centrally planned economies that have failed. A number of these lands are moving into free-market capitalism. But many nations that are already capitalist have widespread poverty and unemployment, high inflation and debt. Even the United States has a huge internal debtâ€â€some three million dollarsâ€â€and is also the largest debtor nation in international trade. One result of the world’s economic woes is noted by a New York Times editorial, which said: â€Å"There are more desperately poor people in the world than ever before.†Partly because of growing uncertainties, many have retreated into selfishness: the me-first attitude, material greed, the desire for instant gratification regardless of consequences. Rampant drug abuse is an evidence of this. Christopher Lasch, a professor of history at the University of Rochester, put it this way: â€Å"The moral bottom has dropped out of our culture.†Internationally acclaimed economist Arjo Klamer states: â€Å"Artists, economists, businessmen and families have lost faith in modernist certainties. . . . Disillusionment turned out to be an emotion shared by people across fields and disciplines.†Stating that â€Å"confusion prevails,†he added: â€Å"Fragmentation. Emptiness. Irony. Chaos. These are some of the words in vogue. They define the intricate web of post-modernism in which modern people are lost.†It is painfully evident that this world’s political, economic, and social systems do not have permanent remedies for today’s immense problems and uncertainties. Obviously, through the reports sited above, it could be noted that the observation of the society and the impact of the implications of modernization in the society’s system affect the lives of human individuals directly. The constancy of the said idealism as per applied in the society today although happen to affect the lives of the people in both the positive and negative aspects of progress. Meanwhile the debating issues that are raised by the postmodernists actually challenges the people to do better than what they are presently doing, thus giving them the chance to have better benefits from the hard works that they render to the society. Implications Conclusions, Due Monday, 500 words Which postmodernist is most translatable and practically applied to your professional life? Why? Post-modernism is a thought of being continuously in want of making changes as the present changes and improvements are not yet suffice to handle the future challenges that may befall the human race.  In terms of professionalism, the said idealism pays much though the fact that the said thought would likely move people to become more than what they think and perceive they could be. Thinking about these possibilities would likely bring out the best from the individuals who are involved in improving their own ways of progression. Professionalism certainly involves excellence and outstanding thought of improvement and truth. It is through the application of post modernism theories and thoughts that the systems of professional dealings become much easier to deal with and apprehend with as the goals of improvement among the individuals involved rather become much vivid than the usual. The longing for and advancement more than the usual could be proven by the following lines:  â€Å"However, if â€Å"modern†science has taught us anything, it is that we are still quite clueless as to how we tick. We are not as smart or advanced as we think we are. Take the medical field, for instance. Granted, we have conquered some diseases and have a good sense of what things hurt us (although the processes of exactly how diseases work is still quite mysterious), as well as how we should take care of our bodies. But these advances aside, medicine is still fairly primitive†(Week 6 Lecture, Dr. Keeney,page 1)     As closely observed, the situation suggests that the current achievements of humans are still not enough. Because of this, the application for wanting much excellence than the usual is designed to make better options of improvement for the people today until they reach the peak point of their capabilities and potentials as human beings making contribution to the success of the communities that they particularly live in.     As the major theorists of postmodernism places it, the people are more capable of doing more than what they can as well as gaining more than what they normally could achieve. Applying this particular idealism in a professional environment shall indeed point out the need for becoming highly involved with change thus imply developments within the existing system of operations within the organizations that are involved within the situation dealt with by particular individuals. References: Week 6 Lecture, Dr. Keeney. Week 7 lecture. Posted: 01/22/2008 01:55 PM, by: Kyle Keeney. Bringing it all together. Farrell, John. Paranoia and Postmodernism, the epilogue to Paranoia and Modernity: Cervantes to Rousseau (Cornell UP, 2006), 309-327. Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self Identity, Cambridge: Polity Press. Grebowicz, Margaret (ed.), Gender After Lyotard. NY: Suny Press, 2007.(ISBN 978-0-7914-6956-9) Groothuis, Douglas. Truth Decay. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2000. Harvey, David (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change (ISBN 0-631-16294-1) Hicks, Stephen R. C. (2004) Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (ISBN 1-59247-646-5)
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