Saturday, May 23, 2020
Investing Online Essay - 758 Words
Investing Online Personal Investing with Computer Technology Introduction Computer technology has revolutionized the way people can invest their money. Online trading has become the newest fad for people trying to get more bang for their buck. Virtually anyone with access to the Internet can set up an online brokerage account. With just a click of the mouse people can buy and sell stocks. This advanced computer technology for personal investing has its pros and cons. It has made it much easier for the average person to take care of his/her finances in an inexpensive manner. It has alos made it easier for people to become addicted to trading, which can become an expensive habit. Trading Stocks Inexpensively Online†¦show more content†¦It can also compare a stock symbol with the SP 500 Index and the NASDAQ Composite Index to give an investor an insight how a stock is doing in comparison with the industry average. These tools are very valuable for an investor to be successful in their analysis of companies, industries, and the economy. Just five years ago, not one person invested over the Internet. But now, by one acount, more than 7million Americans trade online, making up to 25 percent of all trades by individual investors (Fritzlen, 2000). With this trend, more and more people will be using the Internet to do most of their investing. Addiction to Online Trading The growth of online trading has generated a new breed of addicts: the average day trader. The average day trader looks at the stock market in the same manner as they would a casino. With the stock market, many believe they have a higher probability of winning than in a Las Vegas casino. By winning, I am referring to generating a return from their investment. The stock market seems to be in a more controlled environment than a casino. But if the investor does not actually know what he/she is investing in, the stock market can become a gambling table. The fact is, stock market gamblers stand to lose far more money than casino gamblers, say Devin ONeil, deputy director of New Jerseys Council on Compulsive Gambling. DayShow MoreRelatedBest Stock Investment Strategies By Billy Williams Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesDecades ago, Benjamin Graham, wrote his book, Security Analysis, based on his experience with seeking out companies that were considered bargain stocks based on his analysis of a company s intrinsic value which later became known as value investing. Value investing is predicated on finding companies that have a strong competitive advantage within their marketplace and a greater asset value than their current capitalization of their company. By taking total account of the outstanding shares of a companyRead MoreCapital Market Analysis: a Dicussion on Efficient Market Hypothesis3408 Words  | 14 Pagesyou and the  ¡Ã‚ ®candy ¡Ã‚ ¯. ( Haugan, 134) B) Chan and Lakonishok (2004) basically discuss about two investing strategies, value investing and growth investing, rather than directly get into the contention of Efficient Market Hypothesis. However, some of Chan and Lakonishok ¡Ã‚ ¯s conclusions pose challenge towards market efficiency. Firstly, as a cross-sectional predictable pattern, value investing strategy provides possibility that could generate superior returns with some index, such as BV/MV (bookRead MoreFinance2742 Words  | 11 PagesRSM330 Assignment 2 – Group Work Due: March 20, 2015 in class online Question 1: Fundamental Analysis (Total 20 Marks) a) i. These two companies are both in the Auto Parts and Equipment industry. ii. The auto industry sells discretionary goods, which consumers can afford to purchase more of in a booming economy. Therefore these companies stocks are cyclical since their price can be affected by ups and downs in the economy. b) |Magma Read MoreInvestment Portfolio Management6559 Words  | 27 Pagescapital, our combined score would be 201. If we were the 60th cheapest out of 2,000 companies and we were the 60th best return on capital, we’d get a combined score of 120. It is simple value investing. It’s a systematic, very quantitative and disciplined way of effectively being a value investor. Value investing works over long periods of time but doesn’t necessarily work in any particular month or year. And that’s what’s going on here. The Magic Formula seeks to identify â€Å"good†businesses sellingRead MoreAmazon : Synopsis Of The Case1223 Words  | 5 PagesSynopsis of the Case Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos, in July of 1994. In 1997, Amazon went public and was listed on the NASDAQ market. After the company went public, it grew from an online bookstore to the world’s largest online retailer. Amazon increased sales and expanded its products and services through acquisitions, alliances, new partnerships, and exclusive vendor agreements. Amazon’s main goal was to achieve long-term growth and profitability. To attain their goal, Amazon focused on increasingRead MoreIndustry Prospects And Attractiveness : Amazon Prime Service Gaining Subscribers1636 Words  | 7 PagesPrime customers willing to buy is almost twice as much as the regular customers. Prime subscribers will continue to grow as Amazon is investing heavily in streaming content to draw in more subscribers. Today trend has to be the Amazon PrimeNow. Retailers always have an online focus in order to maximize profit with the advantages of mobile technologies. Big online retailers like Amazon on the other hand are seeing the advantages of local pickup. The evolving shopping format same-day delivery, 1-hourRead MoreAmazon Inc. An American International Electronic Commerce Company1299 Words  | 6 Pageselectronic commerce company that started off as an online book store under the old name of Under the direction of Jeff Bezos, who incorporated the company in 1994, Amazon quickly expanded their scopes by selling various other items, besides just books, in order to create its now famous brand name. Today, Amazon sells â€Å"everything from A to Z,†hence the brand name, and has taken control of the online shopping market as the world’s leading online retailer in the world (Fabrice Guillaume’s e-PortfolioRead MoreThe Growth Of Electronic Commerce970 Words  | 4 Pagesform of business. John B. Horrigan writes, â€Å"Two-thirds (66%) of online Americans say they have purchased a product online, such as a book, toy, music, or clothing.†Many people have moved on with online shopping for some good reasons that comes with it. One of the reason is it being convenient. E-commerce provides option of home delivery which saves effort of actually going to the store and move around to make a choice. Buying online means to just seat on your couch and make a selection without evenRead MoreIke Strategic And Marketing Planning Essay1003 Words  | 5 PagesIKEA Opens More Click-and-Collect Stores as Customers Move Online An article, written by Saabira Chaudhuri, presents Ikea’s most recent plans to expand their market. The information, released in this article, illustrates both strategic and marketing planning, evident in Ikea’s latest venture. As Michael Levens explains, in our text, â€Å"strategic planning identifies the overall direction of a business†, while â€Å"marketing planning includes those activities devoted to accomplishing marketing objectives†Read MoreThe Internet And Its Impact On The World Of Commerce1249 Words  | 5 Pagestechnicians to teach them how to use the scroll bar and other simple functions. Once enough people knew how to use the internet, the idea of selling products online came into fruition. Many people believed they could make a large sum of money quickly by starting a business online. Before this time the internet was too complicated to use for most people. Online shopping and retail have revolutionized shopping and has promoted eco nomic growth, made it easier to buy and sell, and has created a new type of danger
Sunday, May 17, 2020
2016 Presidential Debates - Schedule and Rules
The 2016 presidential debate schedule had the White House hopefuls sparring more than a year before the election for Presidential Barack Obamas successor. The first of more than a dozen debates in the 2016 presidential election cycle was held in August 2015 among the large field of Republican candidates seeking the partys nomination. There were at least 23 presidential debates scheduled across the primary and general-election seasons, including 12 sponsored by the Republican National Committee and 11 by the Democratic National Committee. The Commission on Presidential Debates also schedule three presidential debates and one vice-presidential debate in the run-up to the November 2016 general election, as it has done in years past. General Election Debates After voters of both parties chose their nominees - Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton - the nonprofit and nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates scheduled three presidential debates before the 2016 election. Heres the presidential debate schedule in the general-election: Monday, Sept. 26, 2016: The first presidential debate of the fall campaign will be held at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016: The first and only debate among the vice presidential nominees will be held at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia. Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016: The second presidential debate of the fall campaign will be held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016: The third presidential debate of the fall campaign will be held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Republican Presidential Debate Schedule The Republican Party drastically cut its presidential debate schedule following the recommendations of a 2013 critique of its 2012 election losses; the report noted that the number of primary debates had grown from six in 1980 to 20 in 2012. Wrote Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer: â€Å"Most observers concluded after the 2012 election that the packed debate schedule was a disservice to the candidates  and, more important, to the voters. The schedule kept candidates off the campaign trail, robbing them of time that otherwise could have been spent meeting with voters, listening to their concerns and trying to earn their support. The Republican National Committee sanctioned a dozen presidential debates in the 2016 primary cycle. Heres when the GOP presidential candidates debated: Aug. 6, 2015: Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 16, 2015: Simi Valley, California Oct. 28, 2015: Boulder, Colorado Nov. 10, 2015: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dec. 15, 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada Jan. 14, 2016: North Charleston, South Carolina Jan. 28, 2016: Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 6, 2016: Manchester, New Hampshire Feb. 13, 2016: Greenville, South Carolina Feb. 25, 2016: Houston, Texas March 3, 2016: Detroit, Michigan March 10, 2016: Miama, Florida Democratic Presidential Debate Schedule The Democratic National Committee held 11 debates between the two candidates seeking the partys presidential nomination in 2016, former U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Heres when the Democratic candidates debated: Oct. 13, 2015: Las Vegas, Nevada Nov. 14, 2015: Des Moines, Iowa Dec. 19, 2015: Manchester, New Hampshire Jan. 17, 2016: Charleston, South Carolina Jan. 25, 2016: Des Moines, Iowa Feb. 4, 2016: Durham, New Hampshire Feb. 11, 2016: Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 6, 2016: Flint, Michigan March 9, 2016: Miama, FloridaApril, 2016May, 2016
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Disobey Uniform Code of Military Justice - 1186 Words
Disobey Failure to obey any lawful order or regulation shall be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (Article 92) When I was young I was told to be nice and follow all the rules and do what I was told especially in school. Here in the Marines is no different there are many rules and regulations that are meant to be followed under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 92.It’s Important to keep following the orders you are given by anyone who is higher rank than you or been in longer than you and that you follow these rules exactly like you are ordered to do so. In this essay I will be talking about disobeying an order like I was told to do so. I will try my best’s efforts to explain everything and show what I know†¦show more content†¦The military can only function if orders, when given, are obeyed. And, as much as we would like to trust in the honesty and integrity of the human spirit, of the men and women who made that oath, put their li ves on the line for their country, and fight to keep our brothers and sisters free, the sad truth is that there are many out there that, if not given a clear set of rules, a clear set of punishments for transgressions, will not follow the rules, will not care about the punishments, will not be productive, efficient members of the military machine. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the ground law, the absolute line which may not be crossed. Everything else in the uniform code of military justice is explanation of the various forms that disobeying an order can take. Without the support given by Article 92, service members would be free to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and there wouldnt be any discipline in the United States armed service an order is a tasking given to a soldier of somethingShow MoreRelatedOrders: Non-commissioned Officer and Order Essay1011 Words  | 5 Pagesthe same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.†Whether you’re black or white, woman or man, your first language learned was Spanish or English, if you enlist in the United States Military you swear this oath. National Guard enlistees swear a similar oath but with an addition that they â€Å"swear to obey the orders of the Governor of their state.†OfficersRead MorePaper on Ucmj943 Words  | 4 PagesThe military establishment is a unique structure existing solely for the purpose of defending the United States. As such, it stands completely apart from other organizations, supply its members with uniforms, equipment, food, housing and so on. It also has its own system of laws, codified in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is part of the United States Code (USC). Its provisions cover all members of the military, both active and reserve, under certain specific conditions. Read MoreArticle 92 - Essay1237 Words  | 5 Pagesof the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makesRead MoreDisrespecting Authority969 Words  | 4 Pagesthe uniform code of military justice states that, when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military JusticeRead MoreEffects Of Disrespect On A Noncommissioned Officer And Dishonor1008 Words  | 5 Pages First, I need to explain what UCMJ is to the best of my ability. Well, UCMJ stands for Uniform Code of Military Justice and is the laws that govern the United States Military. Military law is the backbone of the UCMJ and it applies to all services. In other words, the UCMJ defines the military justice system and lists criminal offenses under military law. Employess. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice service men and women can be charged, tried, and convicted of a wide range of crimes. SomeRead MoreMilitary Vs. Civilian Life1270 Words  | 6 Pagesknowing how their lives actually differ. Military life can offer many differences that civilian life cannot. Having lived both lives, I have an inside perspective on the differences between the two. These differences can include laws, regulations, and the different types of punishment one may receive. Although, everything between the two may seem different, there is also a similarity. That similarity, is encountering the same personality types in the military as one would as a civilian. The last, theRead MoreWas It Worth It?1175 Words  | 5 Pages Was it worth it? Military life can offers many differences that civilian life cannot. Having lived both lives, I have an inside perspective on the differences between the two. These differences can include laws, regulations, and the different types of punishment one may receive. Although, everything between the two may seem different, there is also a similarity. That similarity, is encountering the same personalities types in the military as one would as a civilian. The last, biggest differenceRead MoreAccountability1319 Words  | 6 Pagesphysical, mental, and spiritual needs are accounted for and taken into consideration; so they can be more functional as a unit, team, and be mission ready as the legs of the military; as the NCO’s being the backbone. Soldiers must be and act responsibly in every situation they may find themselves in, whether it’s in or out of uniform. Moving on to my next topic: The duties of NCOs. Obeying an nco is important and what obeying someone means in my own words is to comply with or achive the objectiveRead MoreArticle 92 - Essay1245 Words  | 5 Pagesof the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makesRead MoreImportance of Maintaining Your Room and Obeying Orders Essay1401 Words  | 6 Pagesthat one soldier, if he or she becomes sick, could cause other soldiers to become sick. When one soldier becomes the source of other soldiers being sick then that soldier could be face possible punishment under Article 134 of the Universal Code of Military Justice for Article 134 states as follows: 934. ART. 134. GENERAL ARTICLE Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
City Heights East Is Divided By Many Ethnicities Essay
City Heights East is divided by many different ethnicities. There is 54.3% Hispanic, 20.9% Asian, 15% Black, 7.3% White, 2.2% mixed, and 0.3% other. With this data we can see that there is is range of different ethnicities and not one fully overrides other. This is a diverse community with some great cultures throughout. With this comes crime. With a total of about 30 assaults in the past year, there needs to be a sense of community rather than a sense of territory. Within this sections it will review the cost of living, the employment rates, the school’s, and the community organization. These are all important when looking at a specific crime and how to improve it within the community. When looking at the economics within City Heights East it is 17% lower than the San Diego average for the cost of living. Yet it is 12% higher for the cost of living than the National average. Living anywhere in San Diego is going to be expensive when comparing it to the national average becau se we live where people vacation. Yet it is relatively cheap to live here when comparing it to the San Diego average. With this comes crime and other aspects of lower poverty level neighborhoods. Looking into the employment rates within City Heights East there are a lot of barriers and issues with gender and unemployment rates, as well as wage earnings. First looking at income per capita City Heights East is average $12,924, San Diego average is $33,789, and California average is $29,906. This isShow MoreRelatedKey Characteristics That Make Up A Culture1222 Words  | 5 Pages Malaysia is divided into two parts, Peninsular and East Malaysia. The first is situated in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, sharing borders with Thailand and Singapore. East Malaysia occupies a part of the island Borneo and shares borders with Indonesia and Brunei. 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Most of Tajikistans population belongs to the Persian-speaking Tajik ethnic group, who share language, culture and historyRead More The History of Religious Conflicts in America Essay2182 Words  | 9 Pagesby God for the Americans to wage war against the British.[1] As the Church of England was striving to establish one, uniform religion across the kingdom, colonial America was divided, each of the colonies being dominated by their own brand of Christianity. Due to the distance from England and the room in the colonies, many religions were able to establish themselves in America, colony by colony. For example, Anglicans, who conformed to the Church of England, populated Virginia. Massachusetts wasRead MoreThe Identity And Street Art5052 Words  | 21 PagesIdentity and Street Art Michaila Forte â€Å"An empty wall is an empty population†– Anonymous Abstract Street art emphasizes communal engagement, public activism, and awareness all while being an integrated part of a city. Social media is one of the most important tools to connect people in our lives, especially in today’s youth culture. Our group is interested in investigating the relationship between identity and media. We are approaching this question in three main ways: street art, gentrificationRead MoreArt History7818 Words  | 32 Pages#61607; Southern India • Around 3,000BC #61607; China • Around 2,800BC • Composed of two separated and distinct cradles of civilization • Chapter 2 Ââ€" Egyptian Art o Egypt Ââ€" Latin named coined by Romans o Around 2,800-2,200BC o Originally divided into tow separated kingdoms #61607; Upper kingdom #61607; Lower kingdom o Around 3,000BC two kingdoms merged into one #61607; Remained intact for 3,000 years o Pg. 49 Ââ€" Palette of King Narmar #61607; Celebrated reunion of two kingdoms #61607;
Compulsory Education in Saudi Arabia Free Essays
string(125) " The government has also established higher technical institutions and those that deal in financial and commercial sciences\." Education is very important as it greatly influences people’s behavior, interpersonal relationships, leadership and the general economy. When people are educated, they become more open minded to new ideas and it is this change in attitudes that enhances innovation and intelligence in society to make people skilled in certain areas such that they positively impact on the society (World Education Forum, 2000). Saudi Arabia is one of the countries in the Middle East whose economy is growing rapidly. We will write a custom essay sample on Compulsory Education in Saudi Arabia or any similar topic only for you Order Now The country therefore needs skilled people to work in the industries who will continue propelling the economy to greater heights. For this reasons, education in Saudi Arabia is something that the government considers as a necessity and that is why it is has dedicated itself to improve the literacy levels especially among people in the rural areas. Saudi Arabia being an Islamic state it is ensuring that the citizens follow the culture and traditions as stated in the holy Quran. To enhance this, the school curriculum follows the Islamic principles and belief system. This research will look at the various ways in which education in Saudi Arabia is enhanced in several ways so as to ensure that the children of Saudi Arabia have access to good education. Compulsory Education Compulsory education generally means that children are allowed to go to school without being asked to pay any fees. This is because the government will cater for the expenses that the public schools will incur which are mainly related to school tuition. Compulsory education in Saudi Arabia was initiated during the reign of the two Kings; Faisal and Khalid (1964- 1982). It was then that the education system was changed from the former Egyptian model and a five year plan was formulated so as to enhance human capital development via education and training. Initially, 50% of the best children after finishing primary education went to secondary and the rest were enrolled in the training institutions. Nowadays, compulsory education in Saudi Arabia generally includes primary and secondary education and partly higher education which is funded by the government. Compulsory education has been beneficial to the government as well as the people because the poor and marginalized children can now go to school, more people are becoming educated and skilled and the government now has leant to budget it s money well so that all sectors of the economy get enough funding. This initiative has helped in reducing the cases of unequal distribution of resources (OECD Staff, 230). For easy monitoring of academic progress, the kingdom is divided into school districts (Saudi Arabia, 2009). The Ministry of Education is responsible for formulating educational policies that are used by all schools in the different districts. We will now look at how compulsory education works in the different levels of education. Primary Education. Primary education was made free by the government so that everyone in the country could be educated such that when they become of age and are left on their own , they have high chances of finding a job so that they an meet their daily needs. â€Å"Since Saudi Arabia follows the Sharia Law even in the school system, boys and girls are separated and that is why there are separate schools for both genders but all follow the same education system as the exams set are the same (State University, 2009). †The system therefore includes traditional education for boys, general education for the boys and girls education system. Primary education constitutes the elementary school where upon successfully completing this stage, a child is awarded the general elementary schools certificate and the intermediate schools where after finishing at around the age of 15, one is awarded the intermediate schools certificate. The subjects that are learnt at the primary level are those that are meant to create a strong foundation so that the children can develop an interest on the areas that they would like to specialize (Sedgwick, 2001). The subjects studied include, mathematics, Arabic, English, science, art, history and religious studies. The boys on top of this, they study physical education. o Secondary Education Secondary education is supposed to shape the growing children’s behavior and build on the areas where they can specialize so that by the time they finish high school and get the general secondary education certificate, technical secondary school or the religious Institute Secondary Education certificate, they can choose either to further their studies if they have passed or to engage in other economic activities if they do not join training institutions. Under the secondary education, there is the general secondary education and the religious secondary school which mainly focuses on the social sciences and religious studies (Rothbard, 2006). †Subjects taught in the general secondary education may be optional but there are those that everyone has to learn which include scientific and literary subjects. The technical secondary school offers vocational, commercial and agricultural training progra ms as specified by the general Organization for Technical Education. This system is good as it makes people define at an early age the areas they would like to specialize on. After completion, there is further vocational and training that seeks to emphasize on the skills acquired. o Higher Education There are 7 public universities, teacher training colleges and colleges for women. The universities follow two systems, the modern system that is influenced by the western ways of doing things and the traditional Islamic system which mainly teaches students on Islamic laws and social studies. When students pass their secondary education specifically the Tawjihi or the General Secondary Education Certificate examinations, they will be admitted to the universities (Sedgwick, 2001). †University education is supposed to take four years but there are exceptions in disciplines like medicine, engineering and Pharmacy which can last for up to eight years. The women colleges mostly offer bachelor and masters degrees but there is also a doctorate in education following the provisions made by the General Presidency for Girls Education. The government has also established higher technical institutions and those that deal in financial and commercial sciences. The courses take about two to three years and after completion, certificates and diplomas are awarded. These non-university higher education institutions are governed by the General organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training (GOTEVT). The students who are admitted to these schools have to have undergone secondary education and specialized in the science subjects or gone to the vocational and commercial schools. Teacher training. The government of Saudi Arabia in wanting to offer the best teachers for the schools they have funded and built, they have invested in teacher training colleges. There are about 18 teacher training colleges and the Ministry of Education ensures that the colleges are well supported so that they produce competent and skilled teachers who will be recruited by the government after the completion of their studies to each in the public schools around the country. The teachers are trained for all the levels which include primary, secondary and higher education. King Abdul Aziz University usually trains the teachers who will concentrate in higher education (Sedgwick, 2001). o Special Education Specialized education include taking care of the disable in society, adult education, offering public administration services and educating and training the military personnel in various fields. ? Physically challenged educational initiatives The Saudi government in its quest of equitable distribution of resources has not forgotten the physically challenged people and children in society. Schools have been established within the kingdom to cater for disabilities like blindness, mental cases and the deafness. These schools generally create a safe haven for the pupils who would otherwise been shun away by society by ensuring that there are facilities that will cater for the physical therapy sessions they sometimes undergo through and proper training sessions. King Saud University teaches teachers so that they can take care of special children. The College of Applied Medicine also teaches educators on how they can deal with deaf children. Adult education Research has shown that the illiteracy levels are more in women than they are in men. That that is why adult education programs have been developed to deal with such cases. The ministry of education in conjunction with the General Presidency of Girls Education has opened up institutions that help the elderly in society to read and write. In addition to this, they undergo various vocational training classes so that they can gain skills which ah they can use to earn income. For example the women are taught about weaving and Pottery. Public Administration To enhance the skills that people gain in school, the government offers special training to people who work in hospitals so that they can offer the best health care to patients, people in the banking sector so that they can manage people finances well and also the governments resources as they will be more observant on the changes in the domestic, regional and global market trends. Special training is also given to the people who handle electronic data and secretaries. The goal of building on the skills of the public administrators is to ensure that they serve the public well, manage the country’s resources and perform their duties without any form of biasness (Abir, 1988). ? Military Training and Education The government in its commitment to protecting people’s lives and safeguarding their lives and property from any form of internal and external danger, it has set up military training camps for all the different divisions within the military. Where upon completion of the course, A military science degree is awarded. Health training centers are also in place which train doctors in various fields, nurses, laboratory assistants, pharmacists and intuitionalists who can therefore offer better health treatment to people all over the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also working with other institutions in conducting research on various things so that they can continue enhancing various sectors of the economy. Funding. The Provision of quality education is something that the government is working on and that is why the government allocates funds to schools in order to buy things like stationery, reading and writing books and also building of classrooms. In building schools, the Ministry of Education emphasizes on the rural development fast because a lot of people are now living in the cities and man people are migrating to the urban areas leaving them underdeveloped. â€Å"That is why they need to make sure that there are good schools in the regions and better facilities so that people stay and develop the areas (UNESCO, 2007). The ministry also offers scholarships to the children who have performed well and they would like to further their education in oversees countries. The ministry thus relies on the budget allocation set aside for educational purposes and several charities got from donors. â€Å"The state is developing ways that will make the private sector more involved in the prov ision of extra funding for educational programs (Raheed, 2008). †The ministry of Education ha therefore come up with ways that aim at increasing the support of the community for this initiative. Since some private institutions fund schools, they are being given a duty of monitoring and evaluating the activities that occur in such schools so that they can perform better and continue giving the funds. Challenges and Solutions Though the compulsory educational system is meant to make the citizens more knowledgeable, it is faced wit various setbacks that need to be addressed if the Ministry of Education objectives are to be fulfilled. One of the challenges is that the number of the children going to school is increasing and this has made the public schools especially the primary schools become congested. This situation is straining the learning process as the teachers have to cope with the large number of children and therefore they cannot address the individual needs of the children. Moreover, performance of the pupils in such schools is diminishing. That is why the private schools are starting to gain popularity because they are offering quality services hence their better performance. If policies are poorly designed, parents will keep their children at home and neither party will gain in the process (Field et al, 2007). For the state to be able to cope with this problem, they have to redefine their policies so that they can build more schools or hire more teachers. Another challenge is that the teachers or educators salaries have not been increased therefore they are not motivated enough to teach students. The ministry needs to adjust the teachers pay packages because if the problem persists, the people who are largely going to suffer will be the students as they will be caught in a tag of war between the teachers and the state. Women education is largely governed by Islamic principles and that is why it is difficult for the women to further their education. â€Å"The women especially those who want to pursue higher education in other countries are not easily allowed to travel to other countries and this restricts then from finding pleasure in careers they want to do (Arabic News, 2003). †On top of this, priority is always given to the boys therefore women have a limited chance again of enhancing their careers. The state as much as it is Islamic, it can allow exceptions and even provide guidelines that will help the women who would like to further their studies. Funding is a major issue and this can be attributed to mismanagement of some of the funds allocated to educational ventures and the leaders both of schools and the state not being accountable for the funds. There are cases where schools do not have records of the money they have spent and this makes it difficult to properly allocate funds (Ghonemy, 1998). The leaders therefore need to guide the people in proper ways and ensure that they positively then to follow in their footsteps. Moreover, they need to properly plan and budget for their activities. In conclusion, compulsory education has helped the state increase its human resource capabilities by supporting education and training programs in almost all sectors of the economy. If they implement the solutions to the various problems mentioned and continually monitor and evaluate the progress of schools, then they have a high chance of improving the education sector and likewise the lives of the people of Saudi Arabia. How to cite Compulsory Education in Saudi Arabia, Papers
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Context Service Industries
Question: Discuss about the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Context Service Industries. Answer: Introduction The critical thinking is attributed to the most intellectual discipline which is concerned with the process of conceptualization, application, analysis and the evaluation of the information gathered from various sources (Jackson 2015). The information can be gathered from a wide variety of sources such as reflection, experience, observation, communication and reasoning (Jackson 2015). The modern-day organizations are gearing up for in depth information about the business processes that can be critical for making the business decisions (Jackson 2015). The critical thinking can be designated as the intentional application of the higher order thinking skills and rational skills that would be beneficial for the organization in the long run. In todays modern organization, there are a lot of problems that happen in the workplace (Jackson 2015). An essential part of ambiguity lies in the dealing with ambiguity. The critical thinking is concerned with the metacognition, which is concerned wi th the act of being aware of the individual thinking when performing specific tasks as well as using the awareness to control the different entities (Metcalfe 2013). There are many situations in the service industries which poses serious threat to the managers (Pinder 2014). The internal as well as external environment of the organization presents several challenges for the organization and there are several problems in the day to day functioning of the organization (Jackson 2015). The managers of the organizations work hard to formulate policies so that there is an increase in the efficiency of the organization (Pinder 2014). The issues of the organization affect the overall functioning of the organization (Jackson 2015). This report would provide an in-depth analysis of one functional problem in the organization and would provide critical analysis of the same (Jackson 2015). The problem would be analyzed in detail with the help of different attributes such as cultural beliefs, system dynamics, historical influences and examples of inductive or deductive arguments (Pinder 2014). Description of the Problem The growing number of multinational companies as well as small companies has long working hours which reduces the productivity of the employees in the long run (Jackson 2015). Research has shown that people working beyond the scheduled eight hours of working have serious health issues (Caruso 2014). The long working hours is not only harmful for the employees but it is also detrimental for the organizations in the long run (Jackson 2015). There is high attrition rate in the organization as the employees are not eager to work in organization that forces them to work for long hours than usual (Pinder 2014). Research shows that people who work for more than 55 hours each week have an increased risk of stroke and coronary heart disease (Wilmot et al. 2012). If the employees fall ill, then there would be increased absenteeism as well as increased medical charges that would have to be borne by the organization (Jackson 2015). This would also bring in negative image for the company as there would be news that the company has long working hours (Caruso 2014). In such cases, the human resource department would be having a tough time in recruiting qualified manpower. Analysis of the problem There have been an increasing number of studies that shows the ill effects of the long working hours (Caruso 2014). One of the studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that the unhealthy diet habits, increase in the blood pressure and the stress is causing millions of people to go through serious health issues ( 2017). This study showed that the act of spending long time (more than 11 hours) in office leads to an increased rise in the heart diseases (around 67 percent). There is also an increased risk to the varying levels of psychological stress that also damages the health of the individuals ( 2017). There are other factors responsible for the high amount of stress in the individuals such as increased level of the cortisol hormone, lack of physical activity of the employees, increase in the sedentary lifestyle and the poor eating habits of the employees ( 2017). Reasons of long working hours The managers of the companies often expect their employees to engage in long working hours by responding to the company mails at all times or willingly donate their holidays or weekends to the company, especially in the peak business seasons (Appelbaum 2013). This is caused by the different degree of economic incentives, corporate culture and the emerging technologies that have contributed to the additional hours that the employees contribute to their workplace (Appelbaum 2013). The employees also feel the urge to work long hours owing to the promotion as the management would be content if they are seen to be devoting long hours to the work ( 2017). The employees have high ambition, greed for short term rewards and others, which make them to take huge workload and complete them by giving additional work hours to the company beyond their normal working hour (Sirota and Klein 2013). This often leads to increased levels of anxiety, stress, nausea, eyesight problems, headaches and loss of sleep. There are sleep disorders for the employees who work for long hours (Appelbaum 2013). There may be situation in which the employees are expected to work from home even after their normal work schedules are over (Appelbaum 2013). This causes loss of work-life balance and the employees are unable to give sufficient time to their family or they have no personal life (Khallash and Kruse 2012). There are several close health related factors that are concerned with the long stretches of work (Caruso 2014). The employees may have impaired sleeping, heavy drinking, depression, impaired memory and increased susceptibility to diabetes (Miller and Reynolds 2012). Consequence of long working hours The human brain is unable to perform at its optimum level after 7-8 years of work. It increases the effectiveness, which is also reflected in the productivity of the employees (Bloom 2014). The organizations with long working hours can expect a loss of productivity as the employees would not be able to do their job duties in a perfect manner (Caruso 2014). There are an increased number of workers in Australia, who are doing work for more than 20 hours and also night duty (Bloom 2014). The erratic work schedules characterized by 6-12 hours of work at the shift and the employees working in different shifts are often seen to be lacking in sleep and this is detrimental to the organization also (Amorim and Santos 2017). The employees working in shift duty or long stretches are often unable to focus on their day to day work (Bloom 2014). This is due to the fact that the mind is unable to focus on the work after certain hours of work (Foster and Wass 2013). The organization would not be able to give authentic work and there would be lack of creativity in the team if the employees are working for long hours. Culturally held beliefs There are different culturally held beliefs for the working hours in the organization. The working hours are directly with the life satisfaction (Munir et al. 2012). The determinants of the life satisfaction are directly dependent on working hours (Bloom 2014). The life satisfaction can be defined as the analysis of the general well-being as well as overall happiness of the individuals. It is true that having a regular job is important in improving the positive association. The happiness is closely related with the culture and the understanding of the culture is important for instilling motivations as well as positive behaviors among the employees (Gayathiri et al. 2013). The people are known to face different degrees of moral dilemmas as well as ambiguous circumstances when there is instance of proper behavior (Gayathiri et al. 2013). The emotional commitment of the employees is directly related with the act of prioritizing of the tasks (Bloom 2014). The most important dimensions of culture are concentrated on the fact that the locus of responsibility lies within the individuals and their actions (Caruso 2014). System dynamics of long work hours There are number of causal agents that contribute to the long working hours in the modern-day organizations (Reason 2016). There are incidents when the employees engage in long working hours without any extra pay. There can be lot of distractions during the official hours which may force the people to stay in office for longer duration (Gayathiri et al. 2013). There can be the existence of non-cooperating members who would minimal support to the employees (Karatepe 2013). This may also prevent the employees form finishing their work within stipulated time. There are instances when the supervisor is disorganized in his work approaches (Karatepe 2013). This may result in the late allocation of the work and hence the employee would need longer time to finish the allocated work (Gayathiri et al. 2013). The managers may be good at their own tasks, however, they may not be good at delegating tasks to the people, which may force their team members to stay in office for long hours (Wiig 2012 ). There are instances when the employees are unable to manage their time effectively, which would make them to stay after office so that they can meet their performance targets. It can be argued that the persons working more than 48 hours of week can be regarded as the ones having long working hours (Landy and Conte 2016). Research shows that there are clear gender differences concerning long working hours. The male population is known to work for longer hours as compared to the female counterparts (Karatepe 2013). It has also been shown that people in the age group of 30 and 49 are most likely to work for long hours. The paid overtime was also considered as one of the causes contributing to the long working hours (Rodrigues Guest and Budjanovcanin 2013). There is close association between the overtime period and the current levels of pay (Gibbons and Henderson 2012). There are other dynamics for long working hours such as employee preference, career enhancement, occupational commitmen t and the job security (Rodrigues Guest and Budjanovcanin 2013). Historical influences The long work hours are also supported by several historical influences. During the 1800, there were many Americans who worked for long stretches (Skocpol 2013). They used to work over seventy hours per week, which became a political issue. There has been increasing workload in the nineteenth centuries. The jobs with high degree of overtime often results in the increased chances of the injury hazard rates (Rodrigues Guest and Budjanovcanin 2013). The Australians have long working hours culture and they are considered as the hardest workers among the global workforce ( 2017). There is one among the five Australians who work for more than 50 hours per week. The traditions of Australia demonstrate that the country relies heavily on the penalty rates and the over time, which is implemented to discourage the employees from having a long work week (Skocpol 2013). It is also true that the longer hours of work do not correspond to the higher rate of productivity. Studies also demon strates the fact that the long working hours caused due to increased work pressure causes diminishing effect on the employee productivity (Skocpol 2013). Use of statistics There is high probability that a large number of statistics would be used for the purpose of evaluating the long working hours in the modern workplaces. The Australian statistics shows that the Fair Work Commission has set out guidelines for the hours of work that the employees are supposed to do (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). The employees are supposed to work for a maximum of 38 ordinary hours in a particular week. The ordinal hours can be part time, full time and also applicable for the causal employees. Suggestion The problem of the long work hours should be handled carefully and set of solutions should be set for minimizing the risks caused due to the problem. The employees should try to priorities the tasks so that they can complete the tasks within the given deadlines (Pickert 2014). This would also prevent the employees from working after the office timings. The employees should engage in the prioritizing of the tasks and it is also important to set the timelines for important tasks first so that they get completed over time (Pickert 2014). The employees should engage in conversations with the senior management which throws light on the workload problems. The employees should ask direct questions to the supervisors instead of giving accusations to them (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). It is also important to find out the root causes of the workload issue and agree to solutions based on this analysis (Pickert 2014). The employees should be accountable for managing their own time and they should s trive to maintain time keeping software that would help them manage the team as well as personal priorities well (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). The employees should be able to manage the work well and the organization should not overburden them (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). The organization should understand that the employees need to balance their personal as well as professional life. They should not give unachievable deadlines to the employees so that they can finish off their work within the office duty hours (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). This would make the employees more committed to the organization and their job role. The organization can allow flexible work options that would help the companies to focus more on employee productivity. The organizations can give Work from Home options so that the employees can balance their personal as well as professional life easily (Bloom et al. 2014). The companies should leverage the increasing use of the technological interventions and hence this should be done to keep the long working hours (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). It is important to take care of the log in and the log out time so that the employees do not overburden themselves. The organization should hire adequate number of employees so that the departments get adequate number of manpower to perform their day to day tasks (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). An efficient human resource department is the key to adhering to the limits of the normal working hours. The employees should keep time for themselves even in a busy schedule (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). This would help them to cultivate their hobby or the ir favorite pastime, which would keep them refreshed and hence they can concentrate on the work better. The organization should strive to undergo frequent motivation sessions for the employees, which would inspire the employees and this would be reflected in their work performances also (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). The motivation can be in terms of both financial as well as non-financial terms (Weiner 2013). A motivated employee would help them to give their optimum performance and hence this would also help them to restrict the working hours. The organization can conduct motivation sessions that would help the employees to perform their job tasks in a better way (Duncan and Dunifon 2012). There should be limited working hours for women because they may have several duties such as child-rearing as well care for the elderly people (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). The organization should organize wellness sessions that would engage experienced as well as qualified psychotherapists so that they can provide the employees practical tips of managing stress. These kind of training sessions woul d provide the employees necessary tools to cope up with the extreme long working hours. These kind of training sessions would also provide the employees emotional support so that they can cope up with the pressures of the work (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). There can be one to one sessions if the situation demands so. This would result in the employees successfully managing their work within the stipulated workplaces timings. The organization would be successful in maintaining a positive work culture in which there is trust and professionalism (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). This would increase the productivity of the employees and hence there would be fulfillment of the organizational goals. The organization should also do proper planning for the allocation of tasks. The employees should be given task before hand and they should be given sufficient time so that they are able to complete them within the stipulated time (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). This would help the employees to complete the task within their duty hours and they would not need to stay late for completing them. The task management and task planning is important and the managers should take play a key role in it (Gavino Wayne and Erdogan 2012). The organization should be empathetic towards its employees so that they can enjoy the work they are doing and this would cause an increase in the productivity. Conclusion The modern-day organizations are going through lot of complex processes since they are big entities and they are having cross border operations. In such situations, it is important to undergo critical thinking so that there is effective problem solving. This report discussed one of the most important issues in the modern workplaces- long working hours. The problem is analyzed in detail. The different health consequences of the long working hours are discussed. The different reasons for the long working hours are discussed such as high ambition, greed for short term rewards, different degree of economic incentives, corporate culture and the emerging technologies. The consequence of long working hours is also discussed. The culturally held beliefs are discussed along with the system dynamics of the long working hours. The organizational dynamics that lead to increased working hours are critically analyzed. The different historical significances related to the long working hours are dis cussed. The Fair Work Commission has set out guidelines regarding the working hours, which are discussed. The concluding part of the report has practical suggestions for dealing with the particular situation. This report would help in the understanding of the issue of long working hours in business and how to deal with them effectively. References Amorim, S. and Santos, G.G., 2017. Employee and Human Resource Managers Perceptions About Family-Friendly Work Practices: A Case Study Focused on Perceived Organizational Support. InManaging Organizational Diversity(pp. 67-93). Springer International Publishing. Appelbaum, E., 2013. The impact of new forms of work organization on workers.Work and Employment in the High Performance Workplace,120. Bloom, N., 2014. To raise productivity, let more employees work from home.Harvard business review,92(1/2), pp.28-29. Bloom, N., Liang, J., Roberts, J. and Ying, Z.J., 2014. Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese experiment.The Quarterly Journal of Economics, p.qju032. Caruso, C.C., 2014. 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Miller, M.D. and Reynolds III, C.F., 2012.Depression and Anxiety in Later Life: What Everyone Needs to Know. JHU Press. Munir, F., Nielsen, K., Garde, A.H., Albertsen, K. and Carneiro, I.G., 2012. Mediating the effects of worklife conflict between transformational leadership and health?care workers job satisfaction and psychological wellbeing.Journal of Nursing Management,20(4), pp.512-521. Pickert, K., 2014. The mindful revolution.TIME magazine,3, pp.34-48. Pinder, C.C., 2014.Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. Reason, J., 2016.Managing the risks of organizational accidents. Routledge. Rodrigues, R., Guest, D. and Budjanovcanin, A., 2013. From anchors to orientations: Towards a contemporary theory of career preferences.Journal of Vocational Behavior,83(2), pp.142-152. Sirota, D. and Klein, D., 2013.The enthusiastic employee: How companies profit by giving workers what they want. FT Press. 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Saturday, May 2, 2020
Human Dignity and Problem of Rights †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Human Dignity and Problem of Rights. Answer: Introduction: Although many countries are trying to ensure all children are given the right to education, not all of them have been able to attain this right. Most of the international agencies have been putting various strategies for the universal primary education (UPE) to be attained but various challenges have been blocking this from happening (Gupta, 2015). It is the right of every school going children to attain education, and this can be supported by various catholic social thoughts like for example, the common good, the life and dignity of the human person, and the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. The common good principle states that all human beings should be given adequate access to the goods and resources of the society so that they can be able to live better lives. It also states that the rights of individuals to personal possessions and public resources should be balanced with the needs of people who are disadvantaged and dispossessed (Osadebe, 2013). Based on the fact that education is one of the factors which give human beings fulfilling lives, it should be given to all children irrespective of the economic condition of their country or social class of their family. The life and dignity of the human person principle promotes the dignity of all people because it states that human being are equal and important because they were created in the image of God. It also asserts that human dignity should be seen in relationship to the promotion of common good (Whitehead, 2011). To promote human dignity, there should be equality in providing the necessities which make people to live better lives and education is one of them. Therefore, children in all countries and irrespective of the economic background of their country should be allowed to have an access to education. From this principle, nothing should bring inequality in human beings when it comes to provision of what can make them live fulfilling lives. This means because education has benefits, the benefits should be attained by all people. The preferential option for the poor and vulnerable on the other hand says that most people although are marginalized in the community should be prioritized when making all our decisions (Osadebe, 2013). According to this principle, Caring for the poor should be everyones responsibility. In most countries, poverty is one of the factors which makes children to fail getting access to education. Just like this principle asserts, those who are concerned should prioritize the marginalized for the UPE to be obtained. Comparing the three principles, it is clear that they have one thing in common: equality irrespective of the nature of society where one comes from. This means because education is a right and has various benefits, it should be provided to all students. These principles basically brings equality between the poor and the rich, by stating that all human beings should be allowed to get access to their rights. In most countries, poverty is one of the factors which makes it not possible to attain UPE (Maina, 2011). These principles have close relationship to UPE in the fact that the goal of UPE is to ensure all children gets equality in accessing education irrespective of the economic background of where they come from (Solarte, 2010). The common good, the life and dignity of the human beings, and the referential option for the poor talks about assisting all people to attain their rights and what can make them live fulfilling lives. The concept of self and community is consistent with the principle of CST. Understanding these principles helps people to determine how matters which relate to the dignity of beings and the realization of the common good can be addressed in their personal and professional lives (Orsy, 2014). The two provides knowledge and understanding for the development of the skills required to come up with strategies of addressing challenges where shared responsibility for the common good is not realized. Education benefits both individuals and the society and it is a right which should be provided to all students. Therefore, because it benefits both individuals and the society and it is a right, it should be given to all people irrespective of the economic condition of their country. The concept of self and community is related to the golden rule which says do unto others as you expect them to do unto you. The self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself while that of community talks about other people (Gaon, 2015). Comparing these two concepts, one can realize that there is interconnection between the two and the golden rule. The interconnection is brought by other referring to community and self referring you. In the education sector, there should be a common good of attaining this right and therefore doing good through ensuring all students are educated as one expect his/her children to be educated plays a significant role. Application of self and community concept as well as the golden rule can play a significant role in attaining UPE. The concerned bodies should also educate the society concerning the golden rule and the concept of self and community in their strategies of ensuring UPE is attained. To address the issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of common good, I shall ensure there is nothing which makes one special than the other, or makes one to fail accessing the basic rights. For example, ensuring education is free and letting the society know the importance of taking their kids to school can contribute a lot in ensuring all children are educated (Kalb, 2011). The dignity of the human beings is said to be the foundation of a moral vision for the society and therefore I shall uphold all matters which can contribute to the benefits of both individuals and the society. All people are equal irrespective of the background which they come from and therefore what promises a fulfilling life should be given to all. Education plays a significant role in determining the kind of life which one lives and therefore ensuring all children access it is fundamental. In the future, I shall ensure there is equality in ensuring people receive what is good for them, and their rights irrespective of their gender, creed, ethnicity, age or ability are not ignored. I shall ensure I let the society understand that there are benefits of ensuring equality in all matters which make one live fulfilling lives. Some of these matters include education, employed, healthcare, proper housing among others. References Gaon, S. (2015). More Than Life: Human Dignity and the Problem of Rights. Mosaic (Winnipeg), 48(4), 54-67. Gupta, G. G. (2015). Post 2015 UN Global Development Goals; What Next for Universal Primary Education? Journal of Social Welfare and Managemen, 7(3), 67-89. Kalb, J. (2011). Litigating Dignity: A Human Rights Framework. Albany Law Review, 74(4), 12-34. Maina, W. M. (2011). The Common Good And/or the Human Rights: Analysis of Some Papal Social Encyclicals and Their Contemporary Relevance. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies,, 10(29), 534-567. Orsy, L. (2014). The Divine Dignity of Human Persons in Dignitatis Humanae. Theological Studies, 75(1), 21-43. Osadebe, u. (2013). Evaluation of Achievement of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Delta State. Education, 132(3), 43-67. Solarte, H. O. (2010). The Common Good, the Common Interest and the Decision Making Process. International Management Review, 6(1), 32-34. Whitehead, D. (2011). Education Diplomacy: The Way Forward. Childhood Education, 87(3), 90-121.
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