Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy essays
The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy essays One theme presented in Pat Conroy's "The Prince of Tides," is that people have difficulty dealing with problems, so they run from them. People handle problems in different ways. Some people try to fix their problems but others don't know what to do and therefore run from them. Running from their problems seems like the right thing to do but in the end it just makes things worst because you can't run from them your entire life. In The Prince of Tides, Tolitha, Savannah and Tom had family problems and tried several things to escape them. Tolitha is Tom and Savannah's grandmother who runs from her family in order to find adventure and happiness. "Her iconoclastic attitudes and behavior make her to some extent an even more amusing figure, though that in no way detracts from Amos's unique stature" (Burns 22). Tolitha leaves her husband Amos and her son Henry during the Depression because of a shortage of money. Amos was a barber and during the Depression he quit his job to preach the Lor ds word in front of a pharmacy. Amos was getting paid less than working at the barbershop. "'We were starving or close to it'" (Conroy 314). That is when Tolitha left Amos and Henry. Tolitha went to Atlanta and got a job at a department store, which is where she met Papa John. Not long after meeting Papa John, she married him. After five years of being married to Papa John, Tolitha took Henry to Atlanta where she was living. Tolitha was married to Papa John about as long as she was married to Amos. Later Papa John died and Tolith a went crazy. "She was the kind of woman who knew instinctively that extreme happiness could not be duplicated; she knew how to shut a door properly on the past" (Conroy 147). Tolitha left Atlanta and went to Hong Kong, Africa, and India after Papa John died. Once again Tolitha was escaping the pain she had from Papa John dying. Tolitha went around the world by ship from port to port. She met a couple of guys here and there and she...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Pronoun Case on SAT Writing Tips and Practice Questions
Pronoun Case on SAT Writing Tips and Practice Questions SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you ready for more grammar funPronoun case is a grammar rule that is regularly tested on the SAT. You know the drill: Learn the SAT Writing rule and you'll raise your score. There are multipe pronoun rules that are tested in SAT Writing. This one is relatively straightforward and tends to be tested a little less often than the others. However, you will most likely see at least one or two pronoun case questions on the SAT. Let's master this rule, learn tips and strategies to solve these questions, and get you one step closer to your target score. In this post, I'll do the following: Explain the difference between subjects and objects. Give you a clear understanding of pronoun case. Offer strategies that can help you correctly answer pronoun case questions. Provide you with practice questions so you can test what you've learned. Quick Review: What's a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. The noun to which the pronoun refers is called the antecedent. Some examples of pronouns include I, he, she, it, me, him, her, their, we, and us. What is Pronoun Case? Case refers to whether a pronoun is being used as a subject or an object. What is a Subject? Simply, a subject is the noun that corresponds with a verb in a sentence. In a sentence where there is an action, the subject is the noun that is doing the action. Here is an example: Justin writes articles. Justin is the subject because he does the writing. In a sentence where there is a description, typically using a form of the verb "to be", the subject is the noun that is being described. Consider this possibly accurate sentence: Justin is odd. Justin is the subject because he is the person who is odd. What is an Object? An object is a noun that receives an action. An object can be a direct object of a verb, an object of a preposition, or an indirect object of a verb. Here is an example sentence with a noun as a direct object of a verb: I ate an orange. The object is "an orange" because that is what I ate. Here's an example sentence in which I bolded the object of the preposition: John spoke to his niece. John's niece is the object because she is the person to whom he spoke. An indirect object comes before the direct object and indicates to whom or for whom the action is done and who is receiving the direct object. Here is an example sentence with the indirect object bolded: I gave my girlfriend a sweatshirt. In the sentence "my girlfriend" is the indirect object because I gave a sweatshirt to her. The sweatshirt is the direct object because that is what I gave. If you're confused by the concept of an indirect object, for the purpose of pronoun case, just remember that the object receives the action, either directly or indirectly. Subject Pronouns Vs. Object Pronouns If a noun is being used as a subject, it can be replaced by a subject pronoun. If a noun is being used as an object, it can be replaced by an object pronoun. Here is a list of subject pronouns: SINGULAR SUBJECT PRONOUNS I You He/She/It/One Who PLURAL SUBJECT PRONOUNS We You They Who Here is a list of object pronouns, corresponding to the ones above: SINGULAR OBJECT PRONOUNS Me You Her/Him/It/One Whom PLURAL OBJECT PRONOUNS Us You Them Whom Now that we've covered all the basics, we are equipped with the necessary knowledge to tackle pronoun case questions on the SAT. Pronoun Case on the SAT The SAT tests you on whether you should use a subject pronoun or an object pronoun. You will be tested on the following subject/object pairs: I Vs. Me She, He Vs. Her, Him We Vs. Us They Vs. Them Who Vs. Whom So, now we'll go through the process of how to decide whether to use a subject or an object pronoun in a given sentence. Strategy Let's go over some example sentences showing how subject pronouns can replace subjects and object pronouns can replace objects. Check out the following sentence: Sonia delivered a spectacular speech. Let's replace "Sonia" with a pronoun. First, we have to determine if Sonia is a subject or an object. Well, because she is the person who did the action, she is the subject. So, we must use a subject pronoun. After replacing "Sonia" with a pronoun, the sentence should read: She delivered a spectacular speech. You cannot replace "Sonia" with an object pronoun. You cannot write "Her delivered a spectacular speech." That is an example of a pronoun case error. Here is another example sentence: Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to Bob. Let's go through the same process and replace "Bob" with a pronoun. Is Bob a subject or an object? Well, he follows the preposition "to" and received the autograph from Hillary Clinton. Bob is an object. So, we have to replace Bob with an object pronoun. The resulting sentence should look like this: Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to him. If we made a pronoun case error when replacing "Bob" with a pronoun, the sentence would read, "Hillary Clinton gave her autograph to he." This rule seems relatively simple, right? Subjects do actions. Objects receive actions. Well, we know the SAT likes to complicate the most basic sentences and truly test your understanding of a grammar rule. Pronoun case questions become more difficult in sentences with compound subjects and compound objects. The Same Rules Apply for Compound Subjects and Compound Objects Compound just means that two nouns are connected with the word "and". In a sentence with a compound subject, there are two nouns that serve as the subject. In a sentence with compound objects, there are two objects of the same verb. Let's look at an example sentence: Ice-T and Justin met at an IHOP. "Ice-T and Justin" are the subject. They are the people who did the meeting. Now, let's replace "Justin" with a pronoun. We know that "Justin" is a subject so we have to use a subject pronoun. Because I am Justin, my sentence would look like this: Ice-T and I met at an IHOP. If you were writing this sentence about me, your sentence would look like this: Ice-T and he met at an IHOP. That sentence probably sounds awkward to you, but it is grammatically correct. Most people would use the object pronoun and write, "Ice-T and him met at an IHOP." That would be a pronoun case error. Remember, always follow the grammar rules and avoid relying on what "sounds right". Let's go through the same process with another example sentence: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and Justin. Again, let's replace "Justin" with a pronoun. Are "Marc and Justin" subjects or objects? Well, they received the gold chains. Also, they follow the preposition "to". They are objects. So, we have to replace "Justin" with an object pronoun. Because I am Justin, this would be my sentence: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and me. Many students are tempted to write "Marc and I" in this situation. However, in this sentence, that would be a pronoun case error. "I" can only be used as a subject and "me" can only be used as an object. If you were writing the preceding example sentence about me, you would write: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and him. Because we are replacing an object with a pronoun, we have to use an object pronoun. The SAT tends to use compound subjects or objects in questions that test pronoun case because the correct answer often sounds wrong to us. So, can we employ a strategy that allows us to more easily identify pronoun case errors in sentences with compound subjects or objects? Yes!!! Strategy If you see a compound subject/object, cross out the other noun and "and". For compound objects, the sentence should still be grammatically correct. Let's do this with the previous example: Mr. T gave gold chains to Marc and me. This sentence probably sounds less awkward to you. Most likely, you would be able to immediately identify a pronoun case error if you saw a sentence that read, "Mr. T gave gold chains to I". If you do the same thing with a compound subject, the sentence will be grammatically correct if you also change the verb from plural to singular, due to subject-verb agreement. However, keep in mind that the singular and plural forms of a verb can be the same. Let's use the cross-out method with a compound subject to help determine if there is a pronoun case error. Look at the following sentence: Nathan and him went to college together. After crossing out the noun and "and", we're left with "him went to college together". Does "him went to college" sound right to you? Probably not. Regardless, let's rely on the rules. In this sentence, is "him" a subject or an object? It's a subject because they did the action. They went together. Because "him" is an object pronoun, there is a pronoun case error. The sentence should read: Nathan and he went to college together. Let's use what we've learned on a real example from the SAT. Real SAT Writing Example This is an example taken from an actual SAT. Try to use your newly acquired knowledge of pronoun case and the appropriate strategy to answer this question. This is an "identify the error" question. Where is the error? Is there an error? Well, let's take a look at answer choice C and determine if "I" is being used correctly. If we use the cross-out strategy we learned to utilize with compound subjects/objects, we're left with "Mary invited I". Perhaps you know the answer at this point. If not, let's take this a step further. Is "I" being used as a subject or object? Well, in the sentence, "I" is receiving the action. "I" is being invited. Therefore, "I" is being used as an object. That is incorrect. The pronoun "I" can only be used as a subject. The answer is C. The sentence should read, "Mary invited Sandhya and me". Here's one more example for you: Is there a pronoun case error in this sentence? Let's look at the phrase "him and his sister Rosa were presented". If we use the cross-out strategy and change the verb from plural to singular, we're left with "him was presented". Would you ever say, "him was presented with an award"? I hope not, because "him" is an object pronoun and it is being used as a subject! In the example sentence, the phrase should be "he and his sister Rosa were presented with awards". The answer is A. Who Vs. Whom Occasionally, the SAT will also test you on whether to use "who" or "whom" in a sentence. These words are known as relative pronouns. Most people have no idea when and how to properly use "who" and "whom". Luckily, the rule is pretty simple. The word "who" is a subject pronoun and "whom" is an object pronoun. Here's a tip to help you more easily answer questions involving "who" or "whom". Strategy In terms of pronoun case, "who" and "whom" function like "he" and "him". The word "who" is a subject pronoun and "whom" is an object pronoun. To determine if there is a pronoun case error, replace "who" with "he" and "whom" with "him". If the antecedent is plural, replace "who" with "they" and "whom" with "them". Here is an example sentence: Justin, who is my teacher, knows when to use "whom" correctly. So, the sentence is saying that Justin is my teacher. "Who" modifies Justin, who is being described as my teacher. If we replace "who" with "he", the resulting sentence is grammatically correct: He is my teacher. Therefore, "who" is being properly used as a subject. Take a look at this sentence: Justin, whom I adore, writes articles for PrepScholar. In the sentence, the clause with "whom" is saying that "I adore Justin". If we replace "whom" with "him", the resulting sentence is also grammatically correct: I adore him. The word "whom" is being properly used as an object. It is modifying "Justin", who is receiving the adoration. Do you get it? Here's one more example: My friend, to whom I wrote a nasty e-mail, is not talking to me. Here, the sentence is saying that "I wrote a nasty e-mail to my friend". If we're replacing "my friend" with a pronoun, would we use the subject or object case? Well, since "my friend" follows the preposition "to" and receives the action, you should use the object form. You would write "I wrote a nasty e-mail to him" and not "I wrote a nasty e-mail to he." Therefore, you would also use the object case of the relative pronoun. The word "whom" is being used correctly in the sentence. Now we can take what we've learned to an actual example from an SAT. Real SAT Writing Example Here is an "identify the error" question from a real SAT. Use our strategy and your knowledge of pronoun case to determine if "who" is being used correctly: In the sentence, "who" is modifying the investors. The antencedent is plural, so with our replacement strategy we should use a plural pronoun. Does the grammatically correct sentence use a subject pronoun? Should it be "They sold stocks"? Or does the grammatically correct sentence use an object pronoun? Should it be "Them sold stocks"? The answer, of course, is that the sentence requires a subject pronoun. The investors did the selling. Therefore, "who" is being used correctly. Actually, the answer to this question is D. The word "exceptional" should be in the adverb form, "exceptionally". Now that we have thoroughly investigated pronoun case and the various types of pronoun case questions on the SAT, here are some general strategies to ensure that you correctly answer any pronoun case question you may encounter. Almost there! General SAT Writing Strategies for Pronoun Case #1: If a Pronoun is Underlined, Check for an Error in Pronoun Case If a pronoun is underlined in any of the writing subsections (sentence improvement, identify the error, or paragraph improvement), make sure there is not a pronoun case error. #2: Determine if the Pronoun is Being Used as a Subject or Object If the pronoun is doing the action or being described, it is a subject. If the pronoun is receiving the action, it is an object. Use subject pronouns for subjects and object pronouns for objects. Use the replacement strategy, if necessary, to help determine if a noun is a subject or object. #3: The Same Rules Apply for Compound Subjects/Objects If you see a compound subject/object, the sentence should be grammatically correct if you get rid of one of the nouns and "and". Change "John and I went to the store" to "I went to the store". The sentence is still correct. So, if you see a compound subject/object on the SAT, use the cross out strategy to help determine if there is a pronoun case error. For compound subjects, also make sure that you change the verb from plural to singular. #4: If a Pronoun Follows a Preposition, It is an Object Pronoun Pronouns that follow prepositions, specifically "to", "for", or "between", should be in the object case. #5: Use the Replacement Strategy for Who Vs. Whom If you are trying to determine whether "who" or "whom" should be used, replace "who" with "he" for singular antecedents and "who" with "they" for plural antecedents. In the spirit of gender equality, you can also replace "who" with "she". The word "whom" should be replaced with "him" for singular antecedents and "them" for plural antecedents. Again, feel free to replace "whom" with "her". Additional Practice Hopefully by this point you understand pronoun case and how to correctly answer any pronoun case question that may appear on the SAT. I've created some realistic SAT Writing practice questionsto test you on what you've learned. Remember to use the general strategies I referenced above. 1. Inside the classroom, my teacher (A) and me (B) have a relationship that (C) inspires me (D) to learn. No error (E) 2.Due to her (A) excellent behavior and kindness to others, (B) she (C) was given the citizenship award by her (D) principal. No error (E) 3. Even after our (A) nasty fight, there is (B) no animosity between (C) our neighbors and we. (D) No error (E) 4.We (A) were surprised to learn (B) that the honor of carrying (C) the torch was bestowed upon she. (D) No error (E) 5.I (A) was excited to hand the coach and they (B) their (C) trophy after they (D) won the championship game. (E) No error Answers: 1. B, 2., E, 3. D, 4. D, 5. B What's Next? Keep honing all the skills you need to do well on SAT Writing. I recommend checking out this article about what's actually tested on SAT Writing. If you're focusing on grammar, read the complete guide to SAT grammar rules. Those who want to challenge themselves and test their mastery of the SAT Writing section should check out this post about the hardest SAT writing questions. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
An essay which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field
An which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field of interpretation - Essay Example This author will assess the interpretation of war and the multiple factors that dictate the many perspectives on the topic. In Carol Acton’s article Diverting the Gaze: The Unseen Text in Women’s War Writing, she talks about the difference in how women perceive war verses the way men see it. She notes that, â€Å"while womens war writing from the First World War has received much critical attention over the past ten or more years that has established its authenticity as witness to war, scant attention has been paid to how women see the trauma of frontline combat nursing and how, consequently, such seeing or not seeing influences the narrative (Acton, p54).†The author focuses on the perception of how women perceive the trauma of war specifically nurses who aren’t necessarily fighting on the frontline, but who are providing medical care for soldiers and often caring for them right up to their last living moments. Acton notes how writings produced by women of the first World War and Vietnam were very similar, she goes on to point out that, On a general level, the striking similarity in the narratives of these two wars seems to arise from the compulsion to bear witness to the trauma of combat nursing. More specifically, British writers from the First World War and American writers from the Vietnam War were both concerned with carrying what Jane Marcus has called "a terrible knowledge" to a civilian population that seemed completely removed from any understanding of the war experience (Acton, p54) The contrast Acton makes between the women nursing the soldiers, both American and British, in both World War I and Vietnam, with the civilians reveals how there is a major difference in interpretation of war when one is on the frontline verses just assessing it when it’s far away. Acton goes on to point how
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Study Profolio, 4 Topics, 2500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Study Profolio, 4 Topics, 2500 words - Essay Example Mintzberg’s definition of strategy provides a comprehensive idea of organizational structures that are developed on various business strategies. He also provides a number of examples to verify his position on the inter-relation between these definitions of strategy. The organization is perceived as a collective mind whose behavior is regulated or described by the concept of strategy. Therefore, strategy formation focuses on understanding that collective mind. The issues of strategic management are dealt with more substantial account of first person experience in Rosenbluth. He elaborates management dilemmas with special reference to the hospitality industry, and gives a first hand detail of the management aspects of Rosenbluth Travel. Some of the common factors leading to slow growth of the company are: absence of teamwork, overvalued focus on customer, and so on. Rosenbluth offers a precise solution to undertake the management issues in airlines travel. Rosenbluth advocates the importance of technology in organizations. In the context of corporate travel, he suggests the requirement of computerized reservation system for comfortability and easy operability. Moreover, teamwork building is another important aspect that requires the attention of the management in an organization. Rosenbluth points out three most important components for the growth of an organization. The strategic management of the organization should focus on change, people and technology. In order to gain competitive advantage, the management should take care of the enthusiasm among its employees, the relevance of effective training as well as accessibility to more information. Among these factors, importance of employees should be more focused than that of the customers. Because the enthusiastic support of its staff directs the company to effective use of technology and consequential change(s) in the organization. Use of technology is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Social and economic Essay Example for Free
Social and economic Essay Aka fathers spend a high degree (almost half of their time) with their infants due to the cultural acceptance of this and the bond that is already in place with the mother. It is socially acceptable in this tribe and since the Aka do not hunt, the men have more time available to them. So economically, it is smart for the men to care for their children while women forage and farm to keep a strong symbiotic relationship with other tribes around them. Since, the men do not hunt and engage in more parenting than other tribes, they are not out competing with these other tribes and do not have any enemies for this reason, there is no warring or aggressiveness displayed by Aka fathers, because it would be detrimental to their survival. Other tribes are engaged in more aggressive behavior and this is dangerous, as the Aka (with their foraging through the jungle) are cited to be at a very high risk for the Ebola virus, so these fathers pay strong attention to the safety and closeness of their offspring. Describe the differences between father-infant bonding between the Aka and Americans. What are some of the cultural explanations for these differences? Parenting in any group is contingent upon money, time, and perceived power. Americans believe that fathers have more power in the family and that child-bonding is something that a mother can more powerfully achieve, while fathers are entitled to what is believed to be more important than bonding and that is providing monetarily. This power structure is strongly embedded in the American culture and is in direct contrast with the Akas. The Akas believe that caring for children is an equal enterprise between loving, bonded parents. There are no cultural sanctions on the fathers for spending time with their children (time that many American fathers do not have do to working outside the home). American fathers, if they do find time to bond to a high degree with their children, may find themselves labeled as feminine and this does not happen with Aka fathers. It is fair to say that the American culture overall is masculine in nature while they Akas are more androgynous.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
How many times have you seen a commercial on television, or read a magazine with an ad for a teeth-whitening product that promises whiter teeth with toothpaste that displays a person with brighter, white teeth as more confident and attractive with whiter teeth? I’ve seen them countless times and I’m aware they’re reaching out or advertising to their audience with less appealing teeth which whom would like to have their teeth whiter to gain attractiveness and most importantly wanting you to see that you too can achieve these very nice whiter teeth along with an amazing smile just like the actor in the commercial. When a product is pitched to me I believe it’s something good for me since, it caught my attention in the first place because, usually I see commercials that won’t appeal to me since there about getting life insurance, buying furniture for your house, skin care if you have dark spots or wrinkles, medication policy’s for Medicaid if your older than 65, which none apply to me since I’m a 18 years old and not considering a life insurance policy yet, I don’t have my own house at the time so I wouldn’t be buying furniture right now, and I don’t have skin issues yet either but, instead any of these will appeal to some else who needs them. So it’s really all about the audience its reaching out to since, I know what products are being pitched to me and which are not. It’s a difference when I buy the product or want it, to when I just watch a commercial and change the channel while knowing that the same product that I just changed the channel to might not appeal me but will to someone else who is a candidate for the product and will listen to the advertising and watch through it all. Advertising is known to be the business of i... ...e it’s mostly the factor of influence because subconsciously the consumer is shoved into a particular category automatically for instance, if a person bought a limited edition â€Å"loui Viton†purse which usually run in the thousands and up while known very well as a top end brand of purse, it would be suggested they like the â€Å"exclusivity†it gives off because, of the type the brand they chose and they probably like to be exclusive in other ways as well or not. In my opinion define is an extent, I think the extent is only when they apply it to themselves in the moment because, one day I can be wearing or using something high end luxurious and I might be looking cool, classy or excusive and the next I could be using or wearing the same type of product and different brand with less promises as the high end brand and be considered â€Å"uncool†or â€Å"affordable†by some people.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Chpl 500
The Early History of The Chaplaincy Liberty University Theological Seminary A Writing assignment Presented to Dr. Steve Smith In partial fulfillment for the course Introduction to Chaplaincy ministry CHPL 500 By Watson Rugano (L223514216) May 17th, 2011 Although it is still open for debate, there are suggestions that chaplaincy, as a function in the military, can be traced in the Old Testament. Consider the battle of the Israelites and the Amalekites.The children of Israel experienced victory as long Moses held his hands up in Prayer to God. Another example that is discussed in the book deals with the Priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant in some of the battles the Israelites were engaged in. Gideon is also looked at as playing the roles of a prophet, priest, and general. Doris Bergen is of the opinion that, â€Å"pointing to ancient precedents lends legitimacy and prestige to modern military chaplaincies, but it does not always accurately always reflect development in the pas t. The word chaplain as we know it today was coined from the Latin word capellanus which was derived from what Doris Bergen says was â€Å"the great royal relic of the patron saint of the Franks, the cappa. †But evidence of chaplains accompanying soldiers in battle was first noted with the Romans army in fifth century. Some of the duties that they performed involved caring for them by offering prayers and conducting mass. But an important aspect in the duties of the chaplain in those early days is best understood by a term Doris Bergen credits to Michael McCormick, which is, â€Å"liturgy of war. In liturgy of war, the chaplains â€Å"were not only part of an effort to achieve victory, they also represented a promise to warriors that their actions were just as good. †Some liturgical texts contain words uttered by soldiers in battle suggesting the influence of â€Å"religion. †The Roman soldiers were known to cry out loud, â€Å"Nobiscum, Deus! †-†Å"God is with us! †The Frankish warriors on the other hand would, together with their king, march around their camp â€Å"in procession, singing kyries and responding to their assembled priests’ chants: To Lord Charles and his army of the Franks, long life and victory! with the proto-Romance refrain, â€Å"Tu lo juval! †â€Å"(O God) Help him. The liturgy of war reveals how those entrusted with the spiritual care of the soldiers were used and also how those soldiers were affected by the words of the religious men among them. Constantine is known to have claimed seeing a vision of the cross which was an indication of divine help. And if his soldiers were to paint the symbol of the cross on their shields then, victory would be granted.His victory over the Roman Empire begun what was to be the Christianization of the conquered territory. But it was during the rise of the Carolingian monarchy that seems to have changed the history of war rituals. Doris Bergen men tions three factors that contributed to this change. These were, interest in performance of liturgy, nature of warfare had changed and ambition of the new monarchy which believed that both their activities were divinely sanctioned and that the ruler bore personal responsibility for subjects’ minds and souls.The revival of liturgy credited to the Carolingians and the application of a different kind of warfare in the middle east by the warriors of the first crusade that resulted in great success, would later give birth to what Doris calls â€Å"A new kind of war, a crusade, and with it, the liturgical rites that appeared to have stood the warriors of God in such good stead. Swathed in the success of the conquest of Jerusalem, the future of the liturgy of war was assured. â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Black Rage-Book Report Essay
The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed and thickly coated with ethnic, racial conflicts ask a crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven -like? The answer is simple and direct. Eyes full of understanding, heart full of love and the life that refuses conflictsâ€â€these alone are enough! When an individual or a people of a particular race are constantly nagged and abused, condemned and ostracized by the society, they become bitter and cynical individuals. Heartfelt care and concern, an understanding approach and tender regard for their feelings are necessary pre-requisites to heal their inner wounds. Adequate opportunities need to be created for their ‘reformation’ and ‘rehabilitation’ into the mainstream of the society. The authors feel that it is not an easy task. Each and every molecule of the Negro race is surcharged with the hidden grudge as for the inhuman treatment meted out to them in all walks of life, from the cradle to the grave and from the womb to the tomb and this process continued for centuries. They were branded from birth as ‘niggers. ’ This insult on their personality is difficult to condone. Brief summary of the book: This is a classic work on black identity. This is also criticized as one of the sexiest books. Slavery is no ordinary crime against humanity. The book explains the race relations and its dynamics in the day to day living of the blacks vs. whites. How at each step of the ladder the blacks were pulled down, how they were made to stumble at deliberately created hurdles by the whites, how slavery dynamics deeply impact the cross-racial sexual relationships etc. It is one thing to have freedom and protection for the essential human dignity of the individual legally. It is good to have uniform constitutional rights for whites and blacks. But what mattes is the interpretation of the laws and their applicability to the ground level situations, concerning the blacks. The book is an authentic source of inspiration to the educated younger generation of blacks, and for the African psychologists of the day. The book cites case studies and they are properly dealt with. The point by point analysis of the â€Å"intra-psychic†dynamics of Black life in every day America is extremely informative and an eye-opener. Blacks, in many parts of the world where the whites were the dominating community, suffered, and in USA they suffered intensely. The authors are psychiatrists by profession and they are eminently suited to treat this subject. The inner conflicts and the desperation of back life, how they carry on with their back to the wall existenceâ€â€all these have been highlighted, with the zeal of pursuing the truth. As the black race is exposed to various social situations related to the individual growth through education, employment, achievement of status in life, the intra-racial problems have begun to crop up with great intensity. The authors cite the case of an educated school teacher, marrying a laborer. They explain: â€Å"†¦She was embarrassed by his poor education. He felt that she and her friends were â€Å"phony†and that she was preoccupied with maintaining senseless appearances. Their mutual hostility led to verbal and later physical assaults. Divorce was the result. This pattern is so common in Negro marriages that it deserves special study, which might shed light on the broader problems of how in America choice of mate and marriage in general is influenced by a person’s blackness. †(p. 75) The authors put forth strong arguments that black people living in a racist, white dominated society have suffered and are suffering psychological pressure by the effects of racist oppression. This sometimes, has the telling effect in on the day to day disposition and black people act in unpredictable manner. The thesis of the book: Will the country ever awake in to that heaven of freedom, and when it will be free from the division of narrow domestic walls created by race prejudices? What you do to mitigate the mental barrier of racial discrimination on so many counts is not important. How you do, what you do is indeed important. More acts and legislations have helped to create a stir in the minds of whites and blacks. But the problem eludes permanent solution. This is so, because the feeling of superiority within the minds of the whites has to change. When the thought process will change, the action process will also change! When the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when the mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed, the society is changed; when the society is changed, the Nation is changed. Then only we can way that plenty and prosperity engulfs USA, not otherwise! The contents and arguments in the book contain too much sex, much more than required by the literary standards. But some times, these issues are beyond the control of the authors. Firstly the book must sell. This is the prime objective of the publisher. Fortunately or unfortunately, sex sells. If it is handled well, it sells well. This could be one of the reasons for the extra dose of sex in the bookâ€â€this may not be as well! This book has about 230 pages with 10 chapters, Who’s angry, the shadow of the past, achieving womanhood, acquiring manhood, marriage and love, character traits, the â€Å"Promise†of education, mental illness and treatment, and how come there’s so much hate and black rage. In a nutshell, the contents of the book discuss and analyze the bitter past of slavery in USA, the tension-ridden race relations in USA today, and the future of black and white race relations which have the possibilities to turn worst, on the slightest provocation, when the black race is making its presence felt strongly, in political, social, and economic spheres. In sports, blacks are dominating! The blacks accepted the domination of the white race-will the whites accept the domination of the black race in times to come? Will the law of divine retribution work in this context? Identify the evidence used by the author to support his/ her thesis That which is evident requires no introduction, elaboration, or appreciation. Light is bright and it is evident. Milk is white and it is evident. Simply say black race in America, and everything is evident. The saga of suffering of the Negro race, the era of slavery, violence and cruelty to subdue their legitimate aspirations rotates on the curtain of one’s mind. The authors of Black Rage do not mince words when it comes to condemning the atrocities committed on the black race. â€Å"The voice of black America has been heard in the explosions of Watts, Newark, and Detroit,†they warn. (p. 3) They assert their aspiration in strongest terms. â€Å"Black people continue to revolt against laws and customs that are deadly and humiliating†¦Aggression leaps from wounds inflicted and ambitions spiked. It grows out of oppression and capricious cruelty. †(p. 3). The younger generation of Negroes is not willing to wait and accept ‘the tactful handling of the situation’ by the whites when their interests matter. The white race is not willing to travel in the boat where the rudder is controlled by the black. The blacks are aware, by their bitter past experiences that the whites will go to any extent when their own interests matter. This causes more frustration and apprehension in the black community and adversely affects their psyche. The example cited in the text is that of Jimmy, a twelve year old boy. â€Å"His face was jet-black, and his expressions ranged from somber to sad. Whether relating stories of home, school, or the streets, he disguised his true feelings. At twelve he had learned one of his first lessons–always play it cool. As much as possible, he worked to hide his inner life. One day he stared long and hard at his fist and said: â€Å"I want to hit a white man. †(p. 59) State your own opinion and ideas about this book. The book contains tough opinions about the white race. To tell a black youngster to forget the past, say that he is constitutionally protected and enjoys equal rights as applicable to whites or any ethnic group is as good as telling him a story. The suffering of the Negro race is something very special and closely linked to the destiny of America. The black can condone the past; they can not ignore or forget it. The whites are not obliging the blacks by the present stance of understanding them. They have no other alternative. They must accept their newfound social positionâ€â€equal in every respect as compared to the black people and it is their duty to say that the black-brother is first among the equal. They must attempt and secure the transformation within. The writers put it crisply and authoritatively. â€Å"After all, the thoughts begin, the Negro is also an American and if he is different it is only matter of degree. Cliches are brought forth and there is a lengthy recitation of the names of famous Negroes. Long association has bred feelings of familiarity which masquerade as knowledge. But there remain puzzles about black people; all is not understood; something is missing. †(p. 23) â€Å"It is better to have a world united than a world divided; but it is better to have a world divided, than a world destroyed,†said Sir Winston Churchill at the time of II World War. Presently, does this quote apply to the solution for the race problem in USA? USA will never be divided in geographical terms, the Constitution of USA is strong enough, the political leaders have enough foresight, but the example given in the book is shocking and is the definite pointer, how the division of the hearts is complete. How Come There’s So Much Hate? â€Å"When the man died, his wife of forty years was pitied by her friends. The widow was a stern New Englander; her dead husband was a black. In spite of strong social disapproval of their marriage, they had raised children and prospered. There had been some discord between them, but they handled it discreetly and the children had never heard them comment on racial matters. Even when a racial incident was prominent in the news, not a word was said about it. The children assumed that their mother had long since accepted the realities of marriage to a black man. They were completely unprepared for her words when her husband died: â€Å"Thank God that nigger is gone! â€Å"(p. 181) Spirituality, not religion, seems to be the only answer to this vexed problem of race relations. Once a human being crosses the mind barrier, all differences all tensions, cease! Mind is a bundle of negative and positive thoughts. The usual methods of suppressing the thoughts and emotions are not going to bring permanent peace. If the Negro race has to surrender at any point, it has got to be the dynamic surrender, of a supreme and brave human being. They should not accept the supremacy of the white race, nor demand the pound of flesh for the historical misdeeds of the whites. If the revengeful attitude persists, it will take them and the Nation nowhere. If the Nation does not survive how will the black and white races survive?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Janet Frame Towards Another Summer Essay Example
Janet Frame Towards Another Summer Essay Example Janet Frame Towards Another Summer Essay Janet Frame Towards Another Summer Essay What is it that makes Towards Another Summer so enticingly powerful? Although Janet Frame self-deprecatingly considered her novel to be embarrassingly personal, in fact, its captivating personal nature is where the novels power derives from; where through Grace Cleave, Frame bravely explores her mental illness, difficult childhood and her migratory conflicts with identity and place. Such a brave exploration is evident throughout the novel, including when Grace and the Thirkettles venture out into the Winchley market in the novels 15th chapter. Here, Frame uses her signature narrative methods of extensive syntax, parallel characterization, striking imagery, vivid tone and clever repetition to craft this significant event in Graces weekend of self-discovery and personal growth. Much of Summer constitutes of extensive and relaxed syntax, which not only exposes every thought and feeling Grace has in a lengthy stream of consciousness, but also indicates to readers Graces highly observant disposition and tendency to have complex cognitions. When reaching the library, Frame shows this with Anne changed Sarahs book while Sarah watched dismayed, as the seaside book where the animals had been picnicking on the sands, eating tomato sandwiches, ice cream and bananas, disappeared over the desk, and when the new book was found for her she looked suspiciously at it. Though this abundance of thought may seem harmless, throughout the novel and in this instance also, her almost obsessive thinking and observations juxtaposes with her minimal syntax of speech, for example her reply of -Yes. This suggests not only social awkwardness, but attributes much to Graces mental illness, the novels most pervading theme. Frame therefore makes it clear that even in a new situation and e nvironment that she creates, like the library, Graces mental illness is with her wherever she goes. Modern literary critic Jan Cronin noted in regards to the novel that the past increasingly leaks into the present and readers cannot help but concur where Frame weaves Graces childhood into the fabric of the present. This is not just with literal transitions into her memories, but also through Frames technique of making resonating parallels between characters of Graces past with characters of her present which she does superbly in this instance. As characterized here, the young and naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve Sarah who cannot distinguish between reality and narrative fiction, with Anne having to explain that animals had been in the library book to be shared with other children, and now Sarah had a new book with different animals and people , directly reflects Graces inability to do so also as a child (Grace is a Jackdaw, p69) and more sadly as an adult (with her constant delusion that she is a migratory bird). Readers who notice this parallel between Grace and Sarah acknowledge how Frame is ard ent to show that like Graces mental illness, her past is also inescapable no matter what situation she is in. In shaping the situation of the Winchley Market venture, Frame additionally shows how Graces divided sense of place are persistent also, by using salient mood and imagery which contrasts with other parts of the novel. The atmosphere of the Market is described as warm with bodies, steam, sweat, smells with rows of stallsflashy jewellery and knick-knacks where a young man and woman were standing, staring at chocolate box picture. thus crafting an environment of pleasantness and warmth. Readers should note how when Grace is with the Thirkettles and thinking of England she is always warm, however when reminiscing in solitude of New Zealand she is cold (immediately the chilling air surged near her pg.83). Graces feelings of warmth in England may well be symbolic of her relative happiness in the country, compared to the cold New Zealand which holds many painful memories of her childhood and of how she was a certified lunaticadvised to sell hats for [her] salvation. Readers may then apprec iate this situation at the market in how it shows these feelings of happiness and warmth in the protagonist of whom are aware has been through much adversity in their past. Though her mental illness, childhood and divided sense of place permeate this Winchley market venture, Graces personal growth as an individual is evident also, where Grace remarks Wonderful, Grace agreed, with a brazen air of I like flashy things, you know, I appreciate this market!. The tone of voice here is vividly joyous and exciting, and is a vast development from the pre-weekend Grace who seemed incapable of projecting any lively emotion. To further emphasize Graces growth, Frame uses the stunning figurative Grace felt as complete and shimmering as a mermaid where the beautifully elegant metaphor indicates her improvement from a woman who once had a very negative view of herself. As readers have most likely waited 15 chapters for Grace to feel complete, it would come as no surprise if this was the special highlight in the novel. Because of the arrestingly beautiful language and tone Frame employs here, it is with certainty that this moment was a special highlight for Graces (a nd therefore Frames) life also. In her critical review, Joy Cronin also wrote Phillip (the journalist) and Anne frequently meld into Graces parents, George and Lottie, and the Winchley venture is perhaps the best example of this in Summer. Graces perception of Phillip and Anne in this situation is clearly clouded with applied resonations with her own parents, where in contrast to her shimmering as a mermaid, Grace felt sorry for Anne. She guessed that Anne may might not have another chance during the week to buy the sheeting that children, house and home (and Ulysess) would be taking all her time which purposely mirrors the greatly domestic role of Lottie who also made sacrifices for her family and Graces strong guilt she felt for her hardworking mother. Graces symbolism of Anne as her mother is matched with her dramatic perspective of her exchanges with Phillip, where she creates a tension between the two with conveyed tones of mild disapproval, and ashamed emotions but more effectively her incessant repetition of domesticity including a domestic dream, domestic matters and Annes eyes were clouded with what could only be described as domestic concern. Her identification of Phillip and Anne as her parents reflects her almost Freudian desire for new parents who would lovingly say to each other -All right love as the Thirkettles did.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
4 Interview Tips for Recent Grads
4 Interview Tips for Recent Grads You’ve spent countless hours updating and refining your resume. You’ve written the perfect, keyword-optimized cover letter. Now you sit back and wait for the calls to start coming in, right? Not so fast. One more thing stands in the way of you and the perfect job? The interview. But do you even know where to begin when it comes to preparing for an interview? Let’s break down a few four tips designed to help recent grads gain an inside edge. 1. Practice Makes PerfectGoing into an interview â€Å"blind†is a recipe for disaster. Even if you skate through without any major catastrophes, it’s still a missed opportunity. Rather than winging it, take time in advance to research frequently asked questions in your area, and to prepare a rough outline of your response.Avoid writing down answers word for word - this can result in a â€Å"canned†delivery. Instead, jot down key ideas and concepts. Then, enlist a family member or friend to practice with you.If possible, record your practice sessions. Understanding how you look and sound during the interview can help you take corrective action, if necessary.2. Do Your ResearchIn an era in which data is literally at your fingertips, the rules have changed when it comes to understanding an organization. It’s no longer considered merely advantageous to demonstrate knowledge of a company and its mission, products and services. It’s a necessity. In short, there’s no quicker way to tell employers that you simply don’t care than by walking into an interview without this easily obtainable information.Working this knowledge into the conversation can take some skill - after all, the goal is not the simple regurgitation of facts - but the results can have significant payoffs in demonstrating your capacity to make a contribution.3. Be Prepared to Be SpecificCompetency-based questions are increasingly popular with hiring managers. Why? Because any candidate can lay claim to desirable skills, talent and experience on a resume. Of more importance to today’s employers? The demonstrated ability to use these attributes in meaningful ways.Expect to be asked to share examples of times when you’ve exemplified time management, problem solving, and other sought-after â€Å"soft†skills. Be prepared to respond with detailed examples which serve as concrete evidence of these competencies.4. Have Questions of Your OwnToo many interviewees respond to the interviewer’s question of, â€Å"Do you have any questions for me?†with the unsatisfying response of, â€Å"No, I think I’m good.†Interviews work both ways: not only is the interview an opportunity for the employer to get a better sense of a potential candidate, but it’s also an opportunity for you to get a better sense of potential employers. Don’t waste it. Instead, go into the interview with a list of questions which can help you further un derstand what it’s like to work for the company and/or if the job is a good fit. Asking smart, tailored questions also helps you stand out to hiring managers.With countless candidates looking to land the best jobs, it’s essential for new grads to position themselves for success. Rather than thinking of the interview process as an afterthought, leverage it into an opportunity to show employers why you’re the right one for the position.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Compare and Assess Rawls and Nozick's Theories of Justice Essay
Compare and Assess Rawls and Nozick's Theories of Justice - Essay Example By using social contract as a device he formulated his theory on ethical basis which has been quite opposing to the concepts of utilitarianism. He further provided justification about the concept of re-distribution of wealth based upon the individualist assumptions. This philosophical work of Rawls has been quite inspirational for both the social democratic and the liberals. He also presented his theory on â€Å"justice as fairness†that highlighted two core principles i.e. Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others (this principle reflects a traditional liberal commitment to formal equality) Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged; and (B) attached to positions and offices open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity (this so-called 'difference principle) points towards a significant measure of social inequ ality According to the Rawls theory the material inequalities can only be justified when they are used to be of advantage to those who are least well-off. This theory of Rawls is well-matched to the concept of a market economy whereby the re-distribution of wealth is done in terms of tax and welfare systems that ultimately leads to disincentive to firms and ultimately turns out disadvantageous for the least well-off. The egalitarianism of Rawls is based on the social contract theory however there is also some contradiction as he starts with a very liberal assumption about humans and then gives very broad conclusion in terms of egalitarianism considering distribution of wealth as fair by the people(hawk n.d.). Robert NozicksTheory of Anarchy, State and Utopia The major philosophical work presented by Robert Nozick was in 1974 as â€Å"Anarchy, State and Utopia†in which he presented a libertarianism point of view. According to this theory he rejects the belief of those having welfare views in terms of modern liberalism however he endorsed the concept of minimal state. Nozick placed his view of justice and equality upon the idea of entitlements and rights. This ideology is somewhat reflective of the notion of distributive thought presented by Aristotle and Plato in which they suggested that the material benefits should correspond to the worth of an individual. According the views presented on rights it is believed that the inequality in material is justifiable in this way that the talent and willingness of a person to work are unequally distributed. The basis of Nozicks work is to distinguish between the historical principles of justice and the end-state principles. According to his view the needs of individuals and social equality are unjustifiable in relation to rewards. He gave the principles through which it can be found whether the distribution of wealth is just, these principles are as: 1. Wealth has to be justly acquired in the first place, that is , it should not have been stolen and the rights of others should not have been infringed 2. Wealth has to be justly transferred from one responsible person to another 3. If wealth has been acquired or transferred unjustly this injustice should be rectified According to these principles Nozick justifies that the inequality in distribution of we
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