Saturday, August 31, 2019
What are the impacts of tourism in a selected region of the UK?
Tourism is the industry that looks after the needs and welfare of tourists and provides the things that help them travel to places where they can relax and enjoy themselves. I am studying both the positive and negative impacts of tourism on the Lake District because the Lake District is being overwhelmed with tourists each year but without the income that tourism generates the Lake District wouldn't survive. The Lake District is one of 15 National Parks across the UK which has 2 main purposes. – To enhance and preserve the natural beauty of the landscape. – To provide a place for recreation and enjoyment. A third aim is; – To protect the social and economic well being of people who live and/or work in the National Park. The positive impacts of tourism are associated with the economy and employment. Tourism can also start off a cycle known as the positive multiplier effect; the tourism industry locates in an area which provides jobs for locals. This gives workers more money to spend and so more local shops open and more jobs are created and so on and so on. But as well as positive impacts, there are also many negative impacts of tourism. The first is footpath erosion. This occurs when people (tourists in this case) are walking along a footpath, as they do they wear away the vegetation which loosens the soil and exposes the soil to the elements. Then when it rains the footpath becomes muddy and so people veer to the edges of the footpath to avoid the mud. The vegetation next to the path then becomes eroded until the footpath ends up like the picture above This is of course an extreme case but this footpath erosion literally ends up leaving a scar on the landscape. Since 1999 the National Trust has been trying to stop this happening by setting up a 10 year plan to repair and maintain the paths. This will cost an estimated à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.1 million of which à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.46 million has been donated by the Lottery Heritage Fund. This money will be spent on a number of different sustainable strategies like stone pitching. This is when local stone is buried into the ground to make footholds. Alternatively steps have been put on steep hillsides made from local stone so that they fit in with the rest of the natural landscape. The second negative impact of tourism is litter. When tourists visit the Lake District, some drop litter on the floor. People come to the Lake District to see the natural beauty of the countryside but are put off coming back because of the litter on the floor therefore the Lake District loses further income. Animals and their habitats are damaged because of pollution. Bins have been placed in many different areas of the Lake District, especially the honeypot sites to discourage this. Daily warden patrols have been set up to try to clean up any mess created. Conflict on Lake Windermere is another controversial issue in the Lake District. Since 1976 people have been worried about the disturbance of the peace on Lake Windermere by power boats etc. Surveys have revealed that on an average day there are 812 crafts on the water, of which 368 are speed boats. The reason for the conflict is that other lake users such as fishermen and canoeists want peaceful, safe conditions to undertake their leisure activities. Another concern is that the wake from speed boats is causing erosion along the banks of the lake. On the 29th March 2005 a 10 mph speed limit was introduced on the lake. This however did not benefit everyone because power boat enthusiasts had to find alternative locations to use and some local businesses (e.g. Jet Ski rental companies etc) had to modify their companies so they didn't lose custom. I personally believe that we need to manage tourism in a sustainable way if we are to preserve the Lake District's natural beauty for future generations. Strategies like the footpath maintenance may be extremely costly but in the future will benefit the Lake District's economy and the people who live in and visit it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
All the Pretty Horses novel
The novel All The Pretty Horses, written by Cormac McCarthy, is filled with much sorrow and negativity. The main character, John Grady Cole, faces plenty of hardships throughout his journey from his home in Texas to Mexico. On the other hand, McCarthy writes this award-winning book in a positive way, demonstrating the balance between optimism and pessimism in our world. He shows how John Grady Cole has matured and grown substantially because of this negativity he faces. The reader can clearly see the negativity not only in the first page of the novel, but also in the first paragraph.McCarthy begins the book with, â€Å"†¦ he looked at the face so caved and drawn among the folds of funeral cloth, the yellowed moustache, the eyelids paper thin. That was not sleeping†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (3). The funeral described in the first page is John Grady’s grandpa’s funeral. Starting a book off in this way (with a dead body) obviously points the reader towards the opinion that this book is a long, dreadful ride with much death and destruction. The image of the coffin, the yellowing moustache, and the deceased person clearly shows the negativity that fills this book.Throughout the book, John Grady Cole faces many challenges and much adversity and learns to live with it. After leaving their home in Texas, John Grady and his best friend Rawlins travel hundreds of miles deep into the heart of Mexico on horseback until they reach a ranch offering work called La Purisima. Both of these boys are skilled at working with horses and spend most of their time at the ranch taming and taking care of the many horses there. While working at La Purisima, John meets the ranch owner’s daughter, a beautiful girl named Alejandra, and falls in love.Alejandra’s father absolutely does not appreciate this; in fact, he orders for John Grady and Rawlins to be arrested because of John’s interactions with Alejandra. The hardships that these boys face are relentless, h owever, John Grady refuses to hang his head and give up. On their way to the jail, John Grady says to Rawlins, â€Å"I can’t back up and start over. But I don’t see the point in slobberin over it†(155). At this point, McCarthy reveals how John Grady has matured and has learned to live with the sorrows he faces.With this new found maturity, and as John Grady Cole overcomes this terrible journey of negativity, he has learned to live with the pessimism and has found out how the negatives go side by side with the positives. Nearing the end of the book John Grady Cole realizes that â€Å"the world’s pain and its beauty moved in a relationship of diverging equity†(282). John Grady has learned the skill of searching for the light in a dark room, constantly refusing to dwell on the negative aspects of his many horrible situations.He has a new wisdom of the world and has learned how it works. In conclusion, McCarthy writes All The Pretty Horses with much negativity and at the same time he delivers a lesson of how positivity is hidden in every situation, journey, and life. McCarthy demonstrates how John Grady Cole learns maturity the hard way: through hardships, sorrow and death. This book leaves the reader with a tear in their eye and a smile on their face, for they know that sorrow is sitting on the doorstep of happiness.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Esr Class Presentation †Week V
ESR Class Presentation – Week V ( September 12& 13 2011) 1. Cases for Discussion (David J. Fritzsche): * It’s Your Turn (page 109) * Kader Industrial (Thailand) Company- Case 10 (page 182) * Muebles Fino Buenos- Case 11 (page 184) 2. â€Å"It’s Your Turn†– Please answer the question in the last line using the following ethical frameworks: (a) Categorical Imperative; (b) Rule Utilitarian; (c) Veil of Ignorance; and (d) Act Utilitarianism. * Categorical Imperative: If you have a contract with another party, fulfill this contract. No matter what.Especially if the other party is counting on you, because they should go bankrupt. Humanity: Fulfill your contract, moral duty. * Rule Utilitarianism: Follow through with your contract. Don’t abandon people/companies with who you have agreed to help/work with. * Veil of Ignorance: You have limited amount of resources, so you have to make the choice for one of the 2 clients. Keep producing for the old cl ient, but use the rest of your capacity to start producing for the new big one. What if The domestic customer only signs the contract if you can produce everything in the first month. hose for domestic one, 2 happy vs. 1 bad * Act Utilitarianism: More positives vs. best negatives. Ok you make one party really unhappy, but still this is the most good for the most peoples. 3. Case 10: Only Questions 4, 5, 7 & 8. * 4: Lock the doors, no safety regulations or fire escapes. Cloth close to electrical transformer. No alarms. If you lock doors, make sure that you can open them really fast at all times. Building disintegrated quickly (poor construction, steel beams) * 7: Business aimed, only profit matters†¦. Don’t look at the people as humans, but use them as machines.They even asked their workers to keep working while there was a small fire. Maybe even hostile, locking doors etc. * 5: Legal: Board, managers†¦ should have safety regulations. Government, Safety and health or ganization in Thailand (from government). Moral: * 8: Only sign contract if you know that the working conditions are ok, that there are safety regulations etc. company should at least follow the country regulations for safety codes, building rules etc. , if you ask more of the company, they won’t be able to give you the cheap labor. ut point in the middle Class†¦ where would you put the line, what are the moral/social obligations for the customers before signing any contracts? 4. Case 11: Only Questions 3, 4, 6, and 7. * 3: They didn’t follow all the environmental rules of the state. Unhealthy for the employees to work there. Just switching countries because they didn’t want to invest in the machines/other processing methods and to evade the fines. So fire a lot of people to get new employees at 1/8 of the costs. Is this even outsourcing? Or really moving your whole company somewhere else. * 4: Pollution vs. working conditions.A lot of pollution vs. good pa id jobs. As long as there are good safety regulations and compensations for health. * 6: Egoism view: YES 😉 because you make more profits and you don’t care about the pollution. But†¦ you pay your employees less than in California, so you can invest a bit more in environmental issues. Deontology (don’t do to anybody else what you don’t want them to do to you): Stay in America and fix your pollution problems, because you don’t want to get fined and you don’t want your employees to get ill. * 7: Make sure they follow the standards and make sure that you have quit high environmental standards.But a lot of corruption in Mexico so make sure the companies follow your standards by controlling them yourself. Because a lot of American companies will go to Mexico (because of rising environmental standards in US) build some parks and green zones to help the people who live there to be able to live healthy, outside all the pollution. 5. Assume tha t stung by charges re the happenings of Foxcon in China, Apple Inc. has asked you to draft a memo on the subject of an ISO standard to be applied to high-tech contract manufacturers of high-end electronic items.Restrict yourself to 6 standards and explain your choice. 6. The Medical Council of Singapore has asked you to draft 3 ethics principles relating to the outsourcing of medical work to India. Please identify what, in your opinion, are the three most important principles and explain the purpose behind your choice and the specific content of such principles. Firms Find a Haven From U. S. Environmental Rules : Commerce: Hundreds of companies set up shop in Mexico, where regulation is less strict and wages are low. THE FREE-TRADE DILEMMA: The environmental costs of a U. S. Mexico pact. Third in a four-part series. Next: How will free trade affect El Paso's smoggy skies? November 19, 1991|JUDY PASTERNAK | TIMES STAFF WRITER â€Å"We are rewriting history here. It was only re cently that anyone here started to care about the environment. It will take time. †The backlog troubles EPA officials who deal regularly with SEDUE. Said one, who spoke on the condition of anonymity: â€Å"This is a situation where the economic activity has gotten way ahead of the regulatory activity. †* http://articles. latimes. com/1991-11-19/news/mn-70_1_environmental-rules/4
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Negotiation Post 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Negotiation Post 2 - Essay Example Recently my parents had an argument over whether or not to buy a new car. My dad wanted to buy a new car since he had worked for such a long time making good money but had never driven his dream car- a Mercedes. My mum on the other hand thought that the money could be used to buy a new house instead of buying something as frivolous as a car. I asked my mum why she felt a new car was frivolous and why my dad wanted to buy one. She said that the money should be spent on something that can last and also be appreciated by everyone in the family instead of one person only. But she did not know why my dad felt so strongly that he should buy himself a new car. I then remebered Diamond discussing the idea that at times it pays off to concede in order to benefit in the future. I explained this to my mum as meaning- you would rather loose the battle than the war. Allowing my dad to buy the car would be loosing the battle but not the war. I asked her to go ask him and to listen intently and als o share her opinions. They had the dicussion and after that she understood where he was coming from. He felt that a man of his stature in society should be able to drive a good car after all his years of hard work. A skilled negotiator is one who can keep their eye on the â€Å"ultimate prize†and can thus afford to make certain compromises along the way but all in the aim of achieving the â€Å"ultimate prize†. Human nature dictates that once one person makes a sacrifice for another the other person then naturally feels obligated to reciprocate. I therefore asked my mum what her â€Å"ultimate prize†is and she said it was buying a new house because such investments were safe and they could be enjoyed by the family as a whole. I then told her not to lose sight of that objective because she would achieve it sooner rather than later. Fast foward seven years later, my parents who work together were rewarded handsomely for their efforts by a certain company and whe n I asked what they would do with the money, my mum simply said she had not decided yet. My dad looked at her sharply and asked if he did not have a say into how the money would be used and my mum simply said since she sacrificed last time then he had to sacrifice this time. Negotiation Post 2 Negotiation is often perceived to be a shouting match and about he who budges the least is deemed the winner. This is a misconception. On several occassions you find companies negotiating with their employees on their salaries and the company refuses to budge simply because it will be percieved as weak but the difference in increasing the employee’s salary would not have any effect on the company’s financial status. Stuart Diamond in his book Getting More states that negotiations are more about emotions than logic. It is therefore of paramount importance that the parties be on good terms. I recently worked in a law firm and a husband wanted to divorce his wife because they could not sort their differences out. From his demanour and speech you could immediately feel the anger and hatred between the two. I had to sit down with her lawyer as well and determine how the property would be shared out. Our client the husband was very wealthy before the marriage but he only truly cared about a certain piece of property that he had inherited from his father. He was willing to lose everything else but not that one. Acquiring this property was
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Global Agri-Food Supply Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Agri-Food Supply Management - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the world is facing a growth in population. This growth in population calls for more food to be produced while practicing sustainability. This has put the supply agri-food supply chain under immense pressure as they try to keep up with the ever-rising population. The supply chain needs to be more efficient than ever in order to reduce food wastage. This has created room for various players within the industry to come up with innovations to solve these existing problems. Practicing sustainability is among one of the innovations. McDonald's is a company that largely relies on the agri-food chain. Recently the company has come up with various innovations with the aim of promoting sustainability. Due to the changes in world climate, growth in population, as well as the ever-rising cost of energy, the company’s management, has come with some innovations. This is part of the company’s effort to protect the ecosystem, promote the viability of farming to ensure the resources will be available for the future generations. In their attempt to promote sustainable sourcing, the company has come up with the following programs. Beef sustainability, sustainable packaging, recycling, supporting sustainable fisheries, sustainable coffee, sustainable logistics and sustainable poultry farming are some of those programs, One of the major challenges facing the agri-food supply chain is antibiotic resistance in food. This has led to a wide range of foodborne diseases. There have also been weeds that have proved to be pesticide and herbicide resistance. A good example is a pigweed that has become resistance and researchers claim that it will take close to five years to come up with an herbicide that will be able to deal with the pigweed menace. Another challenge is the reduction in insect pollinator population. This has directly affected food production as pollination is necessary for a good harvest.
Cal report week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cal report week 3 - Essay Example These were named as radical humanism or subjective change ; radical structuralism which is to do with the many conflicts in society; interpretive sociology which deals with the interpretation of society ; and functionalist sociology which sees society as consisting of many interacting parts. It was discovered within the group how these ideas all relate to learning and knowledge within organizations, and also how they could be applied to particular difficulties. The various paradigms can be utilized individually or more than one can used at one time. To add a greater degree of understanding and the ability to apply these ideas metaphors can be used as shown by Morgan in 1980 and later by Hassard ( 1991) It is necessary to choose those which best fit our particular circumstances and reflect on them. As I took part in the week 3 learning group I began to discover how my the structure of my company fits into the various models of management research and how to use that knowledge in order to create the most applicable knowledge. I am now attempting to fit the paradigms to my work situation and see how compatible the two are. Also , using the right language , as described by Van Maanen (1991) will make it easier to produce convincing arguments. Together with the use of metaphor this will help me to produce suitable solutions for my organization. The main aim this week was to be able to turn theories into practice. This means translating the models into actual work tasks and, by using the correct knowledge creation , enabling the most beneficial decisions to be made. HASSARD,J. 1991, Mulitple Paradigmsand Organizational Analysis : A Case Study, Organization Studies, 12 ( 2) pages 275-299, EBSCOhost, available from, accessed 25th July 2011 MORGAN,G. 1980, Paradigms, metaphors and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Describing the Formal Elements of Line, Light, Form, and Space Before Essay
Describing the Formal Elements of Line, Light, Form, and Space Before you begin - Essay Example Hasegawa Tohaku dominantly used lines in his painting particularly vertical, contour and diagonal lines. Although lines are dominant in this painting, the artist produced a three-dimensional illusion in his painting. The lines are more of the romantic or expressive than analytic because the lines are not precisely straight but are soft and more of an impression. The use of vertical lines in the painting can visibly be seen as tree trunks and the expressive nature of the lines used helped in giving an impression of the texture and form of the trunk of pine trees which are not actually precise straight lines. The diagonal lines in the painting are perceptible in some of the tree trunks and the branches of the trees. These lines give an impression of movement among the branches and helps in providing a spatial illusion between the trees and the branches. In producing the three-dimensional effect in Hasegawa Tohaku’s painting, aside from lines the artist also employed the element of light. Since the medium used on the painting Pine Trees is ink, the artist skilfully produced a feeling of space, distance and the scene that depicts the trees as though under the moonlight or probably at dawn because of the impression of fog among the trees.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Module participants' are required to produce a structured reflection Essay
Module participants' are required to produce a structured reflection on their own personal group experiences. A structured ref - Essay Example And it is generalisations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively.’(Gibbs 1988) The following essay presents a reflection of my experiences in a group assignment undertook as part of a Cross Cultural Issues module. On reflection I realise that, during the project, our group went through Tuckman’s (1965) four stages of group development. namely Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. During the formation process, several issues arose which resulted in lack of critical analysis on the research, and unsystematic decision making within the group. In this report I am going use Gibbs’ (1988) model of reflection in order to look at the issues and to find solutions to overcome the problems in future. This evaluation is the first step in ascertaining how my beliefs and assumptions as well as my background and experiences may impact on my future organisational functioning as I search for a career in management. I will use cognitive complexity (Bieri 1955) by utilising a wide variety of theories of practice to support my reflection. Figure Gibbs reflective model 1 Contents Page 1 Abstract.....................................................................................................2 2 Contents page...........................................................................................3 3 Introduction...............................................................................................4 4 Problem & context....................................................................................4 5 Self-awareness..........................................................................................5 6 Evaluation..................................................................................................6 7 Analysis......................................................................................................9 8 Conclusion............................................................................................ ....10 9 Action plan................................................................................................11 10 Appendix...................................................................................................13 11 Bibliography.............................................................................................14 12 Reference list...........................................................................................17 1 Introduction Diversity in the workplace has taken on new importance (Thomas 2004) as changing economic circumstances prompt many companies to downsize and restructure themselves into flatter, more decentralized entities. The result is that today's corporations are built around groups that must find answers to novel and complicated business issues. These teams bring together diverse groups of people who incorporate a variety of backgrounds, ideas, and personalities. A reflection on my study would provide important bearing for me in prep aration for workplace dynamics. 1 Problem & context As part of the Cross Cultural issues module, we had to prepare a group presentation based on a critical analysis of the cross cultural issues a UK based firm would encounter establishing an Indian subsidiary. My diverse group of six comprised of three females: one British (X), one Polish (Y) and one Brazilian (Z). and three males: two British (J and A) and one Zimbabwean
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Statistics Problems Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Statistics Problems - Speech or Presentation Example Ex: A market research to identify the buying behavior of the consumers in a particular market segment. As the research will have a budget constraint, it will be impossible to conduct the survey among the entire population. Hence a representative sample is selected to conduct the research. Ex: Research to identify a cure for a fast spreading virus, such as the influenza virus. It is essential to conduct a quick diagnosis with a few infected patients (rather than all the infected patients) to come up with a cure, so that the virus is contained from spreading. 34. Information from the American Institute of Insurance indicates the mean amount of life insurance per household in the United States is $110,000. This distribution follows the normal distribution with a standard deviation of $40,000. 32. A state meat inspector in Iowa has been given the assignment of estimating the mean net weight of packages of ground chuck labeled â€Å"3 pounds.†Of course, he realizes that the weights cannot be precisely 3 pounds. A sample of 36 packages reveals the mean weight to be 3.01 pounds, with a standard deviation of 0.03 pounds. 34. A recent survey of 50 executives who were laid off from their previous position revealed it took a mean of 26 weeks for them to find another position. The standard deviation of the sample was 6.2 weeks. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for the population mean. Is it reasonable that the population mean is 28 weeks? Justify your answer. 46. As a condition of employment, Fashion Industries applicants must pass a drug test. Of the last 220 applicants 14 failed the test. Develop a 99 percent confidence interval for the proportion of applicants that fail the test. Would it be reasonable to conclude that more than 10 percent of the applicants are now failing the test? In addition to the testing of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple - Essay Example The major subject of the art work is the sexuality and growth of the Indian women. The sculptures are designed stylistically to show the growth in women and to represent their beauty. The erotic sculptures also show the passionate interactions between humans along with changes that occur in human bodies. The artwork also represents the cultural influence of the Indians by using ornaments on the sculptures thus, showing how Indian women value ornaments. The artwork also applies religious styles by positioning the erotic sculptures in such a way that they appease evil spirits. Stylistic influences used in the sculptures include the use of good positioning and use of imagery. The artwork has applied imagery in the sculptures by using symbolism where different meanings can be derived from each of the sculptures. The religious style has a significant influence on the art since; it determines the major positioning of the erotic sculptures. This is a portrait which was done by anonymous cou rt artists during the Kangxi period, which was around the year 1662-1795. The portrait mainly represents one of the royal rulers of the Qing Dynasty. The medium used is mainly paint and silk, with paint being made on the silk. The subject matter of the artwork is mainly to convey messages about the countries strong dynasties and the religious views. Thus, a lot of symbolism has been used in the artwork to convey different messages. Thus, from the colors used and the pattern of art, different meanings. can be derived from the artifact (Kleiner, 43). The major cultural context of the relic is the glorification of the Chinese art and to uphold their religion and the political ideologies. The artwork is also symbolic and metaphoric in producing its message. For instance; the colors used on the robes are bright signifying the peace in the dynasty of the emperor. In addition, the artwork also embraces the use of different patterns
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Romantic Literature Essay Example for Free
Romantic Literature Essay Romance is described as a mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful. Romance is often written about in many works throughout time. In the 18th century the â€Å"brooding†romantics shared an idea that all humans were capable of being evil. Their writing was often complex, mysterious, and filled with emotion. Washington Irving’s â€Å"The Devil and Tom Walker†, Edgar Allen’s â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minster’s Black Veil†are romantic stories because they emphasize on passion, nature, the individual, and the unusual. Even though Hawthorne, Poe, and Irving are all romantic writers, they use different elements to develop their stories. Washington Irving uses several romantic elements to tell the story of Tom Walker, an old miserly man who sells his soul the Devil in exchange for wealth. One element that is illustrated is the use of imagination and emotion once Tom became secure in his wealth he started to show how evil he really was, â€Å"Let the freebooter roast,’ said Tom; ‘who cares!’ He now felt convinced that all he had heard and seen was no illusion.†(Irving 319). As Tom starts to grow old he realizes how bad his deal with the Devil was, he attempts to undo his wrongdoing by becoming religious. Tom gets out of the deal and is left poor when he asks to be taken if he has made money off of hopeless people, Walker is left with nothing, and his fortune is now worth mere pennies. (Irving 324). Irving also shows an interest in the historic past, the Devil is guarding a hidden treasure buried by Kidd the pirate, the treasure was never recovered because of the pirate being killed. (Irving 312). While Tom Walker was taking a short cut home he comes across old Indian land. â€Å"Nothing remained of the old Indian for but a few embankments, gradually sinking to the level of the surrounding earth, and already overgrown in part by oaks and other forest trees, the foliage of which formed a contrast to the dark pines and hemlocks of the swamp.†(Irving 315). Finding an old Indian skull really sparked Walker’s interest in the bizarre; this is when the devil first comes in contact with Tom. (Irving 317). During this encounter the Devil describes who he really is, â€Å"I amuse myself by presiding at the persecutions of Quakers and Anabaptists; I am the great patron and prompter of slave dealers and the grand masters of the Salem witches.†(Irving 317). Washington Irving’s 18th century work is romantic literature because it exhibits the use of imagination and emotion, an interest in the historic past, and also an interest in the unusual, bizarre, or unfami liar. Poe uses a belief in the unusual, bizarre, or unfamiliar, a revolt against authority and an emphasis on imagination and feeling in his romantic writing. In this tale a disease called the Red Death infects a country, Prince Prospero decides to take everyone who has not came in contact with the illness to his palace where they will party all day and have a moment of silence at the sound of a clock ringing every hour, to commemorate being. (Poe 431). â€Å"Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and lighthearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court . . . â€Å"(Poe 429). One day at midnight an uninvited guest arrived wearing a mask that resembles a corpse and his face has spots of blood, suggesting that he is a victim of the Red Death. The prince revolts against authority when he attacks the masked mummer for showing up to his party. (Poe 433). The palace where the festivities were held had intercut and bizarre rooms, each area was painted a different solid color, but the last room is black with red windows creating an eerie feeling. (Poe 430). To develop his story, Hawthorne used the elements of emphasis on the individual, emphasis on the unfamiliar, bizarre, or the unusual, and the use of imagination. â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†walks the reader through a minister, Mr. Hooper, and his community once he starts to wear a black veil over his face every day. (Hawthorne 461). The people of Milford, including his fiancà ©e, were all confused on why the minister would not ever remove his veil. The tale is centered on Mr. Hopper and the reason for the veil, â€Å"A rumor of some unaccountable phenomenon had preceded Mr. Hooper into the meeting house, and set the entire congregation astir.†(Hawthorne 460). The face covering was mysterious and unusual to the public, they figured that the minister wearing the veil symbolized a horrible sin, â€Å"Swathed about his forehead, and hanging down over his face, so low as to be shaken by his breath, Mr. Hopper has on a black veil.†(Hawthorne 460). The minister never told anyone why he wore the shield on his face but demanded that people respect his decision to wear it. This caused him and his fiancà ©e, Elizabeth, to have arguments. Hawthorne uses imagination in this work when Elizabeth and Mr. Hopper have their final argument over the veil, â€Å"For a few moments she appeared lost in a thought, considering, probably, what new methods might be tried to withdraw her lover from so dark a fantasy, which, if it had no other meaning, was perhaps a symptom of mental disease.†(Hawthorne 467). His fiancà ©e leaves him, but come back years later to help take care of him in his last years; throughout the time they were apart she never married anyone else. On his death bed Mr. Hopper still did not remove the black veil; the town thought this to be bizarre but did not question his choice. (Hawthorne 470). The minister wished that his congregation would help him through his journey, but instead the gossiped and proved that they were not supportive churchgoers as they portrayed. Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†proves that is a romantic work because it illustrates emphasis on the individual, emphasis on the unfamiliar, bizarre, or the unusual, and the use of imagination. Poe, Hawthorne, and Irving are romantic writers because their works use five different elements in order to create a short story. All three stories have a male character that had to make a choice without thinking about how it affected the people around them. The tales had emphasis on emotion, nature, and the individual. The â€Å"brooding†romantics were not like the authors that write romance novels now. Their writing was darker and definitely not as light hearted. Centuries later the definition of romance has changed drastically.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Childhood Essay Example for Free
Childhood Essay Though many are of the view that childhood is the happiest time of a persons life I do not think we can generalize it is so. Of cause childhood is a very enjoyable phase in a mans life which is free from many responsibilities and challenges of the adulthood. However I believe there are several conditions that need to be satisfied for a happy childhood. First and foremost, a child should have loving and caring parents who could provide physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of their child. How many children have such parents today? There are thousands of children raised by foster homes or orphanages. Most of these children have never experienced the love of their mothers or fathers. In fact many a them even do not know who their parents are. These children are often deprived from many privileges and rights of a normal child. We could also see that the numbers of single parents are ever increasing due to various socio economic reasons. It is a known fact that single parents have to struggle hard to raise their children without the help of their partner and in most cases they fail to provide necessary requirements of their children, especially with respect to emotional factors. The security of the child is another important factor that decides whether the childhood is a happy one or not. In my country there was a civil war which spanned for thirty years and fortunately became to an end in the last year. The children who were born during these thirty years of war were raised under its dark shadows. In most families, the fathers had to join the army to fight against the terrorists. Many did not return home leaving endless problems for their families. There were frequent bomb blasts directed on civilians by the terrorists and in many instances children were victims. Also the children in the areas under terrorist control were abducted by the terrorists to strengthen their carders. These children were completely deprived from all their rights as children. They were neither allowed to be with their loved ones nor to attend school. Instead they were given a gun and trained to fire at the enemy. They were taught to hate not to love. How can we say that the childhood is the happiest time for such children?
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Holes By Louis Sachar: Character Analysis
Holes By Louis Sachar: Character Analysis Introduction Hole is a novel written by Louis Sachar and has already won Newbery Medal. The plot of the novel is about the life of multiple characters and a leading character with whom the whole story of the novel is linked. Story is written in main two parts referring as flashback and current or present situation. Characters in the Story The major characters in the novel are Stanley Yelnats and Zero (Hector Zeroni). Present characters are Stanley Yelnats, Mrs. Bell, Stanley Yelnats III, BarfBag, Alan, Theodore, Jos ¾, Ricky, Twitch, Attorney General, Ms. Morengo, Clyde Sweet Feet Livingston and Mr. Sir. Other past characters are Elya Yelnats, Madame Zeroni, Stanley Yelnats II, Kate Barlow, Myra Menke, Igor Barkov, Charles Trout Walker, Sam, the Onion Man, Mary Lou and Sheriff. Brief Overview to Story The storyline is the story occurred in past along the present storyline. Stanley is an unfortunate young boy because his family had been cursed for many ages before his great-great grandfather had not kept his promise. Stanleys father was a failure inventor and after inventing something using waste tennis ball. Financially Stanleys family was poor and believes that it is the result of the curse that his family has been bearing for ages. On the other side there is another story of Kate Barlow who is an intelligent lady and teaches in one class room school. She used to love Sam the onion boy who a black guy. The towns people were racist and did not like Kate in love with a black man to whom Kate love because he was a nice man. One day Sam was killed after Kate kisses him and the death of Sam makes Kate furious that she decides to take revenge of Sams death. Stanleys great-great grandfather Stanley I, who had not kept his promise, migrate to America and earn money but he was robbed by K ate Barlow and after that Stanleys family consistently facing financial crises. In present situation Stanleys was falsely accused of theft and trialed. At the end of the trial he was asked to choose either going jail or Green Lake Camp. Since Stanley has always thought it as some kind of summer camp he chooses going Green Lake Camp. Having reached the camp it was revealed on him that the Green Lake Camp is not in any way like summer camp and on the contrary it is rather a digging camp. Here Stanley somehow adjusted and began to part in the digging. He also makes friends here like Zero (Hector Zeroni). One day Stanley finds that the warden is after something as she was keenly interested in digging. Stanley with his friend Zero finds the treasure which later known as his grandfathers lost treasure and he becomes legal owner of the treasure. All of sudden Stanleys fate turns in to his favor and his father finds the formula for removing feet stink and Clyde Sweet Feet become its primary endorser. Zero has confesses that he stole the shoes I actual, just because he lived by himself and was compel steal to survive. The sudden change in fate stems from the reality that Zero was actually Hector Zeroni, and was the great-great grandson of Madame Zeroni. The promise was eventually been kept. A Yelnats lifted a Zeroni up to the mountain, carrying the curse and changing his familys fate. Comparison of Stanley Yelnats IV and Kate Barlows Lives Kate Barlow was a humble, kind and intelligent lady. Nobody has thought that this kind lady will turn to become revengeful person and will cause the destruction and unhappiness of someone life. Kate Barlow was a teacher and teaches in a one-room school in Green Lake one hundred and ten years before it was made Camp Green Lake. She was in love with a guy Sam; he sells onions in the town. Kate loves him because he was compassionate, brave, and elegant. Sam was a black man and the people of town were racist and did not like when they know that she loves Sam. Though Kate was a white herself yet she was not racist and believes in good and nobility. Kate was very lucky here to find a true love in her life and it was her the luckiest moments when she knows that she is in love with Sam. But the death of Sam was revealed as disastrous for her and it was the most unlucky moment of her life because the death of Sam turns her life into another direction. Death of Sam makes her revengeful and lat er she lived a pathetic life. She later on robs Stanleys great-great grandfather and thus Kate Barlow and Stanley Yelnatss family get connected into chain of life. Stanley Yelnats, who was an ugly as he was three times heavier than other normal boys and poor young boy, was great-great grandson of Stanley I who was robbed by Kate Barlow. Stanleys family had been poor and suffering from financial crises since his great-great grandfather was robbed by Kate Barlow. Stanleys family has another tragedy in their life as his family was cursed due to miscommitment of his great-great grandfather with Madame Zeroni. The great-great grandfather of Stanley was in love with Elya Yelnats and wishes to marry her but her father had conditioned her marriage with the big pig. To him, he will allow the marriage of his daughter with the man who brings the biggest pig. Madame Zeroni helped the great-great grandfather of Stanley on the condition to take her up on the mountain to drink stream water. Her condition to take her up on the mountain was so intense that she would curse him and his generation if he had not taken her up for helping him. Due to some reason he c ould not manage to bring her up on the mountain and they migrated to America. Here he was robbed by Kate Barlow and after that he thinks that he got Madame Zeronis curse. Due to this event Stanley and his family always think in the same manner and believe that they are unlucky and cursed. However, being accused of theft which was false and he had not committed the crime was fiercely unlucky of him because he was punished for the crime which he had never committed. At the end of the trial when he was asked to choose to go either to jail or Green Lake Camp, he chose to go to Green Lake Camp because he had always dreamed of summer camps and thought it one of them. But it was very unfortunate of him when he reaches at the camp and sees that there was neither a lake nor it was green and that his decision of coming here was wrong. Apparently feels himself unlucky because there was so much hardworking involve in the camp. Boys were here to dig for building their characters. He had not real ized that destiny intends to change his life and make him lucky. He began to digging here and one day he realized that the warden is after some treasure. He eventually finds the treasure and got released from camp as a result of being proved that he is innocent. The treasure that he found later came to know that it was the same value which Kate Barlow has robbed from his great-great grandfather and buried it here. Fortune was so much in his favor that his fathers formula also works and it was successful.
A Jungian Reading of Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essay
A Jungian Reading of Beowulf   This essay will propose an alternative means by which to examine the distinctive fusion of historical, mythological, and poetic elements that make up the whole of Beowulf. Jeffrey Helterman, in a 1968 essay, â€Å"Beowulf: The Archetype Enters History,†first recognized Grendel as a representation of the Shadow archetype and identified Grendel’s mother as an archetypal Anima image; I wish to extend the scope of the reading by suggesting that the dragon, too, represents an archetype: the archetype of the Self. John Miles Foley, in his landmark 1977 essay â€Å"Beowulf and the Psychohistory of Anglo-Saxon Culture,†first suggested that the progression of battles between man and monster in Beowulf symbolically recalls the primal myth, the â€Å"monomyth,†which recounts both the process of individual psychological growth and the development of universal human consciousness. I will explore in greater detail the idea that the progression of battles specifically represents the process of individual psychological development through which the ego confronts personal archetypes in order to achieve complete self-knowledge: the process of individuation. According to Jung, an archetype represents â€Å"certain instinctive data of the dark, primitive psyche†¦real but invisible roots of consciousness (9,i:271). He notes that the â€Å"ultimate core of meaning may be circumscribed, but not described,†as elements represented by the archetypal image remain unconscious; yet he also proposes that the individual psyche responds to the presence of the archetype by imprinting it with its own psychic material, thus creating a series of images informed by both universal understanding and personal experience. Jung compares the origina... ...arry, Jr., and H. Marshall Leicester, Jr. â€Å"Social Structure as Doom: The Limits of Heroism in Beowulf.† In Old English Studies in Honor of John C. Pope. Eds. Robert B. Burlin and Edward B. Irving, Jr. Pp 37-79. Foley, John Miles. â€Å"Beowulf and the Psychohistory of Anglo-Saxon Culture.† American  Imago 34(1977): 133-153. Helterman, Jeffrey. â€Å"Beowulf: the Archetype Enters History.†English Literary History   35(1968): 1-20. Hume, Kathryn. â€Å"The Theme and Structure of Beowulf.† Studies in Philology   72(January 1975): 1-27. Jung, Carl G. The Collected Works of Carl Jung. R.F.C. Hull, trans. Princeton: Princeton   University Press, 1953-1971. Niles, John. Beowulf: The Poem and its Tradition. Cambridge MA: Harvard University   Press, 1983. Thormann, Janet. â€Å"Beowulf and the Enjoyment of Violence.†Literature and Psychology   43:1(1997): 65-76.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The around The World Party At College :: essays research papers
The "Around The World" Party at College As I approached the party I could hear the blasting music all the way from the street. When I reached the back of the house to enter I could distinguish the song that was playing; it was â€Å"It's good to be King†by Tom Petty. After waiting in a line to enter I was finally in the loud, crowded house. Upon my arrival the host of the party informed me that there were no cups left, and that I would have to look for one. So I handed him my money as I was shoved into the next room by other arriving guest, eager to enter. Every person there was present for their own personal reasons. Whether these reason be social or simply for entertainment no one could tell. The only thing we all had in common was our goal to consume alcohol. As soon as I walked in the room I immediately could see and smell the smoke that was lingering in the air around the house. I was handed a cup by a friend. Looking into it to see if it had been used, we both shrugged and turned towards the basement. As I pushed my way through the crowd to look for the keg I immediately knew it was in the corner because of the crowd surrounding it. Once I reached the keg, I found myself waiting once again for my beer. The person who was filling up the cups was not filling them first come first serve. He would fill the cups of his friends first, then the girls, and then if he had to fill up his own cup he would. While doing this he was talking his friend whose job it was to pump the keg when needed. People were sticking their cups in front of the tap as if they were fighting for food, and they hadn't eaten for days. There must of have been twenty people all forcing their cups in the general area of the tap. Once I had my beverage, I decided to go visit the rooms to see what kind of alcohol was being served. This party was an â€Å"around the world party†which meant that every room had a different theme and appropriate drinks to the theme could be found there. My first stop was Jamaica. When I entered the room the first thing I saw was this guy dressed up like a native Jamaican, appropriate to the theme of the room. He had on a bright tie- dyed shirt with a dread locked wig.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Restriction Enzyme Analysis :: Papers
Restriction Enzyme Analysis Research question: Using only the information from these experiments calculate the number and size of the fragments that would be made using BAMH1 restriction enzyme, and calculate the migration distances of the various fragments. Restriction enzyme used Base pairing fragments Distance Travelled (cm)* Log of base pairs* Example My Group ECO R1 (6 fragments) 21226 7421 5804 5643 4878 3530 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.9 - 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 - - 4.3 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 HIND III (7 fragments) 23130 9416 6682 4361 2322 2027 564 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.5 3.7 5.8 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.9 3.1 - 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 2.8 Predicted figures from my graph BAM H1 (6 fragments) 16842 7233 6770 6527 5626 5504 1.3 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 Results *All figures in table are to 2s.f. I chose to calculate the log of the base pairs because the numbers vary significantly, making it difficult to plot on a graph. By doing this you can put the values into perspective for easy comparison. I will only use the example on my graph, as my results are unclear and inaccurate. I measured the distance from the edge of the gel, where the well ended to the centre of each fragment.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
How does an organization create customer value Essay
Marketing experts Don Peppers and Martha Rogers said: â€Å"Without customers, you don’t have a business.†It is such a simple, nevertheless, a scary thought. We live in a world of consumerism, in which the customer’s wants and desires greatly exceed their basic needs. Even though many see this concept as a threat to modern world society, it has created the extremely competitive marketplace for businesses. The companies are competing everyday to win over as many customers as possible by offering products that create irreplaceable value and benefit to those customers. Many companies will succeed in getting the customers to buy into their value and benefit however, the true success of a business is not linked only to getting new customers. It is considerably linked with keeping those customers around and winning over the customers from their competition. Companies work hard to develop creative marketing schemes for their products so that the company is recognized a nd perceived as valuable and beneficial to the customer. However, I believe that all strong companies start from the same point: listening to the customer. The extraordinary merits of information technology, such as the internet, cell phones, social media, television, radio, etc. have made the world we live in a global village. Thanks to the information technology, distance has never been less of an obstacle to communication amongst people. Technology has made information essentially accessible to everyone, everywhere, at any time making consumers, â€Å"more educated and informed than ever. They have the tools to verify companies’ claims and seek out superior alternatives†(Kotler & Keller, 2009, p.121). Consumerism and technology have made it possible for the customer to be heard. They can share interests, as well as positive and negative reviews for others to see. Companies follow and act upon those interests and reviews. They analyze all the information and seek to create a product that will satisfy the consumer’s interests and minimize the negative reviews. The creation of a quality product or a service that satisfies a great number of the customer’s needs and wants will create competitive advantage in the marketplace for the company and will make the product or service valuable to the customer. Ultimately, it will create an valuable experience. Positive experiences create loyalty towards that product and, â€Å"deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior†( Kotler & Keller, 2009, p.123). Negative experiences on the other hand can cause dissatisfaction with the product and cause a customer to defect and go to the competitor. When defection happens companies seek other ways to retain current customers, gain new ones, or even stop dissatisfied customers from defecting. Som e of the other ways companies make themselves valuable to the customer are: speed of service, discounts and rebates, warranties, loyalty programs, gifts, etc. Sale!Sale!Sale! 20-70% off entire store! 2 for 1! All these marketing schemes, discounts, and rebates are used to promote value in the eyes of the customer. Customers like to use phrases like: †I want more for my money†, or, â€Å"getting more for less†. One of the best ways that companies show they are valuable to customers is lowering the price of their products. The value created for the customer is satisfaction and a feeling of success. Meeting customer needs with a product is great, but the real measure of success cannot be measured by the product made, but by the feeling that the customer gets after purchasing it. That feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction after purchasing the product will affect the customer retention base, customer loyalty, company’s image, and ultimately the bottom line. Many companies today compete on price and try to create value for the customer by giving them more for less. No matter how good the product or service is, mistakes will happen and the customers will complain. Many people don’t like to hear complaints, but when there is money involved there will be complaining. The first step in making the company valuable to the customer is by making complaints easier and more accessible. By doing this the company makes it personable, consequently creating the value of importance for the customer instead of making them just a number. Benjamin Franklin said, â€Å"Well done is better than well said†. Companies might say they will make it personal and resolve the issue, but then you are put on hold for thirty minutes when you call in for a complaint, or your car might have to stay in the shop two days longer than anticipated. When inconveniencing the customer in moments like these, any effort to help the customer resolve the issue thereafter may be futile. That may very well be the last time the company will deal with that particular customer. The second step in creating value for the customer is the speed at which the issue will be resolved. It might sound clichà ©, but time is money, and an attorney that has to be on hold for thirty minutes might have lost the opportunity to earn two hundred dollars. He might take it personal and go to your competitor. Acc ording to Kotler & Keller (2009), â€Å"Of the customers who register a complaint, between 54% and 70% will do business with the organization again if their complaint is resolved. The figure goes up to a staggering 95% if the customer feels the complaint was resolved quickly†(p.129). Therefore, it is not just resolving the issue that makes the customer value your company, it is the speed at which that issue or complaint is resolved. The desire of each marketing person and each company, per se, is building a strong and loyal customer base. Quality products and services create satisfied customers, and that satisfaction creates a relationship between the customer and a brand. If the customer is repeatedly content with the benefits from the particular product or service, it starts building loyalty. Once loyalty is established companies continue creating value for the customer thru development of loyalty programs that provide customers with extra rewards and benefits, making them feel more valuable since they are not getting those benefits anywhere else. The company has created ultimate value for both customer and themselves when their customers become their clients. According to Kotler & Keller (2009), â€Å"Customers may be nameless to the institution; clients cann ot be nameless. Customers are served as part of the mass or as part of the large segments; clients are served on an individual basis. Customers are served by anyone who happens to be available; clients are served by the professional assigned to them†(p.140). Companies create competitive advantage in the market by putting the customer’s wants and needs ahead of everything, understanding that without their customers they would not exist. In today’s world of consumerism and information, every company is capable of creating a valuable experience for their customers. However, the difference between the leaders in the market and others is that the leaders are constantly making their customer’s feel valued. Leading companies listen to their customers, they resolve their customer’s complaints and concerns in a fast and effective manner. They make customers feel valuable by building personal relationships thru numerous loyalty programs, and ultimately deepe n that relationship by making their customers into clients.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Siberin Tigers
Panthera tigris altaica, better know as the Siberian or the Amur tiger lives primarily in eastern Russia, and a few are found in northeastern China and northern North Korea. It is estimated that 150 to 200 tigers exist today in the wild. There are roughly 490 Siberian tigers that are managed in zoos world wide, and an unknown number as to how many exist privately. In this century alone, the Siberian tiger has managed to survive four wars, two revolutions, and now the brutal slaughter on their forests. Wild tigers exist in Asian countries China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal, By this IUCN status this animal is considered to be Critical, its numbers in the wild have fluctuated from an incredibly low 24 tigers in the 1940s to what IUCN now estimates is 150 to 200 in 1994. There are only three protected areas for these tigers in Russia-the Sikhote-Alin (3,470 km2), Lazovsky (1,165 km2), and Kedrovaya Pad (178 km2) Reserves-inland from the Sea of Japan in the Russian Far East. There have been sightings of these magnificent animals in Changbaishan, near the Chinese border, were it was reported in a Chinese newspaper in 1990, and some are still found along the Russian border. The Cat Specialist Group suggests that there are probably fewer than 50 Siberian tigers in China. It is widely believed that the tigers in Russia will define the future of the species. The other sites are too small to harbor tiger populations large enough for the survival of the species. The Law of the Russian Federation on Environmental Protection and Management of 1992 gave the Siberian tiger legal protection that they deserved. Despite the law of protection, poaching has received a considerable amount of attention in the press today. Authorities say that the killing of tigers is a new enterprise. One reason for the poaching is traditional Chinese medicine. The captive program for Siberian tigers is the largest and longest managed program for any of the subspecies. The Siberian tiger is one of the models for the creation of scientifically managed programs for species in captivity. This program takes place globally in zoos and aquariums. According to the 1994 International Tiger Studbook there are about 490 Siberian tigers managed in zoos 226 of them in Europe, 151 in North America, 93 in Japan, and about 20 more scattered among Asian zoos. This captive population is descended from 83 wild-caught founders. For the most part, the Siberian tiger is considered secure in captivity. With the large genetically diverse gene pool that exists, these animals are considered to be a stable population. The Siberian tigers are the heaviest subspecies, the larger tigers weighting at 500 and more or 225-kg. With the males being heavier than the females, like many other species. The lightest subspecies is the Sumatran; these males weigh at about 250 pounds or 110 kg and the females at around 200 pounds or 90 kg. In order to obtain and maintain this weight these cats have to eat large masses of food, every day. A wild tiger can eat over 60 pounds of meat at one siting. . Despite the tiger†s great power and accurate senses, it dedicates a lot of time to hunting, because only one in ten hunting are calculated to be successful. It mainly preys on deer or wild pig, and fish providing it can catch them. Depending on the subspecies, the head-body length of these tigers is about 41/2 to 9 feet or 1.4-2.8 m. the length of the tail is 3 to 4 feet or 90-120 cm. The footpads vary in size with the age of the animal. This leads to inaccurate estimates when used it in counting the animals in wild populations. This magnificent animal carries the Chinese mark of Wang or king on the forehead. Tigers have round pupils and yellow irises, excluding the blue eyes of white tigers. The tigers have evolved to better vision at night. Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina. This provides to be useful when hunting at night. Tigers have excellent Binocular and color vision. At night, the tiger can see well over 6 times better than humans. The length of a Tigers tail is 3 to 4 feet long, about half as long as its body. They use their tails for balance when running through fast turns. Tigers also use their tails to communicate with other tigers. Like domestic cats, tiger claws are retractable. Like many other animals tigers mark there territory. Tigers mark their territories by spraying bushes and trees with a mixture of urine and scent gland secretions. They will also leave scratch marks on trees. The size of a tiger's territory depends on the amount of food available, and usually ranges from about 10 to 30 square miles or 26-78 sq. km. Siberian tigers sometimes have unusually large territories, this can be as large as 120 square miles. Although tigers usually live alone, their territories can overlap. A male tiger's territory usually overlaps those of several female tigers. No one knows exactly why tigers have striped, but some scientists think that the stripes act as camouflage, and aid in tiger†s hunt from their prey. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes of all the tiger subspecies, and the Siberian tiger has the fewest stripes. Tiger stripes are much like human fingerprints; no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds or 1 kg, respective to the subspecies. They live on their mother†s milk for 6-8 weeks before the female begins taking them hunting to eat. Tigers fully developed canines in about 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about 18 months of age. Young tigers live with their mother until they are two to three years old, then they find their own territories to occupy. The average life span of tigers in the wild is thought to be about 10 years. Tigers that are brought up in zoos can live twice as long or longer. Unlike some other large cats, adult tigers prefer to live their lives in solitude. Except for mother†s tigers who take care of their cubs. This is partly due to the fact a single tiger has a better chance sneaking up and bouncing its prey, more efficiently than a large group of tigers could. These animals and many other animals like them should be reserved. No other living creature surpasses their beauty. As this picture illustrates these animals were truly the masters of their domain. Before humans came and destroyed their homes. This cat is one of the most powerful cats in the world. Weighting in at 500 and change this animal can tear though it†s prey, like a hot knife though butter.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Glaze Storms of 1998
Ice storms, also referred to as glaze storms, cause considerable damage every year to trees in urban and natural areas. They vary considerably in their severity and frequency. Ice storms are result of the ice formation process, which is influenced by general weather patterns. Ice accumulates when super cooled rain freezes on contact with surfaces, such as tree branches, that are at or below the freezing point (0'C). This generally occurs when a winter warm front passes through an area after the ground-level temperature reaches or falls below freezing. Rain falls through layers of cooler air without freezing, becoming super cooled. Periodically, other climatic events, including stationary, occluded, and cold fronts, also result in ice storms. The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the1998 ice storm. This paper features three main section: An introduction, the main body (damage to woodland), and finally, a conclusion. In the main body of this paper, the effect of fire and pest/disease is discussed in detail. In the conclusion, comparison is made between fire and pests/disease versus ice storm. By the end of this paper, one should gain a better understanding of the severity of the 1998 ice storm as well as other damaging agents that affect the woodland in eastern North America Ice storms are often winter's worst hazard. More slippery than snow, freezing rain or glaze is tough and tenacious, clinging to every object it touches. A little can be dangerous, a lot can be catastrophic. Ice storm in Northeastern America has been common but the 1998 ice storm was exceptional. Ice storms are a major hazard in all parts of Canada except the North, but are especially common from Ontario to Newfoundland. The severity of ice storms depends largely on the accumulation of ice, the duration of the event, and the location and extent of the area affected. Based on these criteria, Ice Storm'98 was the worst ever to hit Canada in recent memory. From January 5-10, 1998 the total water equivalent of precipitation, comprising mostly freezing rain and ice pellets and a bit of snow, exceeded 85 mm in Ottawa, 73 mm in Kingston, 108 in Cornwall and 100 mm in Montreal (Environmental Canada, Jan 12/1998). Previous major ice storms in the region, notably December 1986 in Ottawa and February 1961 in Montreal, deposited between 30 and 40 mm of ice – about half the thickness from the 1998 storm event! (Environmental Canada, Jan 12/1998). The extent of the area affected by the ice was enormous. Freezing precipitation is often described as â€Å"a line of†or â€Å"spotty occurrences of†. At the peak of the storm, the area of freezing precipitation extended from Muskoka and Kitchener in Ontario through eastern Ontario, western Quebec and the Eastern Townships to the Fundy coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. What made the ice storm so unusual, though, was that it went on for so long. On average, Ottawa and Montreal receive freezing precipitation on 12 to 17 days a year. Each episode generally lasts for only a few hours at a time, for an annual average total between 45 to 65 hours. During Ice Storm'98, it did not rain continuously, however, the number of hours of freezing rain and drizzle was in excess of 80 – again nearly double the normal annual total. One of the most appealing features of Eastern Ontario is the extensive forest cover. This is made up of woodlands of varying structure. These woodlands, as well as natural fencerows, windbreaks, and plantations of pine and poplar, dominate the landscape. Icing impacts may best be understood by treating spatially larger scales, starting with individual trees, proceeding to stands, and finally to forest landscapes. Ice damage to trees can range from mere breakage of a few twigs, to bending stems to the ground, to moderate crown loss, to outright breakage of the trunk. In the 1998 Northeastern ice storm, icing lasted long enough that many trees which were bent over had their crowns glued to the snow surface by the ice in many instances for as long as 3 weeks. Some of those trees actually erect posture after release from the snow, while many others remain bent over after 2 years. The severity of damage is generally believed to be closely related to the severity of winds following the heaviest ice accumulations. Damage varies across a range of severity and subtlety: minor branch breakage; major branch loss; bending over of crowns; root damages; breakage of trunks and in some hardwoods, trunks can be split. Depending on the stand composition, the amount of ice accumulation, and the stand history, damage to stands can range from light and patchy to the total breakage of all mature stems. Complete flattening of stands occurred locally in the Northeaster 1998 storm. In response to more moderate damage, effects on stands could include: shifts in over story composition in favor of the most resistant trees; loss of stand growth until leaf area is restored; and loss of value of the growth due to staining or damage to stem form. The term landscape refers to a ‘group†or a ‘family†of trees. I use the term vaguely because the size and composition of landscapes differ from region to region. The degree of damage is typically highly skewed by area. For example, in the January 1998 Northeaster storm, 1,800,000 ha of damage in Quebec was assessed by the Ministry of Natural Resource: very severe 4.2%, severe 32.0%, moderate 29.9%, and slight/trace 33.9% (The Science of the Total Environment, Volume: 262, Issue: 3, November 15, 2000, pp. 231-242 ). The effects on entire forest landscapes are highly patchy and variable. They also depend significantly on how landowners respond to the damage. Disturbance caused by diseases, by themselves or in conjunction with disturbance by insects, abiotic factors such as drought, fire and wind, and, increasingly, human activities, has played a critical role in the dynamics of many forest ecosystems in North America. In the predominantly coniferous forests in western North America there are considerable areas undisturbed directly by human activities. In these areas, diseases kill trees or predispose them to other agents of disturbance, resulting in gradual change in stand composition and structure. In areas disturbed by forest management practices of harvesting or exclusion of fire, increased disease incidence and severity has increased the damage caused by disease, and consequently, the rate of change. In the absence of introduced diseases in the predominantly deciduous forests of the Appalachian region of eastern North America, forests are relatively healthy. Here, forests are disturbed significantly by disease only after they are disturbed or stressed by other agents, predominantly defoliating insects and drought. In the eastern montane coniferous forest, chronic wind damage is a major predisposing factor to disease. Past harvesting practices, introduced diseases and insects, and fire exclusion have in some instances resulted in large areas of similar species and relatively similar ages that exacerbate the magnitude and severity of disturbance by disease. Fire is predominantly a natural phenomenon that burns the forest vegetation, polluting the ozone and wiping out the biodiversity. One major distinction between ice storm and forest fire is the way disaster are caused. The majority of forest fire could arguably be a result of human action and ice storm as an ‘act of god,†an act that is out of human control. Foresters usually distinguish three types of forest fires: ground fires, which burn the humus layer of the forest floor but do not burn appreciably above the surface; surface fires, which burn forest undergrowth and surface litter; and crown fires, which advance through the tops of trees or shrubs. It is not uncommon for two or three types of fires to occur simultaneously. Forest management has been able to reduce the occurrence of this event but many forest fires are out of arm†s length. Humans cause the majority of forest fires. Campers that do not put out their bond fire or campers littering lit cigarette bud are responsible for such an action. Natural occurrence such as lightning could spark a forest fire but the probability is small compared to human action. The convention way of putting out or reducing the spread of forest fire has been airliners. These airliners are filled with gallons and galloons of water. With limited capacity, these airliners fly above the flame and deposit galloons of water. For the purpose of this paper, deforestation simply means the lost of trees where the lost of trees exceeds the level of sustainable development. One of the major effects of forest fire is the burning of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. This eventually creates a greenhouse affect and global warming. The effect damages our ecosystem as well as reduces one of Canada†s precious natural resource. Many projects, both from government funding and corporate sponsors, have done a good job increasing the awareness and risk related to deforestation. Pests directly affect the quantity and quality of forest nursery seedlings and can indirectly cause losses by disrupting reforestation plans or reducing survival of out planted stock. The movement of infested stock can disseminate pests to new areas. Since control of nursery pests may be based on pesticide usage, pest outbreaks may lead to environmental contamination. Woodland damage caused by livestock is a well-documented, yet persistent, forest health problem. Soil compaction, root disturbance and trunk/root collar damage caused by livestock reduce the vigor of trees. This paves the way for armillaria root rot, borers and other opportunistic organisms. Livestock also destroy the forest under story (reproduction), which hastens soil erosion and limits the future productivity of the site. The resulting forest decline reduces the quality, value and longevity of current and future trees on the site. Eliminating livestock from woodlands is the first step toward a healthier, more productive forest. As mentioned earlier in this paper, ice storm is a natural phenomenon caused by nature whereas forest fire are a result of human actions and preventable. One of the major differences between fire and ice storm is the rate of damage. Forest fire has a direct impact on the woodlands by changing the diversity of the landscape. Forest fire wipes out an entire landscape of trees causing a release of carbon dioxide. This ‘in lieu†effect results in global warming as well as greenhouse effect. The release of carbon dioxide has a long-term effect to our ecosystem. Carbon dioxide is trapped in our ozone layer making airways less preamble. This trapping effect eventually radiates heat causing global warming. The long-term effect is hazardous and changes our biodiversity. Ice storm has very little affect to our ozone layer. Damage to woodlands as a result of ice storm is concentrated within that area. Ice storm does not spread like fire does so areas that have been hit by an ice sto rm affect woodlands Pests and disease slowly eroded the quantity as well as quality of woodland. Infected woodland slows the development of growth by eroding the soil limiting the production of trees. Pest control and good forest management could improve the quality and well as productivity in these areas. Pests and diseases cause a slow change in biodiversity. As the woodland become infested, animals feeding from leafs and branch find it less desirable, eventually leaving the area in search of more suitable woodland. Similarly, forest fire, pests and disease spread but at a much slower rate. These agents infect the trees, eventually penetrating the roots and moving on to the next host. As mentioned previous, ice storm does not spread, rather the effect stays within the area. To conclude, fire and pests/disease are similar in the way these agents spread and infect their host. The preceding sentence can be best thought of as a virus infected it†s host as an analogy. Fire spreads at a much faster rate than pests/disease and the impact are instant. Both of these agents have long-term effect, which does not work in our favor. Ice storm affects the area it hits and will not spread. Furthermore, ice storms are predictable whereas fire is not since the cause of fire is human mistake and is hard to predict. Ice storms are not preventable but human actions can be prevented. The potential of damage from fire is far more severe than that of ice storm. We must increase the awareness to ensure that our woodland remains healthy and protect our ecosystem.
Cultures: Theoretical Models
Cultures: Theoretical Models Walden University Cross-Cultural psychology examines human activities in various cultural settings, by engaging several approaches. Some of these approaches were self evident from the course video dealing with the Thailand women cultural wear of brass neck shackles. Evolutionary Perspective The culture of wearing brass neck shackles by the Thailand women is described by the relative evolutionary factors affecting human behavior. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection postulates that organism evolve with the pursuit of the biological traits that will promote longevity and survival. Such traitsâ€â€aggressiveness, initiative, curiosity, obedience, intelligence, etc. , are so selected to reproduce offspring that will permeate and advance same competitive, advantageous genes to unending generations. These desired or preferred geneticâ€â€biological inheritance, elicited or interpreted in the form of beauty, reproductive behavior, proportional body size, bodily hormones, etc. form the bases for the cultural persuasion, (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). The sexes utilize these endowments as a measure of selection or discrimination for or against opposite sexes. Applicably, in the case of the Thailand women, the evolutionary perspective will continue to maintain and uphold this culture of elongating the neck by wearing the brass-neck shackles, because the culture promotes the selection of mates with long neck as a desired gene and shows altruism in a woman; the women, on the other hand, display the feature of a long neck as an attraction for the right mate. By right mate, the woman, who, by nature, longs for stability and security, targets material support in a partner. Sociological Approach Sociological Approach is a â€Å"general view of human behavior that focuses on broad social structures that influence society as a whole, and subsequently its individuals;†(Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Society as an entity creates social structures that are purposefully designed to assure its stability and conformity among its citizens. By creating these social norms, the society then imposes acceptance and subordination on the people. By default, the citizens of the society are nurtured and naturalized by the prescribed ethics and values. Consequently, these cultural norms and values are upheld in high esteem as a regulator of its citizen ideals, moral behaviors, ethics and expectations. Resultantly, the citizens pass on these cultural values or traditions from generation to generation, (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Upon the above premises, the traditional Thailand customâ€â€women wear of neck shackles to elongate the neck, reinforces the societal expectations by subjectively promoting the act as a required and desirable form of beauty; the transference of the norm to posterity. Ecocultural Approach Using the ecocultural approach, explain how the woman’s interaction with the environment supports the actions she takes. The above approach coincides with the principle that entities are the product of their environment. In essence, individuals interact with the domain environmental factors; have the ability to transform it and to be transformed by it. These environmental factors relate to ecological contextâ€â€the economic activity of the population in reference to austerity of food, quality of nutrition, homeostasis, as well as, the density of the population. All these exert a considerable impact on individual. Another factor is the sociopolitical contextâ€â€relates to the degree of the people’s involvement in both global and local decisions. Inclusive in this context are the presence or absence of political freedoms, ideological values and organization of government, (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Thus, economically hostile environment creates cross-cultural differences, hence, the less privileged will be concerned or consumed with fending for daily scour; as a result, retain a culture of their own environment. As well, in politically unstable environments, long term customs are affected adversely. In the case of the action of the woman in the video, fleeing her country of origin to Thailand, to preserve her custom of wearing brass neck shackles intended to stretch the neck, was prompted by political instability and hostile environment, when in 1962, the Military Government decided to modernize the society and get rid of all primitive and tribal customs. All three approaches of examining human activities in human cultural settingsâ€â€evolutionary, sociological and ecocultural approaches share similarities, among which are: They human organisms in a given setting maintain a defining culture or custom that governs their ways of life. These customs uphold their value system and detect their moral and ethical behaviors. Secondly, all three approaches show that these traditions, customs or culture are die-hard; and they are passed on from generation to generation. Nonetheless, certain differences exist among them. Firstly, while evolutionary approach observes culture or custom development from a natural selectiveâ€â€biological, principle and its outcome or foundation remains solid, the sociological approach deals with the development of culture through the impart of large social groups or institutions. The customs from the preceding setup are prone to undergo changes or reformations that produce societal disorder, economic disenfranchisement and dual-social order. Evidently, every society is regulated by one form of culture or the other. Such culture can be denoted with modernization, traditional or both. The clearer understanding of the custom of wearing brass neck shacklesâ€â€for neck elongation, as shown on the video, was provided evolutionary approach. This is because of theory of natural selection; in which a desired trait is preserved and showcased. Such that, in the case of the Thailand women, the custom is the means of being selected by and attracted to the well-off men for economic security. Reference: Shiraev, E. , & Levy, D. (2010). Cross-cultural psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications (4th ed. ). Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Pearson Education, Inc.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Analysing The Concept Of Karma
Analysing The Concept Of Karma The Hindu and Buddhist religions both believe in karma. In the Hindu religion karma influences how you are born in your next life. You can be born in lower life forms such as an animal, plant, or insect. You could even be born into a lower caste system. It works the opposite way as well and can cause you to be reborn in a higher form even as a demigod or superhuman. Buddhists have a different take on karma. The Buddha rejected the notion of a soul but accepted some notion of rebirth. Buddha says that even though there is no soul the personalities of a being could recombine and continue from one life time to another. He uses the example of a flame going from one candle to another or the wind on blades of grass. To understand karma first it needs to be defined. Karma can be described as a form of cause and effect. The dictionary defines karma as sum of person’s actions in one of his successive states of existence, viewed as deciding his fate for the next. In Sanskrit karma is d efined as volitional action that is undertaken deliberately or knowingly. This also fits together as self-determination and a strong will power to abstain from inactivity. Karma also separates human beings from other creatures in the world. Karma is a notion that constantly proves the Newton theory of every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. Every time we do something we create a cause and in time will produce its corresponding reaction. It is the personality of the human that causes either negative or positive karma. Karma could be caused by both the physical and mental aspects of the body regardless of if it brings achievement now or in the future. Karma cannot be affected by the natural reflexes of the body. â€Å"A person is responsible for his or her own karma†(Karma and Reincarnation, 2010). In other words it is up to a person to give themselves good karma and move to a higher form in the next life or their doing for bad karma and devolving to a lower form. There are three types of karma savtik karma, rajasik karma, tamasik karma. Savtik karma is without attachment, selfless and for the benefit of others. Rajasik karma is selfish where ones focus is on ones gains to oneself. Tamasik karma is undertaken without regard to consequences and is supremely selfish and savage. The ancient yogis have assigned three categories to karma. These are sanchita, prarabdha, and kriyamana. The first category, sanchita, is the sum total of past karma yet to be resolved. Prarabdha, the second category, is the portion of sanchita being experienced in the present life. The third category, kriyamana, is the karma you are currently creating. It is important to understand that past negative karma can be altered into a smoother, easier state through the loving, heart-chakra nature, through dharma and sadhana. If you live religiously well you will create positive karma for the future and soften negative karma of the past.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Discuss and explain the Jewish scope for resistance during the Essay
Discuss and explain the Jewish scope for resistance during the Holocaust - Essay Example Jews in every ghetto, labour camp and death camp established several strategies in order to carry out effective resistance despite having little and less effective weapons. However, with their limited resources, they had courage to obtain food and water under death threat and blocked Germans from exploiting them despite having weak military. The Holocaust came to an end after Allied forces came in Europe to fight against Germans for exploiting innocent Jews. Consequently, German forces could not withhold anymore because western Allied forces had very powerful weapons and military base, thus marking the end of World War II. This paper outlines various approaches undertaken by Jews to resist Nazi rule during the Holocaust. Although there was resistance through armed uprisings, some people in ghettos boycotted Nazi rule as a means of resistance. Jews defied Nazis rule and instead, they acted contrary to the rule as a means of resisting oppressive Germans. Since there were curfew rules that barred Jews from being in the streets from 7pm to 5 am, they would gather in one building to practice all their cultural practices like dancing, singing and having comedy in order to forget the ordeal they were undergoing through. Cultural practices were prohibited by the Nazi rule and whenever one was found practicing any cultural activity, they were killed mercilessly by gunshots. Additionally, Jewish children were denied the right to education by Nazi rule; however, in ghettos, Jews set up informal schools that would educate their children secretly. Furthermore, it was a crime for Jews to observe their rituals like dietary laws and they would be punished severely once found practicing it. In light to these oppressions, many Jews felt that it was time to fight for their liberty since Nazi rule had greatly overlooked their rights. They organized committees that were meant to mobilize people to retaliate against Nazis by boycotting their rules and fighting
Monday, August 12, 2019
Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Logistics - Essay Example Moreover, from the functionality perspective, logistics in business background can be technically termed as the backbone of every possible type of small or large scale business processes. This business actively supports the globalisation of production / manufacturing business, where one nation acts as manufacturer, whereas the other nation, act as procurer. The major functional aspect of logistics lay in ensuring the fact that the ordered goods get delivered to the customers within the set time frame and at acceptable conditions (Aveta Limited, 2014). Apart from the above discussed functionalities, the means of carrying out varied logical operations are also multiple. For instance, logistics operations can be carried out either in the domestic markets or at international levels. Large scale corporations utilise both types of logistics operations for commencing their functionalities. However, in a similar manner to that of the hospitality industry, the logistics industry also gets impacted by constantly changing economic scenario of the nations due to massive reliance on the utilisation of fuel. Thus slight change within the economic stability of a nation often results in bringing about huge distortions within the overall functionality of the corporations relating to logistics (PwC, 2014). Regardless of the above discussed facts, logistics industry can only perform well if the external surrounding environment projects favourably aid in attaining perceived objectives. Instances regarding multiple uncontrollable factors can be provided that subsequently hamper the effective functionality of logistics organisations. Once of such instances can be related to the inappropriateness of the transportation facilities within specific geographical areas. Situations related to inappropriate infrastructure development and increasing price of fuel often restricts the normal functionality pace of logistics sector. High restrictiveness within the
Sunday, August 11, 2019
What is Abortion and is it Morally Permissible Essay
What is Abortion and is it Morally Permissible - Essay Example In order to determine the ‘rightness’ or the ‘wrongness’ of the issue of abortion, virtue ethics can frame the issue, but the questions becomes how to define what is virtue and by whose standards it is defined. In deciding how to discuss abortion, defining the morality of the procedure is dependent upon the personal morals of the individual as they are influenced by their beliefs systems concerning the value of the life within the womb. The effect in the UK as abortion was made legal was profound. After the Abortion Act of 1968 came into existence the first observable consequence was a dramatic drop in emergent medical care as a result of poorly executed and illegal abortions. The number of abortions performed in the first year in England, Wales, and Scotland numbered at 23,641, which rose to 54,819 in 1969 and 160,000 in 1972.1 Through an examination of the statistics, the numbers reveal that a great number of people have determined that the procedure has v alue to them and that the morality of having the procedure either is irrelevant or they are in support of abortion as a moral choice. In addition, the number of women dying each year from poorly executed illegal abortions between 1926 and 1935 was between 400 and 500 per year.2 From this perspective, legal abortion saves the lives of women who might otherwise seek an illegal procedure. The morality of abortion can be related to defining the meaning of the concept. From a social standpoint, however, the definition of abortion becomes much more complicated. Abortion is a cause, it is a crime, it is a political stance, and it is a perspective, all depending on the belief systems within which it is being considered. One perspective on the impact of abortion on gender relations is that it was a contributing factor to increased freedoms for women so that they could participate in the public sector, having jobs and conducting business on an equal basis to men. From another perspective, abo rtion has contributed to an increase in promiscuity which is based on the premise that pregnancy no longer must be a sign of immoral behaviour as the consequences to that behaviour can be eliminated.3 Thomson relates an example of how abortion can be viewed as a right for women. The parable that is used is based on the idea that a grown musician is in medical peril and the music association decides to attach the musician, through a tube, to another person in order to continue his life. Although the person has not given permission for the tube to be attached to save this person’s life, the removal of this tube will kill the musician. The moral question that Thomson poses is whether or not the person who is facilitating the life of the musician is morally obligated to continue to do so because cutting off the ties between them would kill the musician.4 Thomson is suggesting that the individual who is tied to the musician has a right to leave the situation as they were not given the option or choice in facilitating the continuation of the musician’s life. The morality involved is about choice. The right thing to do is dependent upon the choices that an individual makes about how they perceive their obligations within this world. A person who believes that the initial crime of being hooked up to another individual without permission is the moral parable that defines the situation will believe that abortion is a natural extension of individual rights and is morally acceptable. The decision to abort a foetus that will become a child that cannot be cared for appropriately or whose existence will irreparably damage the life of a woman may exert a sense of morality over
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Generational contrast & comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Generational contrast & comparison - Essay Example Two consecutive generations, known as the Baby Boomers and Generation X, clearly fit this model. They are well defined by society, culture, economics, and history. Society retains the qualities of one generation to the next as traditions and social norms are passed from parent to child, but there are also new and striking differences. In the case of the Baby Boomers and generation X, the differences are fueled by history, socialization, and the exposure to a rapidly changing world. This research will be conducted to determine where the differences are between the Baby Boomer generation and the age group known as generation X. More importantly, it will critically assess why there is a difference and evaluate the forces that created their different values and social interactions. The research is an important method to gain a deeper insight into our society and its mechanisms of enculturation. In addition, it has a commercial value to marketing departments, product developers, managers, or political campaigns who wish to exploit the underlying differences between generations. Understanding how different age groups interact with each other is critical to developing modern management strategies. It is interesting to note that this research is being conducted during a national political campaign where the three major candidates are from different generations. John McCain was born during the depression and Hillary Clinton is a Baby Boomer. Though Barak Obama technica lly fits into the Baby Boomer demographic, he was born in 1961 and as such exhibits many of the traits and characteristics associated with Generation X. They are an ideal group that can be used for comparisons and contrasting viewpoints on public policy. There is no one firm definition for either a Baby Boomer or a member of Generation X and birth dates and ages vary by as much as seven years (Wallace, 2006, p.150). Almost all the previous research agrees that the first Baby Boomer was born in 1946. However, generations do not fit neat and tidy boundaries and there is some variance as to when one ends and the other begins. For the purposes of this study, a Baby Boomer is anyone born between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1964 (Smith, 2005, p.440). A member of Generation X has a birth date of January 1, 1965 and December 31, 1980 (Smith, 2005, p.440). This places the age of a Baby Boomer at approximately 44 to 62 years old, while a member of Generation X is approximately 28 to 43 years of age. In addition, the age of the generation at the time that the previous research was conducted becomes important. Age and maturity also influences people as well as their identification with a generation. The research will be conducted through the analysis of previous research and studies on this topic. It will be organized as follows: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Scope and Purpose 3.0 Literature Review 4.0 Discussion 5.0 Recommendations and Conclusion 3.0 Literature Review Both the Baby Boom generation and Generation X have been extensively described and characterized in the popular media. For the sake of marketing and sales, advertisers have sought to drawn clear distinctions between the groups. Schaie (2007) states that, "Baby boomers are hedonistic; they are self-centered; they are spendthrifts; they are altruistic; they strive to self-actualize" (p.131). These characterizations are
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