Friday, May 31, 2019
Analyzing John Mayer :: essays research papers
Often, lyrics are created for people to relate to them. It is common for many individuals to feel as though they found a common ground with the artist who wrote the lyrics. In John Mayers song. Split Screen Sadness, it is very easy to relate to. The music to the song is very influential in setting the sensory system for the lyrics. Violins and other string instruments add to the sad tone of the song. The theme of this song is that the speaker is explaining how he broke up with his girlfriend (And I know hygienic its me who called it over...), but now he regrets it. The speaker of the lyrics could either be a man or a woman, who is in love with soulfulness who lives far away from them. Mayer uses colloquial language to set the common tone of the song. John Mayer uses quotes from other songs (All you need is love) to evidence how other songs express how the speaker is feeling. Inside, he wishes that his significant other would have fought for him to not end it and not let him get away. The speaker can not figure come out of the closet why he isnt the way he was when deep down inside, he knows its because he doesnt have the person he depended on most. In the lines, I calledbecauseI justneed to feel you on the line, the speaker is expressing how he takes comfort in hearing her voice. She was most credibly the stability in his life and now he doesnt have that anymore. The speaker is sick of fighting the feeling of longing he has for her and wishes that they were still together since their love was so strong. Mayer uses the repetition of certain lines to form a general refrain (Two wrongs make it all alright tonight).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Dignity of Law Essays -- Law College Admissions Essays
The business of the law is to make backbone of the confusion of what we call human life-to reduce it to order but at the same time to recall it possibility, scope, even dignity. In 1972, the American poet Archibald MacLeish wrote these words in the Harvard Law Review. In 1997, I read these words. At that point, the challenge and lure of the law crystallized out front me, and I now see the ideals of MacLeishs vision as my own. MacLeish envisions the law as providing a sense of possibility, or hope, and I identify with this. Coming from a financially disadvantaged childhood, I had to put forth serious effort in overcoming financial and personal adversity and focusing on the importance of family and education. Without a sense of the unlimited possibilities ahead of me, my goals would never have been taken seriously-by myself or by others-and I would not have followed them to completion. Through my sense of possibility, I took my place on the Honor Rolls for fall 19 96 and 1997 at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. I also served as vice president for...
Percy Bysshe Shelleys Ozymandias Essay -- Ozymandias Essays
Percy Bysshe Shelleys Ozymandias In Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley uses a ruined statue of Ramses II to illustrate the ostracize aspects of the sublime. Edmund Burke identified as sublime the experience of contemplating enormous heights and depths but also the experience of being isolated from other humans (Ferguson 339). twain of these themes figure prominently in Ozymandias. The poem opens with a mysterious traveler from an antique land (1) describing the demolished statue of Ozymandias (Ramses II). The traveler serves as the human consciousness require to give force to the ideas of the causticness of nature and the annihilation of mankind. Because the human mind can attribute destructiveness to nature, nature needs humans for it to be perceived as destructive and to continue to be destructive (Ferguson 339). As Shelley does not state specifically how the statue was destroyed, and given its remote location, on might assume its destruction was due to an work on of nature. The legs of the statue are described as vast (2), while the ruins are a colossal Wreck (13) both descriptions refer to the concept of the sublime as tremendous and terrifying. The vast and trunkless legs of stone (2), along with the pedestal, are the only parts of the statue left standing near them, on the sand/half sunk, a shattered phiz lies (3 - 4). The shattered visage might be seen as a form of depersonalization, an illustration that mortals are insignificant and powerless when compared to nature. Even though Ozymandias is a king, he is nothing in the eyes ... ...ether a warning against excessive pride, a discussion of the negative sublime, or allusion to an unhappy marriage, the fact remains that this poem is an exquisite piece worthy of inclusion in the canon of British literature. The imagery in the poem, as well as its accessibility, make it readily enjoyable by any reader. Works Cited Ferguson, Frances. Shelleys Mont Bla nc What the Mountain Said. Romantic Poetry. Ed. Karl Kroeber and Gene W. Ruoff. New Brunswick Rutgers UP, 1993. Percy Bysshe Shelley. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York W.W. Norton and Company, 2000. 698 - 701. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Ozymandias. .The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M.H. Abrams. New York W.W. Norton and Company, 2000. 725 - 6.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Feudalism in Form :: Economics Economy Essays
Feudalism in FormEnvironmental enslavement? Governmental capitalism? Working-class feudalism? In a complex world it is often impossible to label any one system with certainty, economical or otherwise. So the question arises of how does one explicate past events and phenomenon without getting bogged down in the ensuing details? It becomes a matter of perspective- acknowledging that each individual or group sees certain events in a specific way, and that it takes multiple versions of a story to build a picture that might more fully represent the bigger picture.This explains how one film describing the economic events in a small township in Virginia in the 1920s can be riddled with questions and able to ignite explosive debates. Matewan was a small town in the hills of Virginia. The town itself was composed largely of native-born citizens, immigrant groups and racial groups from varied backgrounds. However, one thing common to most all citizens was the fact that their survival depend ed on the Stone Mountain Coal Company for which the men worked. From the first day of employment these individuals and families became dependent upon the connection with no other possible alternatives. The first criterion the company took to ensure the economic feudalism of its workers was to indebt these workers to the company from the start. The workers were charged for all of their tools (picks, axes, head lamps, etc.) as well as any goods they might have essential for immediate survival (food, clothing) and long-term survival (shelter). This list of goods most likely carried exorbitant price tags, making it virtually impossible to ever own any of the goods loaned from the company and therefore accumulate any type of capital. This indebtedness also maintained employment, despite hazardous conditions (collapsing mines, coal dust in ones lungs) that could lead to premature death. integrity could hardly quit from Stone Mountain Coal, for all the resources necessary for ones surv ival would be taken back, and all debts to the company would have to be repaid- an impossibility collect to the extremely low wages paid. If one tried to run away then one would be considered a criminal and a warrant for ones dispel could be issued. Also the remoteness of the town made this an unlikely senario, where would one run to considering they had more than likely come by train? Lastly without the cognition of how to survive by oneself in the woods one could not join the people who lived off the land in the woods.
The Breakfast Club Essay -- essays research papers
A Misleading ExteriorIn the film, The Breakfast Club (1985), John Bender, the untidy rebel at Shermer High School in Chicago, is serving a Saturday detention with four very different students. Right from the beginning, Bender exhibits the qualities of a ruinous and thoughtless criminal, i.e., he taunts everyone else in order to hide his personal inadequacies. Whenever Bender is questioned by his peers about a personal issue, or whenever he cannot provide a clear answer to a question, healbeit defensively responds in a facetious and irritated manner. Bender demonstrated this when Andrew Clark, the sporto, told him that he did not count, and that if he disappeared forever it wouldnt make any difference. Distraught from Andrews blunt comment, Bender sarcastically retorted, Well, Ill just run right out and join the wrestling team... As time goes on, Bender slowly sheds his rough attitude and starts opening up his true self to the other students.At setoff, Bender is a crude ruffian, wh o no one respects, particularly Mr. Richard Vernon, the disciplinarian at the high school. When all of the students arrive in the library for their detention, Bendershowing no respect for Vernons rulesis the first to communicate with the rest of them. Bender continually proposes tempting, yet unlawful things to do. However, the other students, who dislike Bender, refuse to listen. As soon as Mr. Vernon leaves the gives the students an essay...
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Influence and Role of the Islamic Tradition in Turkey Essay
Islam has been a dominant force throughout Turkish history. During the pouf Empire, Islam ruled every part of the theocratic state, but after the demise of the empire, Turkeys rulers led the country away from political Islam. The modern Turkish state has a strictly secular government, and Islam has been relegated to the personal sphere. Although Turkey has experienced a rise in fundamentalism in the past twenty years, the separation of church and state has remained comparatively intact. Even with this increase of fundamentalist Islam, the wide majority of Muslims in Turkey are moderate and tolerant. They have adapted to modern sustenance and value Islam for its honourable and spiritual messages. Islam is a guide for right living and ethical conduct rather than a political system. Turkey constantly struggles to balance Islamic life with a secular government. Although the government wants to maintain a strict separation between religion and politics, it cannot ignore the power and influence that Islam has in the lives of the Turkish people. tarradiddle of Islam in Turkey ?In the 8th century, the first Turkish-speaking tribes migrated westward from central Asia and began converting to Islam.? They became Sunni Muslims, who follow the most orthodox form of Islam.? Islam appealed to these nomads because it was a simple faith with open requirements.? Many were so passionate about the faith that they became ghazis, ?warriors for the faith. Fighting the Byzantines, they began to conquer the bring ins of Anatolia in the name of Islam.? The Ottomans, one of the Turkish clans, became the dominant leaders of this new land and united the scattered Turkish tribes.? By the 12th century, a new wave of Turkish immigrants who followe... .... Path Kandil.11 Brosnahan12 Scarf row damage Turkey anniversary. Oct. 29 2003. Web. Dec. 10 2013.13 Other articles of interest?Hardy, Roger. ?Islam in Turkey Odd one out.? Web. Dec. 10 2013. 14?Narli, Nilufer. ?The Rise of the Islamist Movement in Turkey.? Middle East Review of International 15?Affairs. Sept. 1999. Web. Dec. 6 2013..16?Democratizing Islam in Turkey.? Christian Science Monitor. Web. Dec. 2 2013..17Kili, Dr. Suna. ?Islam and Secularism in Contemporary Turkey.? Voice of Ataturk Ataturk inn of America. Web. Dec. 10 2013..
Discuss significance of scene to the film as a whole and identify techniques – Tyrell Corporation – Deckard, Rachael and Tyrell
This scene establishes the position of Tyrell and illustrates his power. The mammoth size of the Tyrell Corporation implies the complete power of the Tyrell Corporation all over society. The building is structured like a Mayan pyramid perhaps representing the similarity between the Mayans and Los Angeles as presented by Ridley Scott in 2019. The Mayans having built mammoth, aesthetically impenetrable cities were compel to flee the cities as vine and jungle took over the city. It was later revealed the Mayans had no agriculture skills and had a lack of understanding of nature. Los Angeles 2019 is not dissimilar. Earth has been drained of its ingrained resources and leftover to decay.The scene inside the Tyrell Corporation opens with a full shot of owl eyes. Deckard inquires, is it mawkish, Rachael answers of course. The reader realizes the true extent of the artificial nature of this society. This confirms that artificial objects have taken over nature first humans and now anima ls. The owl is relatively indistinguishable from a real owl, raising the persistent question what is vivid? The owl is also associated with Tyrell representing his false wisdom.The viewer is first introduced to Rachael and Deckard in natural light this is the first time the viewer suffers the natural source of light in the picture palace. The sun can be seen as a metaphor for their real love for one another. The artificial surroundings of the Tyrell Corporation and the world below greatly contrast with the sense of the natural world the sun is symbolic of. Natural light quickly disappears as Deckard commences the Voigh-Kampff test demonstrating the artificial nature of the Tyrell Corporation and at the same time the world below.This scene establishes the position of the Tyrell Corporation and the characters in the film. The viewer realizes the true extent of Tyrells power. Perhaps more importantly the viewer is introduced to the key issue of the film What is natural? and illust rates how the natural and artificial are indistinguishable.Tyrells Death Tyrell, Sebastian and BattyThe scene again begins with a close-up of the artificial owl reinforcing the false wisdom of Tyrell and the question of what is natural or artificial? Tyrells room is also very large further emphasizing his power and position. The surroundings are pristine and luxurious Tyrells bed was rattling modeled on the bed of Pope John Paul II. This illustrates Tyrells affinity to the role of God and his role as creator.Tyrell is presented as arrogant, smug and extremely patronizing, you burned-over so very, very brightly Roy. Tyrell is impersonal and cold towards his son in his quest for life he does not offer any sympathy or comfort. This is a subtle way Ridley Scott makes the viewer empathise with Roy. However this is somewhat altered following the brutality of Tyrells death.The method of Tyrells death emphasizes his false wisdom and inability to see the consequences of his actions. Roy r emoves Tyrells glasses before crushing his scull allowing Tyrell to finally see the consequences of his actions although it is too late.The fact that Roy has killed his creator is significant to the overall themes presented in the film. The killing of Tyrell can be seen as representing how man has killed nature (essentially this is creation killing creator) in our own society and emphasizes the complete destruction of the environment of Los Angeles 2019 as represented by Ridley Scott.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mines Wellness Hotel
Background Mines health Hotel is a delightful 168-room resort hotel with a tropical design overlooking a scenic 150-acre lake. strategically located within a 1,000-acre mixed development just 15 minutes south of Kuala Lumpurs City revolve about, Mines Wellness Hotel are just a 30-minute hold from KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport), LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal), Putrajaya, and Cyberjaya. Mines Wellness Hotel provides the perfect escape from the hectic city life. In the hotel, all rooms and suites have balconies, mostly with a fabulous view of the lake.The rooms are categorized into seven types Standard,Superior, Deluxe, Helicornia, Chalet, One bedroom suites and Royal suite. To concern the health of their guest, Mines Wellness Hotel is a fully non-smoking hotel, therefore the ambience, tillage and service at Mines Wellness Hotel capture the total well-being experience for the revival of mind, clay and soul. The hotels services are designed to bring their customers bod y back to its natural state of wellness. To complement the services, they in addition have Qi Gong and Yoga for those who want to practice the art of knowing the body and healing it from its own.Other than that, Mines Wellness Hotel have a beach in the city it is also the perfect choice not only for health retreat or weekend getaway, that also for garden weddings, beach barbeques, family days, team building events and other leisure or corporate activities. With an array of water sports activities much(prenominal) as parasailing, water skiing, and wake-boarding, oneness will be spoilt for choice. If the guest is not into adrenaline-pumping activities, they can also have a quiet time at the man-made beach.Mines Wellness Hotel has a total of two ballrooms and five multi-purpose function rooms. The ballrooms are named after historical figures, boasting a seating capacity of 150 to 280 people respectively. The five smaller rooms are ideal for meetings, conferences and seminars with a business center providing secretarial services for the guests convenience. Situated adjacent to the Malaysian International Exhibition and Convention Centre (MIECC), and located just 30 minute Kuala Lumpur City Center, Mines Wellness Hotel is the ideal hotel for patrons and exhibitors alike.The hotel continued to record high traffic of leisure markets from neighboring Asian countries such as, China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore as well as the Middle East. The Mines Wellness Hotel has taken on the responsibility of preserving mother earth by going commons done the formation of Mines Green Circle. It is a special green environment unit formed to ensure the sustainability of nature through initiating and retaining environmental consciousness among its entire staff, guests and the masses. The hotel started their green practices since 2008.Mines Wellness Hotel was recently awarded the ASEAN Green Award 2012, this was their second time awarded since 2010. The award recognizes playe rs in the hotel industry whose operations are based on the environmental insurance and hotel operation activities, utilization of green products, cooperation with local community and organizations, human resources development, solid shove off management, energy efficiency, water efficiency, water quality management, noise pollution control, waste water treatment and management, and toxic and chemical substance disposal management..The ASEAN Green Award Hotel Standard is valid throughout the years 2012 to 2014. In addition, Mines Wellness Hotel also won the Best Landscape under the hotel/resort/tourist complex category for the year 2011 by Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Benefits of Organic Food Essay
Organic food, once all found in health food stores, is now a consistent agent at local supermarkets. So what is the difference between a conventionally grown apple and an natural whizz? The answer is in the way the browse is grown and what it is and is non candid to. In order to be labeled constituent(a) the farmer who grew it expendd renewcapable resources and conservation of poop and water methods. Also, thoroughgoing farmers do non use conventional swearingicides or weed killers, which whitethorn contain synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge. According to Fisher, Sewage sludge from municipalities consume whitethorn contain heavy metals and toxins . . . (1).Rather, organic farmers use sophisticated crop rotations, spread mulch and manure, and even hand pull widows weeds to keep them away. or else of applying pesticides, they use beneficial insects and birds or traps to keep pests from harming the crop. The organic apple at the grocery store was never exposed to pes ticides, chemicals, additives or preservatives. Pesticides whitethorn cause prejudicial effects to the nervous system and mild skin and eye irritations. Chemicals used in additives and preservatives may disrupt the natural rebuilding of cells and your resistance to disease diminishes later continued exposure to these chemicals according to Lagerquist.According to the USDA, instead of these hurtful ingredients, the organic apple has higher levels of minerals, vitamin C and antioxidants. Vitamin C is helpful in protecting your immune system, decreasing cardiovascular disease and promotes healthy skin. Antioxidants protect cells against free radicals that cr eradicatee destructive growthes in the cells. Besides being beneficial to your health, organic food has a positive impact on the environment. Farming organic food allows for less groundwater to sire contaminated that in the process of do work conventional crops.This is because organic crops atomic number 18 never exposed to harmful chemicals that can seep into the ground and infect our groundwater. This absence of chemicals in the ground water also means that the quality of the flat coat is greater. When the soil is not exposed to chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides, it is able to be of better quality. With better soil quality, comes stronger crops for years to come. Another benefit to the environment is that organic crops plus biodiversity. Biodiversity is created because the absence of chemical inputs creates a habitat suitable for wildlife.Also, because there is no insecticides used farmers of organic farms atomic number 18 forced to use natural pest control methods. This means that to control one lineament of pest, the famer has to bring in other pests to kill it, creating a diverse farm. Organic farms also do not use synthetic fertilizers, so one way to keep the soil up is to bring in different types of worms, arthropods, and microbes. These animals stabilize and detoxify soil. Orga nic farming also helps the environment by using conservation methods. Organic farms argon planted where the crops could grow naturally, instead of clearing away land for the purpose of place there.They also conserve soil by not only planting the crop, but also planting other vegetation where there are places crops are not growing to fetch sure the topsoil does not get blown away by the elements. Crop rotating is also used. This is when the farmer plants more than one crop in the same place. For example, one year the farmer might plant corn in field, but the next year he plants domes. This process of crop rotation increases the soils productivity and reduces need for farm land. Organic farmers do not use harmful fertilizers. Instead, they take advantage of reusable waste options.These options admit human waste and waste from the farm animals. These natural fertilizers do not contain harmful ingredients and it also allows farms to go green in a consciousness that the waste is not going elsewhere. Another environmentally-friendly practice that organic farmers use is tilling. Tilling stirs up the topsoil of farms and makes it so that the soil does not experience compact. Compacted soil can result in soil that is unable to create a run-off surface. If this happens, the water leave be unable to seep into the soil and irrigate the crop.Tractors fugitive over soil can cause this compaction to occur, which is why tilling is a more effective way to stir up the soil. And as a bonus, tilling can help get rid of weeds, so it is a win win. Pesticides and preservatives are not only harmful to human beings, but they are also harmful to our environment and ecosystems. Pesticides used in organic farming may run-off and contaminate nearby bodies of water. If enough contaminated run-off from pesticides and artificial fertilizers get into water, it is able to poison animals and fish that live there.According to Raloff, recent studies have demonstrated that exposure to horm ones has a substantial effect on the gender and reproductive cognitive content of fish, throwing off the natural cycle, (1). This is not only harmful to the animals that live there, but if enough fish are dying because of poisoned run-off, the fish industry could suffer and it will affect humans as well. The same chemicals that poison bodies of water could seep into our groundwater and affect the well water we drink and use daily. This does not happen with organic farming, because no chemicals are ever sprayed on the fields and there is much more run off because of tilling practices.Organic farming does not only include crops. There is also organic eggs and meat produced by descent raised on organic farms. During normal farming of animals, conventional farmers use medications, hormone shots, and antibiotics to promote the health and growth of the animals on their farm. On these conventional farms, animals are forced to be move together in dirty, indoor spaces. The lifetime condi tions make it necessary for these animals to receive regular medication to fight of diseases that may be caused by their poor livelihood conditions.Because so umteen animals are crowded together, their manure accumulates rapidly and for convenience for the farmer, is sometimes poured into lagoons which can leak into local water sources and may contaminate our water. Scientists are studying the question that if humans eat hormones found in the meat of animals injected with hormones, if it can affect our human hormones the same way it affects the animal it was injected into. Scientists believe about two-thirds of American cattle raised in for slaughter today are injected with hormones to make them grow faster and Americas dairy cows are given a genetically-engineered hormone .. . to increase take out production, (Raloff, 1).These injected hormones are also a scoot because if the animal is digesting them, it means that these chemicals are also in their manure, which is spread on th e fields of crops we eat and may be dangerous. Not only could it affect the crop, but also the topsoil, and in spell the groundwater. And again, if it gets into a water source, it has the opportunity to harm the aquatic life sustainment there. In one case, cattle injected with artificial growth hormones revealed serious health problems.These included deformed calves and an increase of a bacterial infection in the udder. In order to treat the infected cows, it needed antibiotics and eventually became reliant on them. Cattle are often forced to produce so much milk that they cannot keep up the nutrients they are losing in the milk and the amount they are given in their food. This imbalance causes them to become malnourished and it makes it easier for them to get more diseases. This type of mistreatment and malnutrition does not happen on organic farms. Healthy plants and animals are more disease resistant.This fact means that as long as the plants and animals are kept clean and hea lthy, there is little to no need for use of antibiotics or medications. Organic farmers keep the facilities clean to reduce the amount of diseases caused by poor living conditions. Organic farmers allow livestock to live in outdoor conditions with plenty of grazing room. This extra room can greatly decrease the number of diseases in the livestock because they wont be crowded together to closely. On a conventional farm, livestock is kept indoors and fed possibly cytomegalic grains made to make them grow. This is not the case on organic farms.Livestock is kept on a balanced diet and fed using a rotational grazing process. Rotational grazing means that once the livestock has eaten all the grass and vegetation from one field, the farmer will move them to another(prenominal) to allow the vegetation to grow back. This helps maintain the health of the farmland and also keeps the livestock happy by keeping them in an area with enough food, if the livestock is well fed, there is less of a c hance that it will get sick as well. If livestock are kept healthy, there is no crusade to give it medications, which may not be healthy for the consumer.Organic foods are never bioengineered. Bioengineered foods are foods that are manipulated through their DNA to have traits that are desired. For example, many a(prenominal) foods are bioengineered to be resistant to insects, herbicides, and diseases. These crops may seem like a good idea, but many have wondered if these genetically altered crops could be harmful to humans. Crops resistant to bugs and weeds have caused Mother Nature to fight back with superbugs and superweeds, bugs and weeds that have evolved to overcome genetically altered plants.Cases like this cause scientists to turn it up a notch and create a new crop that can defeat the supers. But when is enough enough? Soon the weeds and bugs could become resistant to e precise type of herbicide resistant plant. There are many health scares associated with bioengineered fo ods. One is that if a gene is injected into a crop to make it have a more desirable trait, this gene may cause an unexpected danger to the consumer. One such danger is allergic reactions. For example . . . bean plants thatwere genetically modified to increase cysteine and methionine content were discarded after the discovery that the expressed protein of the transgene was highly allergenic (Villano, 1). Sometimes these dangers can be detected forward it is introduced into the public, but sometimes it is not found until several people are affected. Another health risk concerned genetically engineered foods is that for most plants, it is simple to severalize that the genetic altering caused an unusual problem in the crop, but in some cases, this is not easily seen.If it is a very obvious problem, the crop may be discarded immediately based on the appearance. However, if the genetic altering caused a problem in low or uneasily seen genes, it may become a problem for the consumer espe cially if the mutation is in the edible portion of the plant. Again, most of the time these problems would be detected before it is presented to the public, but it may not always be found that soon. This is a very dangerous risk to take. In addition to not being bioengineered, organic food is never exposed to radiation.Food irradiation is frequently used on conventional food because ionizing radiation is can be used to kill bacteria and other germs that may be found in certain foods. These conventionally grown foods are passed through radiation waves on a convention belt. This type of radiation attacks the outcast organisms DNA beyond its ability to repair. It can also be used to stop the natural ripening process of fruit in order to prolong the foods shelf life, and it can be helpful in managing bacteria and other harmful organisms There is much unfavorable judgment about ionizing radiation.One concern is that irradiation may disguise spoiled food by means of altering the natura l growth process of the food. The radiation prolongs its shelf life, but there is reason the food has an expiration date. Some believe that the natural decay of food should not be tampered with. Another scare to some critics is that these chemical changes may not be healthy for the consumer. There are many regulations and inspections in food plants that use irradiation practices, but many critics believe that there is not enough extensive research done of the subject. Critics have several arguments against food irradiation.They argue that food preservation techniques are wasteful because it is unable to undo food spoilage that happened before the radiation treatment. This means that the food is stuck in a certain stage of maturity that may not be ideal for the consumer. Another argument is that the radiation process, while getting rid of unwanted organisms, may also remove nutrients that are vital or helpful for the consumer. There are several risks associated with buying conventio nal foods. These foods may contain pesticides, chemicals, additives, or preservatives that are not natural and may be very harmful for the consumer.When buying organic food, there is never a risk of ingesting any of these harmful substances. Organic farmers use only natural methods of keeping insects, diseases, and weeds away to unsure safety for the consumer. Unlike conventional farms, organic farms are more diverse, more conservative, and use reusable and environmentally friendly practices to keep the worldly concern in good physical shape for years to come. Instead of being concerned with convenience, organic foods focus on health. There are never by artificial means introduced hormones, sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation exposed to organically grown foods.The most disturbing fact about conventionally grown foods that is that little has been tested in the procedures used to grow the food conveniently. It is not proven that food exposed to radiation, bioenginee ring, pesticides, herbicides, medications, hormones and antibiotics given to livestock are harmless to humans. Many critics believe that these practices could cause extreme damage to humans in the future if it is not tested more thoroughly. So why not play it safe? Organic foods have no(prenominal) of these health risks and actually have higher levels of minerals, Vitamin C, and antioxidants.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Impact of Green Marketing
A Study on the Impact of Green trade on Purchasing Decision as Perceived by Young Professionals on Makati City A Research Paper Presented to Ms. Lydia A. Basaysay In Partial fulfilment for the Requirements of the Course in Communication Arts II Presented by Angel Joy Mandigal Far Eastern University-Makati October 4, 2012 I. INTRODUCTION In the late 1980s at that place argon various purlieual disasters that exist which makes the environmentalism in the spot light up.Among these were the Exon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska, devastation of Germanys Black Forest by dosage rain, release of toxic chemicals in the Rhine River and the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in Philippines according to Ottman (1998 as cited in Suplico 2009). Those environmental humps that mentioned are harbinger by the worlds growing population that leads to scarcity of goods. As a result, putting surface were introduced in the market that helps to make less damaging to the environment. In a get hold of of Na ndini & Deshpande (2011) stated that the cat valium concept are seen in the United States and has been gaining steadily ever ince. In detailed, condescension firms realized that this environmental issue serves as a market opportunity for them. They believed that it provide help them to increase their business profit thus they started to adopt the concept of colourish merchandise by implementing green consuming in measures to save earths resources in production. Tan &Yeap (2012) On the other hand, Suplico (2009) cited that market fulfils business and human purpose by providing benefits to customers through products such as the food people eat, the clothes they wear, the ho use where they live and the cars they drive.Hence, the decisions on what products to make and how to offer them are the responsibility of marketing functions. Additionally, weighed down (2009) stated that the decisions on what products to make are relate to what to take and both the making and taking proce sses. Eventually the wasting process that takes into ecological costs in the form of waste, pollution and damage of ecosystems that determines the attri stilles of products and the specific systems though which they are made available to the markets.And to determine resource use and waste generation archetypes, which the antecedents of pollution and ecosystems degradation. cod of that, the market has a challenge to reinvent product systems to achieve zero waste, zero discharger outcomes while giving the same benefits to consumers that meets their customer expectations on product. Research studies slightly green consuming of a product or service become increased exponentially over the last decades that conducted until now, conformed by Leonidou, Leonidou and Kvasova (2011).People get interested on consuming eco-friendly products or services due of the environmental issues problem that lead market segment to produce a so called green marketing. This investigate is followed of suc ceeding major streams, which are explained below. In a contain that Nandini &Deshapande (2011) conducted, it mentioned that green marketing is an activity that designed to generate and facilitate any exchange intend in order to satisfy human involve or requires such as that satisfying that needs and wants to occur with minimal detrimental input on the national environment.Further much, according to Zsolnai (2002656) as cited in Smith & Perks (2010) appended that green business is a business that has adopted the concept of being environmentalism across the various functions of the business. unneurotic with the study of Yazdanifard & Mercy (2011) affirmed that green marketing serves as a puppet for protection of the environment for the future generation which has a plus usurpation on environmental safety. In other words, green marketing was made in business functions due to the reason to prevent variety range of environmental issues that consumers experienced.Specifically, in t he book European Communities (20045) defined green purchasing as a giving an example and influence the market place by promoting its the green products or services with the authority of the overt which can provide the industry with incentives for developing green technologies. As a matter of fact, green marketing campaign highlighted the superior of environmental protection characteristics of a associations products and services whether those benefits take the form of reduce waste of packaging, increased energy power in product used or decrease release of toxic emissions and other pollutants in production.Encyclopedia of Business (2nded. ). Meanwhile, Tan &Yeap (2012) study asserted that the green figurehead are not barely focused on the environmental protection purpose nevertheless let firms world(a)ly compete to the somatic world since loosely firms applied these green consummation. In addition, Smith & Perks (2010) probe nearly the restore of green marketing on business functions founded out that those human resource, management and pay department of firms which has a least impact b the green business radiation diagram.On the other hand in the further analysis of Smith & Perks revealed that the operation, marketing and dispersion functions of business are the some impact of green coiffe of firms. Wherefore, business must know their intentions o remnants since mostly of its functions impacted of green practice. Bukhari (2012) discussed in his study that companies developed more new and improved products and services with environment inputs in mind. As a result, it enables firms to gain competitive, improve ecological performance, educe operation costs, upgrade corporate image of firms and increase the profit sustainability.On the other side, Ottman (2011) explained that through green consuming exit served as a new source for innovation of international market because market segment believe that being green means insideng things differently. However, consumers are one that witnessed the existence of green practice to market. To barrack on that, in the book of National Consumer Council (20027) postulated a fact that consumers are at the centre of environmental issues, everything that consumers do in their lives impacts on the environment.In that condition, the people will start to practice the green purchasing with a belief that it will help to prevent the environmental issues that they undergo. That fact that cited was supported by Suplico (2009) in her study that consumers are really aware of the green consuming such as buying environmentally friendly products. It showed in her study that the respondents or consumers agreed that they will buy products that are non-toxic, recyclable/reasonable/refillable, degradable, non-polluting, and free from animal testing, ozone friendly, energy efficient and cause minimal household waste.In short, people are willing to bought products that are harmonious to the environment. Altho ugh, green practice of business function and consumers help to prevent globally environmental issues and give firms an opportunity to boost up their profit, still it has another side impact in market and consumers. To prove it, Lin &Ho (2010) claimed on their study that the environmental uncertain(p)ty and green practice complexity have a operative disallow influence on green adoption.Additionally, in a report of Romero (2008) posted in news the statement of Von Hernandez, Green Peace Executive Director for southeast Asia that going green of the businesses is a great thing but it would be misleading to the consumers. Identically, on the blog of Hicks (2009) exposed that the use of eco labelling about the environmental authentication of firms are only made consumers more confusing about the product or service. Similarly, according to Lipp (2010) that articulated in his blog that in the reality the green products that offered are come in a higher price tag, in which can face market obstacles.And also, Tantawi, Shaughnessy, Gad and Ragheb (2009) conceded that going green has contradicts in result. They sustain in their study that those environmental concern products and services is a little luxurious that only afforded by wealthy and only shed a light upon the possibility of going green. In the same matter, based on the blog of Makower (2011) explicated that green marketing are not changing consumers mind but is ignored by the biggest marketers, are not changing things, instead mislead consumers and does not give companies where its due.The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of green marketing on the decision making of consumers in Makati City. Precisely, this study will response and explicate the following the questions 1) Are consumers cognizant on the concepts of green consuming? 2) Is thither a significant effect of green marketing on brand loyalty? Obviously, this paper wants to address if the concept helps the firms to increase the brand loy alty on products or services. Thus, this will exposed if the effects of the concepts to brand loyalty whether it has an wages or disadvantage to the business functions and consumers.And for the last question, 3) Is there a significant significance of influence of green consuming that executed on the consumers and business functions? The significance of this research paper that will conduct is important because it will distinguish more knowledge about green consuming to the consumers. As a matter of fact, this will make consumers more aware to the practice of green consuming that utilize the conservation of environment. For additional reasons, this paper will analogize the impact of green marketing to its relations to the brand loyalty of consumers on products.Hence, its main reason that cogitate on green marketing is to contribute benefits on business functions, environment and mostly consumers. II. METHODOLOGY This paper determines to analyse the influence of the green practic e movement of businesses functions on the offered products and services in market that consumed by the different consumes. 2. 1 Participants Thirty people from selected areas of Makati will be chosen as the participants of this research. The thirty will divided into three groups of ten students, workers and non-workers from different places.Every each(prenominal) group of participants contains of five males and five females. 2. 2 Instruments This research surveys will confirms the impact of adoption of green practice of different firms in country. The data for this study will come from one source compartmentalized in one survey questionnaire form. First, is the demographic part of the questionnaire that will be used of personal profile information from therespondent. It includes of the respondents age, gender and profession whether they are students, workers or employees and non-workers.Second was the self-rating construe. This part is used to collect data information about their opinions that based on a given statement. The research questionnaire that used is the Likert Scale Type. This Likert are answerable by five scales (SA) strongly Agree, (A) Agree, (AD) Agree/ Dis Agree, (D) Dis Agree and (SD) Strongly Dis Agree. The scale has different criteria that concentrate on the effectiveness of the impact of green marketing on the buying pattern of consumers. 2. 3 ProcedureAll the data from respondents demographic and self-rating reading information will be gathered. The questionnaire will administer to the respondents before end of September 2012. The respondents are taught to fill in the survey questionnaire, consulting that there were no good or wrong answer. The respondents can took five minutes to finish the questionnaire that given. To see if there are significant impacts of green marketing on the buying pattern behaviour of consumer, whether it has effectiveness. III.DISCUSSION This research study tries to determine the impact of green marketing on th e decision making in purchasing of consumers. With regard to a) the significant information of sensory faculty of consumes on green practice of three groups, b) the effectiveness of the green practice of business on products and service that offered in the consume ecstasy of consumers and c) certain insights that can be establish concerning on the influence of green consuming that applied of consumers and business functions.As regard to the first research problem, on many that study conducted it all agreed that consumers are highly aware on the movement of green consuming of product and service on market. To support that statement, Leonidou, Leonidou and Kvasova (2011) reiterated that consumer are started to be cognizant on green practice of market because of the immediate exist of products or services that are harmonious on environment that leads to severe environment issues. Table 1 Awareness about and the importance of green product Awareness about green ware frequence (N) Pe rcentage (%) Have neer heard 14 13 A lot 77 71. 3 A little 17 15. The Importance of green product YES 97 89. 8 NO 11 10. 2 As for the awareness of the consumers on purchasing green products, Yaacob and Zakaria (2010) study result overwhelmingly more than 70 per cent of respondents claimed that they were highly aware on green products. Only small proportions of respondents had a little awareness about products-15. 7 per cent. On the other hand, 13 per cent of them admitted that they neer heard about the practice of green consuming. It is also the same scenario that observed when the question of green products was raised. Close to 90 per cent of respondents were positive about it, and only 10 per cent claimed green products were of no importance.Table 2 Respondents Source of Awareness to Green merchandising How did you become aware in green marketing? Frequency (N) Percentage (%) TV 105 48. 61 Radio 14 6. 48 Newspaper 50 23. 5 Magazine 80 37. 04 Books 11 5. 09 Sem inar 19 8. 80 Class Lecture 77 35. 5 Others Internet 13 6. 02 Parents 2 0. 93 Friends 3 1. 9 Product Bought 1 0. 46 As shown in the Table 2 consumers get interested or aware on green consuming through the following result of stud of Suplico(2009) idiot box (48. 61%), magazines (37. 04%), class lectures (35. 65%) and newspapers (23. 15%). Obviously speaking television although has a little expensive but still the important source of information for consumers.Because television reaches extremely large audience as it communicates with sight, sound and motion. Additionally, according to Yaacob and Zakaria (2010) that the green consumerism implies the consumer that is willing to buy products or service with a premium price. In detail, consumers agree that are willing to acquire products or services that are nontoxic, recyclable/reusable/refillable, ozone friendly, energy efficient and causes minimal household waste which implies businesses can use green marketing to promote their products.With regard to the second question, Mercy & Yazdanifad (2011) study explicated that consumer on acquiring green products or services believe that the green vitality is a better and healthier for present and future generation. It was shown that consumers spending pattern illustrate that they have desire for brands that go green. Thus, in the paper of Raksha & Majidazar (2011) cogitate that green practice has significant effect on the brand loyalty of consumers on firms products and services.It was mentioned that the perceptual evaluative and psychological process that contributes the gaiety of consumers which it shows the product satisfaction and purchase decision experience of consumers. For further detail, businesses that incorporated green ideas in their products or services not only can satisfy the environmental needs of consumers, but also the consumer expectations on the products or services which results to increase of consumer loyalty on product or service.A nd for the last question, here are many significant implications of the influence of green consuming that is implemented on the consumers and business functions. Nandini & Deshpande (2011) stated in their study that green marketing helps to improve the exercising of raw materials of company in manufacturing products which results a much better product quality of firms because of the green program that attached in the products. And together with the green contents that exist in the products or services that clearly gives interest to the consumers to acquire the product. Hence, it ncreased the satisfaction of costumers on the product or services of firms that leads into brand loyalty on firms. Similarly, Nandini & Deshpandi explicated being green of market increased and enhances the social responsibility of consumers to protect the environment. People get more get interested on their social responsibility if they see that the global market also concerned on the environment. Obviously , that implicate to reducing of the risk exposure of environment. With the help of market and also the responds of the consumers, it may slowly prevent some environmental issues.As for another firms implication, Bukhari (2011) elucidated that insideng green of firms give them chance to access the new market, increase their profit sustainability, and enjoy a competitive advantage over the companies which are not totally concerned on the environment. Therefore, after finding the implications of doing green it can be said that its main consequence is the sustainable development clearly in the environment and to the market that highlighted the green concept and absolutely to the consumers itself. Figure 1. Implications of Green merchandisingRetrieved from Nandini and Deshpande (2011) IV. CONCLUSION Green marketing is a tool for protecting the environment for the future generation, it has an impact on consumer decision making on buying products. As what Mercy & Yazdanifad (2011) conclude d in their study that consumers want to identify themselves with companies that are green compliant and are willing to pay a premium for a greener life style. Hence, clearly can say it has positive on consumer. However, marketers must find an opportunity to enhance their products performance and strengthen customers loyalty and command a higher price.Bukhari (2011) On the other hand, (Ottman, 1998), said that most consumers are sprouts. They buy green products from measure to time but are not involved in any environmental activities. Additionally, the use of firms of labelling the green upbeat of products are only make consumers more confused about the product or service. Thus, marketers should encourage consumers with appeals to get involved in environmental activities and must have enough knowledge about the use of green products that offered in market.As such, thus green marketing is not just an environmental protection tool but also, a marketing strategy of firms for sustainab le development. REFERENCES Bukhari, S. S. (2011). Green Marketing and its impact on consumer behaviour. European Journal of Business , 3(4), 375-383 Chang, N, J. , , C, M. (2010). Green product quality, green corporate image, green customer satisfaction, and green customer loyalty. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2836-2844 European Commission. (2004). Buying green A handbook on environmental public procurement.Belgium Luxembourg Publication. Encyclopedia of Business (2007). Green Marketing (2nded. ). Washington DC. Fuller, Donald A. (1998). Sustainable Marketing Managerial-Ecological Issues. USA. SagePublications. Hicks, C. (2009). Its Not Easy Buying Green. 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Evaluation of Effectiveness Of green Marketing Mix on Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Case Study The East AzarbaijanPegah Dairy Company in Tabriz, Iran). Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 10 (6) 755-763APPENDIX A (Date) Dear Respondents, trustworthy day I am student from Feu Makati taking up Bachelor of Science Administration major in Marketing Management. As a business student, I am equied to write an academic research in our Communication Arts II. Thus, I am now conducting a research about A Study on the Impact of Green Marketing on Purchasing Decision as Perceived by Young Professionals on Makati City The goal of this study is to examine and analyse the impact of the effectiveness of green marketing on the decision making of purchasing of consumers.This survey will concentrate to the awareness of the consumers on Makati City on the eco-friendly practice of business functions. Likewise, this will also analyse the behaviour of consumers on the responds to the green practice of businesses. The responses will be a big help to further examine and re inform the impact of green practice on the customer satisfaction and businesses functions. In that matter, I would alike to request to you to fill out the following survey questionnaire and I would be grateful if you could return the absolute questionnaire as soon as possible.Thank you for your kindly cooperation, time and understanding. Sincerely, Ms. Angel Joy S. Mandigal APPENDIX B Survey Questionnaire Name (optional)________________Age__________ Gender ____Male ____FemaleProfession_______________ Direction Kindly put a check mark (? ) in each statement that reflects if you are SA- Strongly AgreeAD- Agree/DisagreeSD- Strongly Disagree A- Agree D- Disagree SA A AD D SD 1.I am aware of green marketing practice. 2. I choose/ purchase products that are eco-friendly. 3. My friends, the media and the marketers influenced me of consuming green products. 4. I buy or consumed green products or services because of the env ironment issues. 5.Everytime I purchase products or services, I always consider its benefit to environment. 6. I believe that green products or services have a high quality. 7. Even though I consumed green products or services in market, it still meets my expectations and satisfactions as consumer on product. 8.I am still will ing to buy green products or services contempt of its higher or expensive price. 9. I believe that purchasing green products or services is a right thing to do. 10. Everytime I purchased green products or services I feel that I contribute to the environmental protection and sustainable development. 11.I prefer buying or consuming eco-friendly products or services than non-green. 12. I am willing to recommend to the people around me the practice of purchasing green products or services. 13. I believe that business functions should adapt the concept of green marketing. 14. Consumers should practice the green consuming of products or services. 15. I do believe that green marketing really affects my purchasing decision on consuming products or services. 16. Green practice or consuming eco-friendly products or services of consumers are the best way to prevent environmental issue problem concerned. 17.Gover nment should lead promoting the usage and producing of eco-friendly products or services among consumers and business functions. Sustainable Development Customer Brand Loyalty Satisfaction Reduce risk of exposure of environment Improved Product Quality ? uw? iiIKLTUj? oaOA? A? A? A? A? A? kXH9hahuCJOJQJaJhKhu5? CJOJQJaJ$hRwihCCJOJQJaJmHsH$hRwihnxiCJOJQJaJmHsH$hRwihRwiCJOJQJaJmHsH$hRwihu-CJOJQJaJmHsHhRwihnxiCJOJQJaJSocial Responsibility Improved Raw Material Usage
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Chemistry Study Guide Acids and Alkalis
Interactive Science 2B Chapter Summary Chapter 10 ComMon Acids and Alkalis 10. 1 Acids and Alkalis 1. Acids taste sour. Many fruits contain acids. 2. The triple mineral acids generally found in the laboratory are hydrochloric acid, secic acid and nitric acid. 3. Alkalis taste bitter and feel soapy or slippery. 4. The common alkalis found in the laboratory are sodium hydroxide settlement, potassium hydroxide solution, calcium hydroxide solution and ammonia solution. 0. 2 Acid-Alkali Indicators 1. An acid-alkali indicator shows antithetical colours in acids and alkalis. It can be used to test acids and alkalis. 2. Natural indicators can be do from some deeply coloured plants. 3. Acids turn secular litmus paper red whereas alkalis turn red litmus paper blue. Distilled water does not change the colour of litmus paper. It is a neutral substance. 4. The pH value shows the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a substance. 5. The pH value of a substance can be measured by using world wide indicator, pH paper or a pH meter. 6.Low pH values compressed high acidity (or low alkalinity). 7. High pH values mean high alkalinity (or low acidity). 8. Substances with pH values 7 acidic pH values = 7 neutral pH values 7 basic. 10. 3 Acids and corroding 1. Dilute acids fight with some metals and produce hydrogen. 2. Test for hydrogen rig a burning splint near the mouth of a test piping containing the gas. If the gas is hydrogen, it burns with a pop sound. 3. The rate of reaction of some metals with dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute randomnessic acid maznesium zinc iron copper (no reaction) . Carbonates react with acids and give carbon dioxide. 5. Marble and limestone mainly contain calcium carbonate. They are used as building materials and they can be corroded by acids. 10. 4 Safety Related to the Use of Acids and Alkalis 1. Strong acids / alkalis are corrosive. Weak acids / alkalis are generally less corrosive. 2. Dilute acids / alkalis contain a low percentage of acids / alkalis. operose acids / alkalis contain a high percentage of acids / alkalis. 3. Concentrated strong acids and alkalis are highly corrosive. 4. Safety measure in handling strong acids and alkalis Reason (a) follow the hazard warning label corrosive on the surfaceTo warn users about the corrosive property of the chemicals. of the container. (b) Wear safety spectacles. To preserve the acids and alkalis from getting into the eyes. (c) Put on protective gloves. To prevent our skin from contact with the acids or alkalis. (d) Wear laboratory coat. To prevent damage of clothing and body. (e) Work in a roll of tobacco cupboard. To prevent vapours of the acids or alkalis from irritating our eyes and respiratory system. 5. To dilute a concentrated acid or alkali, always add it slowly to a large amount of water with stirring. Never pour water into a concentrated acid or alkali. 6. The first step in treating acid or alkali spillage on our body is to wash with plenty of water. 10. 5 Acid Rain 1. Clean or normal rain has a pH value of 5. 6. 2. Acid rain has a pH value lower than 5. 6. 3.Practice testanswer keyAcid rain is mainly caused by the acidic pollutant gases sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. 4. The main sources of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air are motor vehicles, power stations and factories. 5. Acid rain may ? corrode structures made of metals, marble and limestone, ? kill fish and plants in lakes and rivers, and ? slow down plant growth and even kill plants. 6. The government, industries and citizens should work together to reduce the release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which cause acid rain. 10. 6 Neutralisation 1. An alkali and an acid can neutralise each other. . Neutralisation occurs when an alkali is mixed with an acid until the resulting solution becomes neutral (pH = 7). 3. When an acid is neutralised with an alkali, a salt and water are formed. The word equation for neutralisation is Alkali + Acid (Sa lt + Water 4. Antacids are exhausted alkalis used to neutralise excess acid in the stomach. 5. Weak acids, such as ethanoic acid in vinegar, can be used to neutralise the alkaline stings of wasps. 6. Weak alkalis, such as baking soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate), can be used to neutralise the acidic stings or bites of bees, ants and mosquitoes. . Weak alkalis, such as assuage lime (calcium hydroxide) and powdered limestone, can be added to acidic soil to raise the pH for plant growth. 8. Acids in industrial wastes can be neutralised by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide, while alkalis can be neutralised by adding acids such as sulphuric acid. 10. 7 Daily Uses of Acids and Alkalis 1. Acids and alkalis can be used in cleaners to remove stains and grease. 2. Acids such as ethanoic acid can be used to preserve food. 3. Acids can be used to prevent the browning of fruits. pic pic
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Case study Bharti & Walmart Essay
EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe case study is conducted to analyze the sustain readiness of the union peril of Wal-Mart and Bharti in hack of the fact that the two companies have split apart in late 2013. Therefore, the paper will be conducted by using the information given in the case material and course materials, with extra information related to statistics and government policies before the split up of the union jeopardy. Through the SWOT abridgment and pros & cons analysis of the adjunction venture, it is crystallized that the joint venture was facing obstacles coming from intrinsic factors such as the challenge to maintain pocket-size cost drawing cardship and the powerfulness to adapt local commercialize for Wal-Mart and adscititious factors such as government policy, consumer behavior and poor foundation. The challenges Wal-Mart was facing couldnt all be bringd with the partnership. For instance, the commercialise share and boilersuit profitability were low collectible t o the unsolved problems with Wal-Marts strategical orientation and the localization to the market, leaving uncertainty to the joint venture. Hence, among three alternatives of 1) pitch strategic Orientation and re-positioning 2) Improve collective image and social responsibility and 3) Call off joint venture, its recommended for Wal-Mart and Bharti to maintain their partnership but to re-position the joint venture and localize themselves to the market. The recommendation would be further explained in the last section of this paper.PROBLEM STATEMENTGiven the circumstance, the joint venture was facing challenges on the sustainability for incompatible reasons. Wal-Mart has planned ambitiously for the joint venture, however it failed to achieve the goals of opening sufficient amount of stores in order to gain the market share and pull out best the margins due to the competence or willingness in localization, the government policies etc. Measures are needed for the two entities t o take inorder to achieve profit offshoot whether to change the positioning/strategic orientation, ameliorate the corporate image to achieve long condition benefits or even to call off the joint venture since its no longer mandate for Wal-Mart to access the market through a partnership.ANALYSISIn order to tackle the most fundamental issues in Wal-Mart business journey in India, Id like to first conduct a SWOT analysis of Wal-Marts retail business in India as following. Strength1. Scale of operations. Wal-Mart is the bouffantst retailer in the world that no other retailer can match. Due to such large scale of operations, the corporate could exercise strong bargaining power on suppliers to reduce the prices. 2. Competence in information systems. The success of Wal-Mart in 21st century is largely due to its competence in information systems and supply chain oversight. However Wal-Marts advantage in supply chain management was shattered when it entered India. 3. Varity of products. Wal-Mart could ply wider roll up of products than local competitors. It has in like manner been proven that Indian consumer would embrace affordable products with an upper standard of quality. 4. Low-cost leadership strategy. This strategy has helped Wal-Mart to become the low cost leader in the retail market.Weakness1. Inexperience in localization. Even though Wal-Mart was expanding its global appearance, it lacked experience in adapting its products and services to the specific demand of local market due to the house servant strategy. 2. Different shopping mentality. The Indian consumer mentality of save and buy was totally different from the Americans and Indian businesses were focusing much on B2B model, therefore the success of Wal-Marts B2C model was questionable. 3. Dependency of logistic system. Wal-Mart and its low cost leadership strategy are largely depended on an trenchant and efficient warehouse system which was not in full developed in India. 4. Lack of skilled employees. Wal-Mart would have to face the issues with unskilled employees while doing business in India and would potentially increase the training cost of employees.Opportunities1. Emerging retail market. Indian retail market grew by 5% in 2006, opening huge opportunities for Wal-Marts revenue growth, and the market was opened to Wal-Mart through joint venture. There was also existed an emerging demand of organized retailer. 2. Rising bridal of foreign products. The increasing acceptance of high quality and low price foreign products opened the opportunities for Wal-Mart as well. In addition, the consumer disposable income and purchasing power was increasing.Threats1. Increasing resistance from local communities and retailers. Wal-Mart had a negative impact on local retailers therefore it go about considerably the political pressures from local communities due to the protection of local retailers. On the other hand, Wal-Mart faced the direct challenges from organized local retai lers such as Pantaloon, RPG group etc. 2. Challenges from other MNCs. Other transnational corporations, such as Spencers retail were also threatening Wal-Marts business in India. Given that some traditional advantages such as the efficient warehouse system were weakened in India, Wal-Marts domination in India would be shaken. Wal-Marts Challenges in IndiaThe opening of an emerging market with a rapidly growing middle class should create a promising hereafter for Wal-Mart. However along with the opportunity are also challenges. After analyzing the SWOT of Wal-Mart, its very clear that Wal-Mart was facing challenge from extrinsic environment and intrinsic core competitiveness. Traditionally, foreign investors fail mainly because of the incompetence of maintaining their core competitiveness. But in India, Wal-Mart might be facing more of the foreign environment challenges. To begin with, retail industry was unitary of the few sectors where FDI was not allowed due to the protection o f small and medium sized local retailers before 2012, forcing multinational corporations to seek a joint venture with a local partner rather than wholly-owned model as in other countries. Local communities worried that Wal-Mart would pass off small retailers and intermediates who played important roles in supporting local economy. In addition, Wal-Mart couldnt cover the job loss since the main strategy of the company was inexpensive leadership which suggested that Wal-Mart would hire just-enough employees to maintain its operations and would cut themiddle-man in the process of procurement in its supply chain. The Indian government requires foreign retailer to radical 30 per cent of its goods from small supplier with objectives to discourage imports by foreign retailers from their few large dedicated suppliers and to weaken Wal-Marts bargaining power and make economic growth becomes sustainable1. Moreover, with an aggregate score of 2.5, India ranks 64th in market openness and is largely due to the fast real import growth, according to International bedroom of Commerce (2013). India has its weakest score in trade policy (2.0) which is also the second to last score among G20 nations (see table1). From a cultural aspect, the Indian consumers have a different mentality of save and buy thus traditionally Indian businesses were focusing more on B2B model. Dealing with foreign authorities requires finesse and charm, and given that lobbying was prohibit in India, Wal-Mart might not be able to influence the government policies in an official way and Wal-Mart should avoid seeking inappropriate channel to fade the local authority such as bride. As for intrinsic competitiveness, Wal-Mart was facing problem with losing its traditional advantages. To begin with, the national differences would continually question Wal-Marts ability to adapt itself to the market since Wal-Mart had less experience in foreign market. Given that the road infrastructure and the modern suppl y chain system were not fully developed in India (see table 2), Wal-Mart would face the inefficient transportation in its supply chain. In addition, Wal-Mart would need to associate with local partners in order to solve the warehouse shortage and poor infrastructure. As a result of the lack of skilled labor, labor productivity in Indian retail market should be lower and Wal-Mart would have to increase its spending on employees training and therefore it would be challenging for Wal-Mart to maintain its advantages in low-cost leadership in India. Finally, Wal-Mart stores were competing with secure local general merchandise and food merchants, potentially leading to unprofitable for the company.Joint venture with BhartiGiven the circumstances, its logically for Wal-Mart and Bharti to form a joint venture. In the rapidly growing organized retail market in India, Wal-Mart and Bharti were able to leverage the needs and assets of each others (see table 3). For Bharti, one advantage of thi s joint venture isthat since the management of Wal-Mart promised to lead the liberation of retail market, it would be beneficial for both two parties and India as well. From the same perspective, Wal-Mart was a especially attractive partner to Bharti for the strength of Wal-Mart in information technology and supply chain management association that could turn around the infrastructure, supply-chain and IT through a strategic alliance (Bose, 2012). As for Wal-Mart, through the 50/50 venture for backend supply chain management and wholesale cash-and-carry operations, (Bose , 2012) Wal-Mart was able to utilize Bhartis domestic facilities as a jump board to the emerging market and it was able to bypass some restrictions that were harmful to its business. With Bhartis deep knowledge of Indias strong-growing market and its prior foreign experience of cooperate with other foreign firms (Bose, 2012), Wal-Mart would have a smooth start in the early stages of the joint venture (Luo, 1998). By increasing its purchase from local suppliers and associating with prestige local firm, Wal-Mart could also possibly change confirmingly the consumer perception on itself. However, there were also galore(postnominal) disadvantages brought by the joint venture. First, it took time and efforts for both parties to form the joint venture, meaning Wal-Mart might take longer time to expand compared with using wholly-own model. In this joint venture, Wal-Mart and Bharti would deliver a mixture of brand image which might confuse the consumers, and the local partner might take advantage from this mixed message and knowledge transfer as mentioned before. As a result, this joint venture had the possibility of creating a new competitor for Wal-Mart. As mentioned before, one of the biggest problems Wal-Mart had was from the government regulation which all of the two parties could lobby the government. In addition, the financial situation of Bharti Enterprises was not a positive factor in th eir joint venture, for its debt was at a high train and affected negatively the cash flows of the joint venture. Both companies had complementary strengths they were able to utilize to expand in India in a long term. By supplement each others expertise, both entities were able to use and build upon best practices that had proven successful for both companies in their individual ventures, performing better than either company could do alone in the growing Indian retail market. However, since many disadvantages remained for Wal-Mart and Bharti and the fact that they havent acquired the expected market share, the future of this jointventure was in vague. Hence, the two companies should focus on the sustainability of the joint venture. In this regard, both two parties should take measures to reassure the sustainability of their joint venture and improve its performance accordingly. According to Dr. M.N.H. Mazumder, there are three traits that MNC should consider when selecting local p artner, strategic traits, organizational traits and financial traits. Therefore, the sustainability of the joint venture would also be pendant on the fits of these traits. For instance, in terms of strategic fits, by establishing a mutually satisfied, efficient, and productive trustful partnership with Bharti, Wal-Mart would be very likely to maintain a common goal so that the joint venture could avoid the risk of being sabotaged by the dysfunctional conflicts between the two partners. In the following section, well be discussing the details of alternatives that could help in the sustainability.ALTERNATIVESAlternative 1- Change the strategic orientation and re-positioning In 2007, Wal-Mart announced with ambitious that partner with Bharti, it planned to open hundreds of stores, it has quietly shelved its elaboration plans after complex market conditions. In 2012, Wal-Mart opened just five wholesale stores in India last year while it planned to open 22 stores. In addition, while Bha rti wished to open more small traditional stores or cash and carry business due to the fragmented market and consumer behavior, Wal-Mart was pushing its large retail stores which usually take 24 months to open. Therefore, since Wal-Mart struggled to gain market share, it should be carefully examine its expansion plan and consider Bhartis perception on the market. Alternative 2- Improve corporate image and social responsibility As stated, Wal-Mart was facing obstacles brought by its corporate image and it has been criticized for eliminating local business and leading to high unemployment. By operating a public relation campaign and fulfilling its social responsibility in education, agriculture (assisting local farms) etc, Wal-Mart should be able to change the class perception of foreign investors and establish a good foundation for less challenges from the local society. However, this alternative wouldnt enable Wal-Mart and the joint venture to expand its market share in a short te rm. Therefore itll require both two parties to have coherence on campaign cost and long term revenue.Alternative 3- Call off joint ventureBharti Enterprise has been struggling under a debt of USD 12 billion of its mobile business. Bhartis liquidity would presently affect the joint ventures ability to pay off short term financial obligations. Also considering that Wal-Mart is allowed to the 100% ownership in a retail company in India, itd also be an alternative for two parties to split and do business alone. Its possible that Wal-Mart will nod off its market share in a very short future due to the losses of information and suppliers in this split up.RECOMMENDATIONSIts recommended to maintain the joint venture, but changes are needed in the strategic orientation and the positioning. For the joint venture and mostly for Wal-Mart, building convenient stores and therefore establishing a larger comportment in the Indian market are crucial to the sustainability and profitability. In ord er to solve extrinsic problems such as the consumer behavior of purchasing on a daily basis rather than buy a weekly portion, its more flexible for Wal-Mart if it could have smaller stores covering more locations and it would be positive to consumer loyalty with larger presence in different regions, though thorough research on the target consumer markets would be needed in order to offer Indian consumers the type of products they desire at the appropriate quantity and location. In addition, opening smaller stores would require two parties to work collectively and more profitably on their supply chain management due to the complexity brought by more stores.REFERENCESEdwards, Ron Adlina Ahmand and Simon Moss (2002) Subsidiary Autonomy The Case of ICC (2014) Open Markets Index 2013 (05.03.2014) URL Klaus Schwab, World scotch gathering (2013) The Global Competitiveness Report 20122013 Indranil Bose (2013) Wal-Mart and Bharti Transforming retail in India Yadong Luo (1998) Joint Venture Success in China How Should We Select a Good render?APPENDIXTable 1 Scores on the Open Markets Index 2013G20 RankCountryOverall OMI 2013 RankAggregate ScoreTrade bleaknessTrade PolicyFDI opennessTrade Enabling Infrastructure18thIndia64th2. ICC 2013Table 2 Ranking of India in infrastructureIndiaQuality of overall infrastructure86thQuality of roads85thQuality of railroad infrastructure24thQuality of port infrastructure82thQuality of air transport infrastructure67rdAvailable airline seat kilometers12thQuality of electricity supply112thMobile telephone subscriptions113thFixed telephone lines117thSource World Economic Forum 2013Table 3 Needs and capabilities of both parties before and after their joint venture Before joint ventureNeedsCapabilitiesWal-Mart1. Entry to the Indian Retail Market2. Governmental lobbying Skills3. Knowledge of local market1. Largest retailer in the world with low cost leadership and a focus of Always low price 2. Known for its information m anagement and supply chain management.Bharti1. Need retailing experience2. Need information technology and supply chain management skills 1. Known for its brand and execution capabilities2. Known for its experience in collaboration with foreign companies 3. Strong Consumer Marketing and distribution capabilities due to other business 4. Bhartis Agriculture programs with local farmers
Monday, May 20, 2019
Connecting New Urbanism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay
Before the set up of the analytical model, it is a must to analyze the correlativity amongst the sustainable phylogeny, upstart urbanism, garden chief city score and pertly townsfolksfolkshipship construct. So the survey sewer be more specific and meaty. First it wrangle ab knocked out(p) the connexion between untested-fangled urbanism and sustain force. Second, it discuss the about the connexion between the sustainable instruction and garden metropolis construct.For the pastime accord, the survey methodological analysis which includes the analytical model, informations aggregation methods and the justification for the indexs and choice of instance survey pass on be delivered as below. Besides, for easiness of illustration, a flow chart of the survey attack is shown in Figure 1.Connection between new urbanism & A sustainabilityThis is a demand to place the relationship between the new urbanism and sustainability by analy gibber how to social, economic and environ mental sustainability laughingstock be achieved through the rules of new urbanism. It target be a strong mention in measuring the sustainability of naked Town evolvement in Hong Kong.Social sustainabilitySocial sustainability can see as the four elements. in that respect be social inclusion, societal equality, societal coherence and societal stableness.Different bring down usage would be brought different lodging mix in a company. It would convey people from different background and it t deathing litigate societal inclusion. Besides societal inclusion can set up harmony cultivation in a community.The low-income category can bask a comparable life environment as the rich people do. Besides the bing broad scope of lodging fibres can convey occupation chances it should tackle hapless can acquire a occupation from it. All in tout ensemble, Social equality should be achieved by guaranting an equal distribution of benefit and resources.Social coherence is the engagement of citizens in societal life. By the creative activity of walkers friendly environment and unfastened infinite can add up topographic taper for societal assemblage and promote interaction. Besides historical and cultural heritage should be redeeming(prenominal) preserved. As a consequence a sense of belonging would be established.Social stableness is critical to put out a harmoniousness environment to occupants. Urban safety is a must in advancing societal stableness. Safety can construe as low offense rate and unemployment rate.Economic sustainabilityEconomic sustainability can be achieved by striking a balance between the production and the pulmonary tuberculosis of a community. In early(a) words, to release a ego contained community to accomplish the economic sustainability.For the production, the lodging mix inside the town go away convey different type of occupation chances, such as retails, commercial and industrial. So that the different type of people can happen a suit ed occupation inside the town in revisal to hike the concern. Besides from the berth of views of occupants, it can decidedly salvage transit disbursal and the commutation discerp.For the ingestion, most(prenominal) likely, as the new town have a distance to the metropolis nub. It should supply shopping installations for the occupants. It increases the ingestion and boosts the economic system of the new town.Government besides plays a dominant and of import function when sing the sustainability of a new town. For illustration, plan a threshold population to back up the economic feasibleness of the commonplace theodolite system. Besides authorities should supply different supports to hike the concern environment and chances.Environmental sustainabilityEnvironmental sustainability could be achieved by environmental protection, resources preservation. A good planned new town can to the full part and efficaciously utilize the land and can forestall urban conurbation and protect en vironmentally undefendable country. For illustration, by supplying sufficient green belt can supply more unfastened infinites for amateurish land usage.On the another(prenominal) manus, it can besides advance resources conversation. High denseness development is the lineament of new town development. High denseness of development favours the public transportation system. By the debut of environmentally friendly conveyance can decidedly diminish and command nervous strain pollution. Besides a good planned public conveyance system can promote occupants to cut down the usage of snobby auto, consequence in conserving resources cut down dodos fuel ingestion.Furthermore, with a different types of land us within new town, people can run into their demands within new town. They did non necessitate to go to the metropolis shopping centre. It is light the commutation clip. Besides, it encourages cycling and manner of walking within the town, so that it can accomplish the environment al sustainability.Connection between sustainable Development & A Garden City ConceptAs said, fundamentally, sustainable development means to run into the demands of nowadays without consisting the ability of the hereafters coevalss to run into their ain demands and accomplish the balance in the environment, economic system and society. On the other manus, garden metropolis is the beginning of new town construct its aims argon self-contained and balanced development. With the aims of garden metropolis construct, it should concern with the three countries. In this chapter, it leave province out the connexion between the sustainable development and garden metropolis construct.Social AspectFor societal sustainability, it chiefly deals with the issues of societal life and sufficient community installations to keep a self-contained community.For community installations, as discuss, garden metropolis construct concern about the sufficiency of community installations, infirmaries, consta bulary station and fire moves, to keep to self-contained community. On the other manus, sufficient community installations can heighten the societal sustainability of new town.The end of garden metropolis is to develop a balanced town in the facet of economic, societal and environment. The proviso of green belt as an b install is utile in supplying a high criterion life environment. Furthermore, the original end of new town is to supply a self-contained community and balanced development. So that occupants can bask high(prenominal) populating standard. On the other manus, sustainable development negotiations about the quality of life which the construct is similar to new town construct and garden metropolis construct.Economic AspectHarmonizing to Garden City Concept, it proposes production and ingestion should be in the said(prenominal) topographic point. Besides, by be aftering different types of land usage within the town, for illustration, commercial land usage it can supply different employment chances to local occupants. It can heighten the economic sustainability and carry through the end of self-containment.Harmonizing to the theory-based account of Garden City, it kick the bucketly shows the form, sequence and location of different land utilizations. Community installations are located at the chiseled town centre. It can move as a focal point of the community and it can heighten a strong sense of belonging.Besides, harmonizing to the garden metropolis construct, it stated the abut of supreme population. Therefore, this can hold better resources allotment..Environment AspectFor garden metropolis construct, it concerned the life environment to the countrified countries. For the new town in Hong Kong, there are many environment steps to command the air pollution, noise pollution and H2O pollution and supply a better life environment.For the sustainable development, all the environment protections should be done in order to supply a pleasant envi ronment for our following coevals.For the garden metropolis construct, the border of the town is surrounded by a green belt. For the new town, economic system of green belt and natural environment are besides the major issue, there are mass of green belt and besides organize an border for some of the new towns. It can supply a pleasant and harmony environment.For the garden metropolis construct, it is suggested that the town should be linked with the railroad web. Besides passage and bike way are well-planned to associate up within the town. For the new town, it besides suggests that the usage of rail-based development, environmental-friendly conveyance for illustration, bikes, so that it can cut down the usage of energy ingestion, heighten the environmental sustainability.DecisionThe outgrowth of garden metropolis construct, new urbanism and sustainable development are indispensable to supply better life environment. later the survey of these constructs, the analytical model ca n be set to measure the sustainability of new town development in Hong Kong.Analytic modelGiven the significance of new town constructs and popularity of new town, in the first portion of the survey, literature reexamination about sustainability, new town construct and the Principles of New Urbanism will be by and large reviewed.In the 2nd portion of the survey, new town development in Hong Kong will be illustrated under the same model used in the old portion. For put to deathing a utile judge, a full and clear statement of standards is a must. In order to explicate a typical set of rating standards for new town public presentation in Hong Kong, the pertinence of the rating standards will be based on the Principles of New Urbanism, Hong Kong Planning Standards & A Guidelines, and the SUSDEV 21 Indexs. By utilizing the three different criterions, the more accurate and convert rating can be found. In regard of each identified standard, appropriate measuring yardsticks will besides be determined for bespeaking new town public presentation.In the 3rd portion of the survey, the public presentation of the selected instance, Tai Po, will be evaluated. Tai Po New Town will be analyzed in two degrees. They are the major degree and the micro degree. The rating consequences will embody the extent of new towns in accomplishing the aims. Last, recommendation will be given to acquire better be aftering to NDAs.STUDY GOALLiterature ReviewPrimary DataSecondary DatasInterviewHKPSGThe Principles of New UrbanismSustainability Indexs( SUSDEV 21 )New Town Planning start from 1970s valuation OF CASE STUDY-TAI PO NEW TOWNMarco LevelFORMULATE A stiff OF EVALUATION CRITERIASustainabilityNew Town ConceptNew UrbanismRECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONData CollectionSurvey little LevelChart 4.1 Flow Chart of Study ApproachEvaluation Criteria and Evaluation IndexsBy and large, the aim of this survey is to reexamine the sustainability of new town development in Tai. Po. After the literatur e critical review on the old new town plan in Hong Kong, I do believe physical planning is the most fundamental portion and give birth to the development of new town. So to transport out a utile research, it is meaningful to transport out a survey chiefly concentrate on the planning issues.In order to transport out meaningful survey, foremost, it is a must to place all the cardinal issues. Second, from the cardinal issues, it should be able to abstract some indexs from the cardinal issues. Third, the standards should be all-embracing, utile and have supportive grounds to usher the direct linkage between the indexs and standards.After the literature reappraisal, I would wish to utilize the measurement hypothetic account that set up by Kan ( 2008 ) as a base. The ground that I choose her theoretical account is that her theoretical account is base on the rules of new urbanism. In her theoretical account, she summarizes all the cardinal points from each degree and identifies all th e cardinal issues and put indexs to value it. This is rather similar to my preliminary planning, as I would wish to analyze the sustainability in the position of physical planning.Furthermore, in order to transport out a more comprehensive survey, base on Kan s theoretical account, Hong Kong Planning Standards & A Guidelines ( HKPSG ) , 2030 Evaluation Criteria, SUSDEV 21 Indicators will function as a mention and criterion to modify some indexs and standards.MARCO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIAEnvironmental QualityAir befoulmentThe sum of pollutant should run into the criterion from Environment Protection Department ( EPD )Environmental Friendly Transport MeasuresNumber of Stations ProvidedAt least one station should be provided for each major vicinity in every new town to let 10-minutes walking tripResident s Satisfaction Towards Fares of Public TransitThe higher the occupants satisfaction towards the menus of public theodolite, the most sustainable it i sTime Required to Travel to City CentreThe shorter the clip required to go to the metropolis Centre, the more sustainable it isHigh Density DevelopmentDomestic Plot RatioA maximal domestic secret plan ratio of 5 should be applied for any new town development in Hong KongResidents Satisfaction Towards Built Form and Quality of the EnvironmentThe higher satisfaction towards create signifier and quality of the environment, the more sustainable it isPreservation of Green BeltAreas that Zoned Under Green Belt Around 25 % to 40 % of the land within a New Town should be zoned for environmental preservation that take to accomplish environmental sustainabilityProvision of Open SpaceAreas that Zoned Under Open Space Around 10 % to 15 % of the land within a new town should be zoned for recreational and leisure chase that needs to accomplish environmental and societal sustainabilityWell Defined Town Centre and EdgePresence of Town CentreA town Centre that can run into occupants day-to-day necessities demands should be providedPresence of EdgeManmade barriers and natural barriers should be provided to make a well defined borderTable 4.1 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Marco LevelMICRO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIAWalkable and Cyclable EnvironmentUser Friendly Cycling Paths and Bicycle Parking AreasThe higher the use of bike waies and bike parking countries per hebdomad, the more sustainable it isConnectivity Between Residential Estates and Neighbourhood CentrePresence of uninterrupted prosaic pavements and prosaic crossingsPresence of Bridgess and metrosBalanced cockle Of HousingRatio of Population and Housing MixA 5050 split between private and public lodging should be adopted to develop a sustainable new townSufficiency of Various Types of Open SpaceTypes and Areas of Open Spaces ProvidedGreen unfastened infinite within residential estates should be providedMix of Activities and ServicesTypes of Activities and Service s OfferedSocial, educational, retail, medical, cultural and transit activities should be provided within the vicinityResidents Satisfaction Towards Mix of Activities ProvidedThe higher the occupants satisfaction degree towards the mix of activities the vicinity, the more sustainable it isCompact NeighbourhoodWalk-to Time and Distance to Transit Stations and Major Shopping CentresWalking clip should be within 10 proceedingss to let easy walkingWalking distance should be within 1000m to let easy walkingTable 4.2 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Micro LevelMICRO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIADistinctive Design of Public BuildingsDesign of Public Buildings in Tai Po New TownCreation of landmarkPreservation of diachronic HeritageBeing of Preserved Historical Building and LandscapeTo look at the ranked historic edifices and the declared memorials in Tai Po New townTable 4.3 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Micro LevelJus tifications of Selected New TownRecent old ages, there are several paperss or theses related to the rating of first and 3rd coevals of new town. They are normally making the comparing between the first coevals and the 3rd coevals of new town. In no uncertainty, this is good to hold such theses with the end of doing betterment planning in the hereafter.On the other manus, the clip spread between first and 2nd coevals is comparatively short comparison with others, so it finds that the 2nd coevals of new towns is ever being ignored. There is a deficiency of comprehensive theses to mensurate or reexamine the 2nd coevals of new towns.In order to acquire an overall reappraisal of different coevals of new towns, so that it can complement with other bing rating of new town development between the first and the 3rd coevals. Therefore, it is a must to hold a deep rating of the 2nd coevals of new town.Tai Po is the 2nd coevals of new town. Tai PO New Town, covers a development country of about 2898 hectares for current population of 292 600, is the biggest have table along the 2nd coevals of new town ( Civil Engineering and Development Department, 2009 ) . With such sort of graduated table of development, it is utile to carry on an rating in it.Data CollectionData aggregation can be change integrity into two parts. They are the primary informations and secondary informations.Primary DataSite VisitsSite Visits will be conducted in Tai Po New Town to roll up the primary informations. Besides photos will be taken for a clearer account.SurveiesSurveies will be conducted to obtain occupant s sentiment about the sustainability of their living topographic point. Surveies were carried out on 15th-17th February 2010 from 12p.m to 6p.m. the entire sample size is 100 occupants which live in Fu Ming Sun. A questionnaire has been set for this specific breeding activity ( See Appendix ) .InterviewSupplying an alternate beginning to carry on the qualitative information, a societal w orker who works in Tai Po Community Center will be interviewed.Secondary DatasDesktop ResearchTo typeset the range of survey, the desktop researches chiefly come from the books, diaries from library.To explicate the rating standards and rating of the new town, informations from Outline regularize Plans, the authorities planning papers and paper, Census and Statistics.DecisionThe methodological analysis can acquire a comprehensive reappraisal of the selected new town.
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